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bide's remains and the funeral ceremonies are appended copies of a number of documents relative thereto, among which may be noticed a ghastly inventory of the bones and fragments of the liberator's remains disinterred at Padilla.

M. de Pradt, Historia de la Revolution actual de España y sus consecuencias. . . Habana, 1821, p. iii.-xiii. 55, 11. 3. In this treatise on the revolution in Spain, 1820, the author discusses the effect of it on her American colonies, and maintains that it hastened their independence. The constitution formed at Bayonne in 1808, he asserts, converted colonial insubordination into an assumption of equality, and he counsels Spain to recognize the independence of those portions of her American possessions where it is already established, appointing in other cases independent governments under a monarchical system.

Gaz. de Mex., 1816, vii. 7-8, 14-16, 22-24, 595-6, 627-724; 1817-21, viii.-xii. passim; Gac. Imp. Mex., i.-ii. passim; Gac. Gob. Hex., 1823, i. 19-32, 91-122, 135-8, 241-2, ii. 9-18, 221-2; Gac. de Guad., 1821, passim; 1822, 233-44, 205-9, 279-386, 402-12, 434-40; Córtes, Diario, 1812, xii. 357, xv. 45. xvi. 14-15; 1813, xix. 230-1, xxi. 388-9; 1820, i. 8, 60, ii. 227-8, iii. 49, 60-4, iv. 178-9, app. 13-15, v. 106-0, vi. 6, 14-25, vii. 1, 6, 17, ix. 26-7, xi. 2, 23-7; 1321, xii. 2-3, 5, xiii. 7-8, 10, xiv. 9, xvi. 1, 5-29, xvii. 1-25, xviii. 17, xix. 9, xx. 4, 32-45, xxi. 4-13, xxii. 38-9, xxiii. 4-30, ext. i. 1-35, ext. iii. 4-24; ext. v. 2, ext. vi. 34; 1822, i. 8-9, ii. 10-14, 45, iv. 4-15, vi. 7, vii. 17-31, ix. 5-10, 32, x. 6-10, xi. 5-30; ext. 1822-3, i. 1-3, ii. 10, iii. 24-30, iv. 3-8, 23-4, v. 3-4, vi. 1, vii. 2, viii. 1-52; 1823, 296, 317, 323, 343, 373, 385; Córtes, Diario Ofic., iv. 172-3, 217; Córtes, Diario Sen., i. 125; Córtes, Diario, Cód. Pen., 1821, ii. 297; Córtes, Act. Ord., 1813, i. 169, 185-6, 210, 275; 1814, ii. 160; Córtes, Act. Púb., 1820, i.-ii. passim; Cor. Fed. Mex. . Aug. 28-30, 1828; Col. Dec. Sob. Cong. Mex., 1-76, 108-34; Alaman, Hist. Méj., i. 327-8, ii. 73-82, 554, iii. 64-6, 312, iv.-v. passim; Id., Apuntes Biog., 12-27; Id., Disert., ii. 59-60, 93-8; Bustamante, Cuad. Hist., ii. 139-46, 246-8, 412, iii. 127, 195-8, 353-9, 39D-438, iv. 141, 146, 232, 293-7, 458-69, 502-18, 531-41, v. passim, vi. 6-183, vii., MS., 6-133, viii., MS., 136-257; Id., Hist. Iturbide, passim; Id., Mem. Hist. Mex., MS., 13; Id., Notic. Biog., 27-30; Id., Medidas para Pacific., MS., ii. 17-22, 36-9, 78-83; Id., Garza Vind., 1-88; Id., Campaña sin Gloria, 22, 43-4; Id., Campañas de Calleja, 147-51; Id., Gabinete Mex., i. 84-93; Id., Manif. Hist., 1-31; Id., Honor del Gral. Bravo, 1-95; Abbott's Mex., 44-58, 113-15, 246-56, 277; Arroniz, Biog. Mex., 191-211, 275-6, 391-401; Id., Hist, y Crón., 190-4, 210-59; Atleta, 1830, 83-4, 188; Arrangoiz, Mej., i. 234, 331-43, 368-403, ii. 3-17, 28, 55-167, 241-2; Noticioso Gen., 1817-21, passim; Nile's Reg., xii.-xiii. passim, xiv. 132, 308-9, xv. 6, 198, xvi. 127, 157, xviii. 286, xx.-xxi. passim, xxii. 7-9, 22, 65, 102, 162-83, 230, 270-9, 296, 308, 341, 359-60, 388, xxiii.-xxiv. passim, xxv. 213, 409, xxvi. 202, 281, 286, 365, 371, 431, xxvii. 15-16, 137, xxviii. 272, xiv. 266, Iv. 19; Argandar, Elogio Fún.; Andrade, El Capitan Gen.; Armin, Das Heutige Mex., 109-12; Abeja Pobl, 6-92; Abispa de Chiilpancingo, passim; Album Mex., i. 57; Actas del Cong. Const., vols. i.-iii.; Alm. Calend. Man. y Guia, 1821, 47-90, 175-219; 1822, 49-111, 138-241, 342-80; Arizpe, Idea Gen. sobre Cond., 10-20; Am. State Pap., iv. 827-41; N. Am. Review, xiv. 420-46, xix. 159-05, 183, 205-8, xxxi. 116-18, xliii. 229-30, ciii. 10G-7; Argüelles, Los Oficiales; Arrellano, Oration Civ.; Larrainzar, Algunas Ideas, 43-7; Alvarez, Santa Anna hasta 1822, 1-16; Archivo Mex. Col. Ley., ii. 346; Arrillaga, Recop., passim; Annals Cong., 1821-2, 2099-2129; Negrete, Observ. Carta, 8-13, 18-21,30-54; Jenkins' Mex. War, 19-20; Young's Hist, of Mex., 174-219; Tolerancia de Cultos; Todo Tiene Remedio; Tornel, Nac. Méj., 4-30, 80-7; El Tiempo, Oct. 19, 1857; S. Am. and Mex., i. 128-32, 172-93; Am. Confed. and All, 55-9; Beltrami, Mex., i. 240-2, ii. 20-7, 371-88; Barbachano, Mem. Camp., 14-33; Ferrer, Discurso; Gomez Farias, Minist. Respons.; El Farol, passim; Fuego al Parian; Bárcena, Exhortation; Id., Manif.; Unda. Extraord. de Ahora; Ferry, Révol. du Mex., 135-71; Barquera, Directorio Polít., 1-60; Brit. Quart. Review, xxx. 167-83; Conkling's Guide, 320; Chynoweth's