The Moon Menace
(Continued from page 330)
and smashing of their great engines, that whirled blindly about with no living hand guiding them. Abruptly then, the clamor stilled, and there reigned a deathlike silence.
Manning tore from him the last of his bonds, ran out into the clearing with staggering steps, lifting his hands toward the imperial, brilliant orb above.
The sun! The sun! The blessed old sun! Gilbert's shot had released its light again upon the world, had turned off the machine, the ray, that had blotted all light from earth. The sun! It had shriveled and killed the invading hosts of the moon men in a single moment, had slain them in their countless thousands like flowers cut down by frost.
All over the summit, in the clearing and the surrounding forests, there continued for minutes the same, deathlike silence. Then suddenly every bird was singing. . . .
Night had come again to the summit by the time Manning prepared to leave it. In the intervening hours he had smashed into tiny pieces both the neutralizing machine and the matter-receiver in the laboratory, and had then spent some hours in exhausted sleep. He walked now
(Continued on next page)
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