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peats the call; then perhaps flying a second time. As soon as the sun rises, and the sportsman is able to take aim, he may cast off his dog, and pursue the object in view.—They are likewise taken with a net, and reared in places appropriated for their reception; but they cannot be tamed like the domestic poultry. Nevertheless, the inhabitants of Scio, an island in the Archipelago, rear large flocks of partridges, by treating them like geese and ducks, that visit the fields during the day, and return home in the evening: when the time of brooding approaches, the partridges abscond, but after hatching their coveys, the whole family returns to the farm-yard. Thus, we believe, this delicate fowl might likewise be propagated in the South of England, where the autumn is generally accompanied with mild weather.

Partridges are highly esteemed at the table, on account of their wholesome and tender flesh, which has an exquisite flavour.

Pasque-Flower. See vol. i. p. 48.

PASSION, a term employed to denote the actual degree of desire, or aversion, prevalent in the human mind, on realizing certain affections.

The passions may be divided into two classes; namely, those which are of an agreeable nature, and such as are calculated to produce a contrary effect. To the former chiefly belong hope, joy, desire, and love; to the latter, sorrow, envy, hatred, fear, terror, anger, &c.: on the nature of which, we occasionally treat in the progress of this work.

The influence of the passions on the human frame, is truly astonishing: sometimes they operate suddenly, at others slowly, and almost imperceptibly; but their effects are equally certain. Thus, sudden joy, and long continued sorrow, may become alike fatal; both terminating in death: the phlegmatic and indolent, however, are less subject to their sway than those who possess great sensibility, with an acute understanding.

All violent passions are of a dangerous tendency, and not unfrequently lay the foundation of incurable disorders. Hence those, who have any regard for their health, cannot exercise too strict dominion over their passions and affections: and, though the particular mode in which they act upon the human constitution, has not hitherto been determined, yet there doubtless subsists an intimate connexion between the mind and the body; for whatever injures the one, disorders the other.

The inquisitive reader, who wishes to derive information on this interesting subject, will peruse Dr. Cogan's truly Philosophical Treatise on the Passions (8vo. pp. 367, 8s. 6d. Cadell and Davies, 1800), in which amusement is blended with instruction.

PASTE, a composition of flour, mixed to a certain consistence with milk, water, or other fluids. It is used to form the crusts of pies, tarts, and similar articles of pastry.—Confectioners also employ it for a preparation of various fruits, that are baked and dried in a peculiar manner, which it would, in this place, be superfluous to detail; such as almond, apple, cherry, and currant pastes; as well as those of pears, lemons, plums, peaches, &c. As we are no advocates for such artificial compounds, we shall briefly observe, that the eating of
