Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/192

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i66] SUM to that of lemons, by a strong de- coftion, and subsequent evapora- tion ; when small white crystals were formed, on exposing it to a cold place. Both the root and ber- ries produce a reddish, and the rind a yellow colour. In Germany, the clustered fruit of the elm-leaved Sumach is suspended in vinegar, to increase its acidity. 2. The Copaliinum, Narrow- leaved, or Beach- Sumach, is a na- tive of North America, where it attains the height of from five to ten feet. The concrete juice of this tree, by incision in the trunk, furnishes the gummy-resinous sub- stance, called Copal. 3. The ft^p/jfnwro, Virginian Su- mach, or Vinegar Plant, has long been cultivated in the northern parts of Germany. The whole of this shrub is advantageously em- ployed in tanning : it may also be used in dyeing black, green, and yellow colours : and, when com- bined with vitriol of iron, it pro- duces a good ivk. The ripe ber- ries, if boiled with alum, afford a deep black dye for hats : the Ame- ricans dry the leaves, and smoVe them as a substitute for tobacco. The yellow-marbled wood is in great request among cabinet-makers. Lastly, bees are uncommonly par- tial to the flowers of the Virgini- an Sumach ; as they afford a larger proportion of honey than those of any other vegetable : hence, the culture of this species may be pro- ductive of great profit to proprie- tors of bee-hives. 4. The Cotinus, or Yellow Su- mach, a native of Asia, and the southern parts of Europe, is also cultivated in Germany. Its leaves and branches are likewise useful in tanning : the wood and bark yield an orange dye; and the latter. SUN -wnln the addition of Brazil--u'ocd, imparts a chesnut-colour. Gul- den stadt remarks, that the leaves of this species are preferably em- ployed by curriers ; as they do not tinge, the skin, excepting with a faint yeUow cast ; so that the Mb- rocco-hather may subsequently be dyed of the most pleasing shades. Pallas informs us, that the dyers of Astrakhan prepare the genuine Turkey-red on cotton, by a decoc- tion of the leaves of the Yellow Sumach and galls ; with a due pro- portion of alum; having previously soaked the yarn in fish-oil, which we suppose to be that obtained from the sturgeon. All the species before enume- rated, are hardy trees, and will flourish in any open situation, that is not too much exposed : they may be propagated by their seeds in au- tumn ; when these are to be sown in pots, containing light earth. During the winter, it will be ad- visable to shelter them beneath a frame ; and, on the approach of spring, they should be plunged in hot-beds, to promote their growth. When the yourg plants appear, they must be gradually exposed to the weather, and afterwards pro- tected in a similar manner, through- out the succeeding winter: in the spring, they ought tobe transplanted into nurseries, at the distance of one foot from each other, and in rows three feet apart. Here they should remain for two or three years, till they acquire suflicient strengt^i to be removed to the place of their destination. SUN, the brightest and most important luminary, which imparts light to the world, and the presence of which constitutes the day. The genial warmth of the sun,, conveyed to the earth by itrrays, cvi-