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The Tempeſt

(Which I diſpers’d) they all have met againe,
And are vpon the Mediterranian Flote
Bound ſadly home for Naples,
Suppoſing that they ſaw the Kings ſhip wrackt,
And his great perſon periſh.

Pro. Ariel, thy charge
Exactly is perform’d; but there's more worke:
What is the time o'th'day?

Ar. Paft the mid ſeaſon.
Pro. At leaſt two Glaſſes: the time 'twixt ſix & now
Muſt by vs both be ſpent moſt preciouſly.

Ar. Is there more toyle? Since yͧ doſt giue me pains,
Let me remember thee what thou haſt promis'd,
Which is not yet perform'd me.

Pro. How now? moodie?
What is't thou canſt demand?

Ar. My Libertie.

Pro. Before the time be out? no more:

Ar. I prethee,
Remember I haue done thee worthy ſeruice,
Told thee no lyes, made thee no miſtakings, ſerv'd
Without or grudge, or grumblings; thou did promiſe
To bate me a full yeere.

Pro. Do'ſt thou forget
From what a torment I did free thee?Ar. No.
Pro. Thou do'ſt: & thinkſt it much to tread ye Ooze
Of the ſalt deepe;
To run vpon the ſharpe winde of the North,
To doe me buſineſſe in the veines o'th' earth
When it is bak'd with froſt.

Ar. I doe not Sir.

Pro. Thou lieſt, malignant Thing: haſt thou forgot
The fowle Witch Sycorax, who with Age and Enuy
Was growne into a hoope? haft thou forgot her?

Ar. No Sir.

Pro. Thou haſt: where was ſhe born? ſpeak: tell me:

Ar. Sir, in Argier.
Pro. Oh, was ſhe ſo: I muſt
Once in a moneth recount what thou haſt bin,
Which thou forgetſt. This damn'd Witch Sycorax
For miſchiefes manifold, and ſorceries terrible
To enter humane hearing,from Argier
Thou know'ſt was baniſh'd: for one thing ſhe did
They wold not take her life: Is not this true?Ar. I, Sir.

Pro. This blew ey'd hag, was hither brought with
And here was left by th’Saylors; thou my ſlaue,(child,
As thou reportſt thy ſelfe, was then her ſeruant,
And for thou waſt a Spirit too delicate
To act her earthy, and abhord commands,
Refuſing her grand heſts, ſhe did confine thee
By helpe of her more potent Miniſters,
And in her moſt vnmittigable rage,
Into a clouen Pyne, within which rift
Impriſon'd, thou didſt painefully remaine
A dozen yeeres: within which ſpace ſhe di'd,
And left thee there: where thou didſt vent thy groanes
As faſt as Mill-wheeles ſtrike: Then was this Iſland
(Saue for the Son, that he did littour heere,
A frekelld whelpe, hag-borne) not honour'd with
A humane ſhape.

Ar. Yes: Caliban her ſonne.

Pro. Dull thing, I ſay ſo: he, that Caliban
Whom now I keepe in ſeruice, thou beſt know'ſt
What torment I did finde thee in; thy grones
Did make wolues howle, and penetrate the breaſts
Of euer-angry Beares; it was a torment
To lay vpon the damn'd, which Sycorax
Could not againe vndoe: it was mine Art,
When I arriu'd, and heard thee, that made gape
The Pyne, and let thee out.

Ar. I thanke thee Maſter.

Pro. If thou more murmur'ſt, I will rend an Oake
And peg-thee in his knotty entrailes, till
Thou haſt howld away twelue winters.

Ar. Pardon, Mafter,
I will be correſpondent to command
And doe my ſpryting, gently.

Pro. Doe ſo: and after two daies
I will diſcharge thee.

Ar. That's my noble Maſter:
What ſhall I doe ? ſay what? what ſhall I doe?

Pro. Goe make thy ſelfe like a Nymph o'th'Sea,
Be ſubiect to no ſight but thine, and mine: inuiſible
To euery eye-ball elſe: goe take this ſhape
And hither come in't: goe: hence
With diligence. Exit.

Pro. Awake, deere hart awake, thou haſt ſlept well,

Mir. The ſtrangenes of your ſtory, put
Heauineſſe in me.

Pro. Shake it off: Come on,
Wee'll viſit Caliban, my ſlaue, who neuer
Yeelds vs kinde anſwere.

Mir. 'Tis a villaine Sir, I doe not love to looke on.

Pro. But as 'tis
We cannot miſſe him: he do's make our fire,
Fetch in our wood, and ſerues in Offices
That profit vs: What hoa: ſlaue: Caliban:
Thou Earth, thou: ſpeake.

Cal. within. There's wood enough within.

Pro. Come forth I ſay, there's other buſines for thee:
Come thou Tortoys, when? Enter Ariel like a water-
Fine appariſion: my queint Ariel, Nymph.
Hearke in thine eare.

Ar. My Lord, it ſhall be done.Exit.

Pro. Thou poyſonous ſlaue, got by ye diuell himſelfe
Vpon thy wicked Dam; come forth. Enter Caliban.

Cal. As wicked dewe, as ere my mother bruſh'd
With Rauens feather from vnwholeſome Fen
Drop on you both: A Southweſt blow on yee,
And bliſter you all ore.

Pro. For this be ſure, to night thou ſhalt haue cramps,
Side-ſtitches, that ſhall pen thy breath vp, Vrchins
Shall for that vaſt of night, that they may worke
All exerciſe on thee: thou ſhalt be pinch'd
As thicke as hony-combe, each pinch more ſtinging
Then Bees that made 'em.

Cal. I muſt eat my dinner:
This Iſland's mine by Sycorax my mother,
Which thou tak'ſt from me: when thou cam'ſt firſt
Thou ſtroakſt me, & made much of me: wouldſt giue me
Water with berries in't: and teach me how
To name the bigger Light, and how the leſſe
That burne by day, and night: and then I lou'd thee
And ſhew'd thee all the qualities o'th'Iſle,
The freſh Springs, Brine-pits; barren place and fertill,
Curs'd be I that did ſo: All the Charmes
Of Sycorax: Toades, Beetles, Batts light on you:
For I am all the Subiects that you haue,
Which firſt was min owne King: and here you ſty-me
In this hard Rocke, whiles you doe keepe from me
The reſt o'th'Iſland.

Pro. Thou