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eundem cum effectu; cujus libelli tenor sequitur.—In Dei nomine. Amen. Coram nobis venerabili in Christo patre Richardo, priore, &c., de Novo Loco, &c., commissario, &c.” Part of the College of Magd. dicit. allegat, and in his “scriptis proponit,” &c.

"Imprimis—that said college consists of a president and eighty scholars, besides sixteen choristers, thirteen servientes inibi altissimo famulantibus, et in scientiis plerisque liberalibus, presertim in sacra theologia studentibus, nedum ad ipsorum presidentis et scholarium pro presenti et imposterum, annuente deo, incorporandorum in eodem relevamen; verum etiam ad omnium et singulorum tam scholarium quam religiosorum cujuscunque ordinis undequaque illuc confluere pro salubri doctrina volentium utilitatem multiplicem ad incrementa virtutis fideique catholice stabilimentum. Ita videlicet quod omnes et singuli absque personarum seu nationum delectu illuc accedere volentes, lecturas publicas et doctrinas tam in grammatica in loco ad collegium contiguo, ac philosophiis morali, et natural! quam in sacra theologia in eodem collegio perpetuis temporibus continuandas libere atque gratis audire valeant et possint, ad laudem gloriam et honorem Dei, &c., extitit fundatum et stabilitum.”

For the first item in this process see the beginning of this letter. Then follows item the second—"that the revenues of the college non sufficiunt his diebus.” “Item—that the premises are true, &c., et super eisdem laborarunt, et laborante publica vox et fama. Unde facta fide petit pars eorundem that the priory be annexed to the college: ita quod dicto prioratu vacante liceat iis ex tune to take possession, &c.” This libel, with the express consent of the other proctors, we, the commissary, admitted, and appointed the 6th August for proctor Preston to prove the premisses.

Preston produced witnesses, W. Gyfford, S.T.P., John Nele, A.M., John Chapman, chaplain, and Robert Baron, literatus, who were admitted and sworn, when the court was prorogued to the 6th August; and the witnesses, on the same 5th August, were examined by the commissary, "in capella infra manerium de Essher situata secrete et singillatim.” Then follow the "literæ procuratoriæ:" first that of the college, appointing Preston and Langport their proctors, dated August 3oth, 1484; then that of