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A HISTORY OF SURREY The principal plants of the district are : Ranunculus heterophyllus var. triphyllus (Hiern.) Drouetii, Schultz trichophyllus, Chaix Papaver hybridum, L. Fumaria Boraei, Jord. (extinct f) densiflora, DC. Diplotaxis tenuifolia, DC. Sisymbrium Irio, L. (extinct) Lepidium Smithii, Hook. Iberis amara, L. Polygala amara, L. Dianthus Armeria, L. deltoides, L. Silene quinquevulnera, L. noctiflora, L. Trifolium ochroleucum, L. glomeratum, L. Lathyrus hirsutus, L. palustris, L. (extinct) Rosa spinossima, L. sepium, Thuill. Epilobium lanceolatum, Seb. et M. Myriophyllum verticillatum, L. Callitriche obtusangula, Le Gall. Cicuta virosa, L. (extinct) CEnanthe Lachenalii, Gmel. Carduus pycnocephalus, Jacq. Filago spathulata, Presl. Campanula latifolia, L. Gentiana praecox, Raf. Verbascum Lychnitis, L. Euphrasia Kerneri, Wettst. Lathraa squamaria, L. Teucrium Botrys, L. Samolus Valerandi, L. (extinct) Chenopodium ficifolium, L. Atriplex marina, L. (extinct) Rumex palustris, 8m. Allium oleraceum, L. Juncus obtusiflorus, Ehrh. Luzula maxima, DC. Scirpus carinatus, Sm. (extinct) triqueter, L. (extinct) maritimus, L. Calamagrostis lanceolata, Roth, (extinct) 9. MEDWAY This concludes the districts comprised within the Thames drainage system. It is bounded on the north by the chalk ridge, on the south by the county of Sussex, on the east by that of Kent, and on the west by the Upper Mole district. The greater part of its area is occupied by the Wealden formation, the Lower Greensand belt being much restricted, as in the case of the adjacent district. At the extreme south-eastern corner there occurs a small tract of Hastings Sands, on which are found several interesting species. The general botanical features are very similar to those seen in the Upper Mole basin. A pale flowered buttercup (Ranunculus hirsutus), a very scarce plant in Surrey, occurs abun- dantly in several places near Lingfield, and a flax (Linum angustifolium) near the same place. In a swamp to the west of Hedge Pool is one of the few localities for Cnicus Forsteri. The wood forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica), found in many other parts of the county, grows here truly wild and in great profusion. Recorded many years for the county without any specific locality, it was first found about the top of Titsey Hill by Mr. Arthur Bennett. It has since been observed to occur in almost every wood and copse over an area of several square miles, extending from Oxted chalk pit up to and beyond the Kent boundary. Southwards its limit appears to be practically the edge of the Lower Greensand. The daffodil (Narcissus pseudo- narcissus) is exceptionally abundant in the neighbourhood of Hedge Court. The Hastings Sands supplies three species not met with elsewhere in the county. These are a violet (f^iola lactea) found about Copthorne and Hedge Court ; a pondweed (Potamogeton Zizii) abundant in Hedge Pool ; and a sedge (Carex turfasa) which grows in a swamp at the north-west corner of the same piece of water. The principal plants are : Ranunculus hirsutus, Curt. Viola lactea, Smith Hypericum quadrangulum, Fries Rosa obtusifolia, Desv. Callitriche obtusangula, Le Gall. Chrysosplenium alternifolium, L. Cnicus Forsteri, Smith Crepis biennis, L. Wahlenbergia hederacea, Reich. Pyrola minor, L. Myosotis sylvatica, L. Utricularia neglecta, Lehm. Potamogeton Zizii, Roth. Narcissus pseudo-narcissus, L. Luzula maxima, DC. Juncus lamprocarpus x acutiflorus Carex canescens, L. turfosa, Fries strigosa, Huds. Alopecurus fulvus, Smith Festuca ovina, L. var. tenuifolia, Sibth.