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The Tempeſt

Proſ. Speake not you for him: hee's a Traitor: come,
Ile manacle thy necke and feete together:
Sea water ſhalt thou drinke: thy food ſhall be
The freſh-brooke Muſſels, wither'd roots, and huskes
Wherein the Acorne cradled. Follow.

Fer. No,
I will refiſt ſuch entertainment, till
Mine enemy ha's more pow'r.

He drawes, and is charmed from mouing.

Mira. O deere Father,
Make not too raſh a triall of him, for
Hee's gentle, and not fearfull.

Proſ. What I ſay,
My foote my Tutor? Put thy ſword vp Traitor,
Who mak'ſt a ſhew, but dar'ſt not ſtrike: thy conſcience
Is ſo poſſeſt with guilt: Come, from thy ward,
For I can heere diſarme thee with this ſticke,
And make thy weapon drop.

Mira. Beſeech you Father.

Proſ. Hence: hang not on my garments.

Mira. Sir haue pity,
Ile be his ſurety.

Proſ. Silence: One word more
Shall make me chide thee, if not hate thee: What,
An aduocate for an Impoſtor? Huſh:
Thou think'ſt there is no more ſuch ſhapes as he,
(Hauing ſeene but him and Caliban:) Fooliſh wench,
To th’moſt of men, this is a Caliban,
And they to him are Angels.

Mira. My affections
Are then moſt humble: I haue no ambition
To ſee a goodlier man.

Proſ. Come on, obey:
Thy Nerues are in their infancy againe.
And haue no vigour in them.

Fer. So they are:
My ſpirits, as in a dreame, are all bound vp:
My Fathers loſſe, the weakneſſe which I feele,
The wracke of all my friends, nor this mans threats,
To whom I am ſubdude, are but light to me,
Might I but through my priſon once a day
Behold this Mayd: all corners elſe o’th’Earth
Let liberty make vſe of: ſpace enough
Haue I in ſuch a priſon.

Proſ. It workes: Come on.
Thou haſt done well, fine Ariell: follow me,
Harke what thou elſe ſhalt do mee.

Mira. Be of comfort,
My Fathers of a better nature (Sir)
Then he appeares by ſpeech: this is vnwonted
Which now came from him.

Proſ. Thou ſhalt be as free
As mountaine windes; but then exactly do
All points of my command.

Ariell. To th'ſyllable.

Proſ. Come follow: ſpeake not for him. Exeunt.

Actus Secundus. Scæna Prima.

Enter Alonſo, Sebaſtian, Anthonio, Gonzalo, Adrian,
Franciſco, and others.

Gonz. Beſeech you Sir, be merry; you haue cauſe,
(So haue we all) of ioy; for our eſcape
Is much beyond our loſſe; our hint of woe
Is common, euery day, ſome Saylors wife,
The Maſters of ſome Merchant, and the Merchant
Haue iuſt our Theame of woe: But for the miracle,
(I meane our preſeruation) few in millions
Can ſpeake like vs: then wiſely (good Sir) weigh
Our ſorrow, with our comfort.

Alonſ. Prethee peace.

Seb. He receiues comfort like cold porredge.

Ant. The Viſitor will not giue him ore ſo.

Seb. Looke, hee's winding up the watch of his wit,
By and by it will ſtrike.

Gon. Sir.

Seb. One: Tell.

Gon. When euery greefe is entertaind,
That's offer'd comes to th'entertainer.

Seb. A dollor.

Gon. Dolour comes to him indeed, you haue ſpoken truer
then you purpos'd.

Seb. You haue taken it wiſelier then I meant you

Gon. Therefore my Lord.

Ant. Fie, what a ſpend-thrift is he of his tongue.

Alon. I pre-thee ſpare.

Gon. Well, I haue done: But yet

Seb. He will be talking.

Ant. Which, of he, or Adrian, for a good wager,
Firſt begins to crow?

Seb. The old Cocke.

Ant. The Cockrell.

Seb. Done: The wager?

Ant. A Laughter.

Seb. A match.

Adr. Though this Iſland ſeeme to be deſert.

Seb. Ha, ha, ha.

Ant. So: you’r paid.

Adr. Vninhabitable, and almoſt inacceſſible.

Seb. Yet

Adr. Yet

Ant. He could not miſſe't.

Adr. It muſt needs be of ſubtle, tender, and delicate

Ant. Temperance was a delicate wench.

Seb. I, and a ſubtle, as he moſt learnedly deliver'd.

Adr. The ayre breathes vpon vs here moſt ſweetly.

Seb. As if it had Lungs, and rotten ones.

Ant. Or, as 'twere perfum'd by a Fen.

Gon. Heere is euery thing aduantageous to life.

Ant. True, ſaue meanes to liue.

Seb. Of that there's none, or little.

Gon. How luſh and luſty the graſſe lookes?
How greene?

Ant. The ground indeed is tawny.

Seb. With an eye of greene in't.

Ant. He miſſes not much.

Seb. No: he doth but miſtake the truth totally.

Gon. But the rariety of it is, which is indeed almoſt beyond credit.

Seb. As many voucht rarieties are.

Gon. That our Garments being (as they were) drencht in the Sea, hold notwithſtanding their freſhneſſe and gloſſes, being rather new dy'de then ſtaind with ſalte water.

Ant. If but one of his pockets could ſpeake, would it not ſay he lyes?

Seb. I, or very falſely pocket vp his report.
