Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 5.djvu/316

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lives of the artists.

prevail on the Pope to assemble all concerned in the building of San Pietro, declaring, with false calumnies, that they could show His Holiness how Michelagnolo was spoiling the edifice. He had constructed the recess of the King, where the three chapels are that is to say, and had placed three windows in the upper part; but these people, not knowing what he was proposing to do in the vaulting, with their feeble judgment had given the old Cardinal Salviati, and Marcello Cervino, who was afterwards Pope,[1] to understand that San Pietro would be left with insufficient light. All being assembled accordingly, the Pope told Michelagnolo that the deputies declared that part of the church to be unduly deprived of light, when the master replied that he would like to hear those deputies speak. “We are the deputies,” replied Cardinal Marcello; and Michelagnolo rejoined, “Monsignore, in the vaulting above, and which is to be of travertine, there are to go three other windows.”— “You have never told us so,” returned the Cardinal; to which Michelagnolo responded, “I neither am nor will be obliged to tell either your lordship or any other person what I intend or ought to do for this work; your office is to procure money, and to take care that thieves do not get the same; the designs for the building you are to leave to my care.” Then turning to the Pope, he said, “Holy Father, if the labours I endure do not benefit my soul, I am losing my time vainly for this work to which the Pope, who loved him, replied, laying his hands on the shoulders of the master, “You will be a gainer both for your soul and in the body; do not doubt it.”

Having rid himself of those who desired to unseat Michelagnolo, the love of the Pope for that master increased daily, and he commanded that Vasari, as well as himself, should repair to the Vigna Julia, on the very day following that of the assembly above described. Here the Pontiff had much conversation with them, discussing all the admirable improvements since effected there, nor did he meditate or decide on any work of design without the opinion and judgment of Michelagnolo. And among other occasions, that artist once going thither, as he frequently did, with Vasari, they found the Pope, with twelve cardinals, by the Fountain of the Aqua Vergine, when His Holiness would

  1. Marcello survived his election to the papal chair a few weeks only.