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Vera Cruz, city, founded by Cortés, 1519, i. 136, 154; site, i. 154; ii. 140-1; Velazquez at, 1520, i. 363; slow growth of, ii. 141-2; fortifications of, ii. 383, 759; iii. 81-2, 1923, 202, 214-16, 416-18; v. 441; harbor improved, ii. 535; Jesuits settle in, 1578, ii. 707; unhealthiness of, ii. 759-60; iii. 211-12; declared a city, 1615, iii. 27; destroyed by fire, 1618, iii. 27; epidemic at, 1648, iii. 138; storm, etc., at, 1665, iii. 17980; 1810, iv. 92; military preparations at, 1675, iii. 184-5; pirates sack, 1683, iii. 192-202; 1712, iii. 283-4; map of, iii. 193; annual fair transferred to, 1683, iii. 203; extent of, 1730, iii. 208; growth of, iii. 208-9; social condition of, iii. 209; population, 1777, iii. 209; religious edifices, etc., 1746, iii. 209-10; commerce, iii. 210; vi. 534; consulado established, 1795, iii. 210; frequent fires at, iii. 21 1; city improvements, iii. 211; officials of, 217-18; blockade of, 1799, iii. 497, 502; 1846, v. 301-2; roads to, iii. 635-8; disturbance at, 1808, iv. 47-8; beleaguered by revolutionists, 1812, iv. 404; action of ayuntamiento, 1813, iv. 506-7; 1821, iv. 739-40; constitution of 1812 proclaimed, iv. 698; attack on, 1821, iv. 723-4; capitulation of, 1821, 740; bombardment of, 1823, v. 62; pronunciamiento at, 1832, v. 107; 1838, v. 114; siege of, 1832, v. 110; 1847, v. 441-8; 1860, v. 777-80; French attack on, 1838, v. 197-9; plans of, v. 198, 443; vi. 143; revolt at, 1846, v. 299 Spanish squadron at, 1856, v. 687 the Juarez govt, 1858, v. 736-7 allied occupation of, 1861-2, vi. 29 plenipotentiaries at, 35-7; surrendered by imperialists, 1867, vi. 351-2; railroad, vi. 398-9, 553-6.
Veragua, gold mines of, iii. 555-6.
Veraguas, Duque de, 26th viceroy, 1673, iii. 181.
Verdin, Padre N. S., plot of, at San Bias, 1811, iv. 264.
Verdugo, Archbishop, mention of, iii. 96.
Verdugo, F., reception of Cortés, etc., 1518, i. 65-6; capture of Tlayacapan, i. 596; conspiracy against Cortes, i. 610; alcalde, i. 612; subdues Xalpan, ii. 253; treasurer, 1530, ii. 356.
Verdusco, Gen., district of, iv. 417; operations in Michoacan, 1813, iv. 511-17; quarrels with Rayon, iv. 513-14; capture of, iv. 689.
Vernon, Admiral, on Gulf coast, 1740, iii. 354.
Vetancurt, A. de, works of, i. 697; ii. 785; iii. 507-8, 678.
Veytia, M., works of, vi. 642-3.
Vicario, Gen., victory of, 1863, vi. 107.
Viceroy, office of, establ'd, ii. 375; mode of reception to, ii. 378-9; powers curtailed, 1560, ii. 576-7; iii. 80; functions, etc., of, iii. 465-6, 532-5; ceremonies, iii. 535-7; term, etc., iii. 537-8; names of viceroyalties, iii. 519-20.
Victoria, city, Taylor's occupation of, 1847, v. 412.
Victoria, Gen. G., mention of, iv. 587; operations, 1816, iv. 641-2; hardships, iv. 695; joins Bravo, 1821, iv. 724; joins Santa Anna, 1822, iv. 791; member of executive, 1823, iv. 802; president of executive, v. 15; measures, v. 15; first president, 1824, v. 17; rule, v. 17-45; character, etc., v. 28-9; death, v. 45.
Vidaurre, J. I. E., minister of justice, 1830, v. 95.
Vidaurri, Gen. S., operations, etc., of, 1856, v. 698, 705, 733; defeat at Ahualulco, 1858, v. 747; disaffection of, 1864, vi. 129-31; appearance, etc., of, vi. 276; minister of treasury, 1867, vi. 334; contribution demanded by, vi. 334-5; execution of, 1867, vi. 349.
Viezca, A., cabinet minister, 1829, v. 82.
Villa Rica (see also Vera Cruz), site of, removed, ii. 140-1.
Villaescusa, Col P., operations, etc., of, 1810-11, iv. 238-9.
Villafaña, M. de R. y, gov. of Yucatan, 1652, iii. 160-1.
Villafañe, A. de, conspires against Cortés, i. 609-10; executed, i. 611.
Villagran, Gen. I., 'emperor of Huasteca,' iv. 526; capture, iv. 530; execution, 1813, iv. 530-1.
Villagran. J., insurgent chief, iv. 202, 427, 431.
Villagran, Gen. J. M., mariscal de campo, iv. 427; mutiny of, 1812, iv. 430-1; reconciliation with Rayon, iv. 431-2; defeat at Huichapan, 1813, iv. 527-0; execution, iv. 529.