Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/318

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28a] WAR mate so variable as that of Britain, is an object of the first importance, botli to health and domestic com- fort : hence, the invention or dis- covery of ih most economical me- thod of effeding such purpose, has engaged the talents of many aijle philosophers and artisans. Having already slated several of their use- ful contrivances, in the articles Fire-place, and Stove, we shall now lay before our readers the fol- lowing Cut, which represents a simple, and perhaps the least ex- pensive, mode of communicat- ing warmth from the kitchen-Jire, throughout houses, manufaiStories, or other buildings, by means of sleaia. 1 c J c - , — 5

r J) J) ' ^ ( J f -HC ^ L ) c 3 n 3 C ) C ^^ ^ C ^t==— »— -p J/ ^ u A, IS a copper furnished with a jlill-head, and fixed over the fire. B, a leaden or copper tube, pro- ceeding from the vessel, and being WAR heated by the steam of the boiling water : it is carried through eight rooms (as delineated in the figure above given) j traverses that side of the wall where the chinmey is usually erefted ; and is likewise provided with stop-cocks, C, C ; by means of which the course of the steam may be accelerated, or retarded, at pleasure. D, is the spot, at which the steam is discharged, after having circulated through the rooms. E, is a cistern, by which the copper may be occasionally sup- plied with water. This contrivance was proposed many years since, by Col. Wil- liam Cook : it deserves to be more generally known, on account of its obvious simplicity ; uniting convenience with economy, ia warming a number of rooms by one grate : a considerable saving in fuel will thence result, while the kitchen-fire may, at the same time, be employed in roasting, or in any other culinary process. — See the article Room. WARTS, are small, hard, indo- lent excrescences, or tumors, that have a rough surface, and appear principally on the face and hands of young persons ; though sometimes settling on other parts of the body. But, if such deformities occur iii, individuals advanced in years, and are of a Uvid hue, with a smooth surface, they frequently become CANCERS, and ought to be treated in a similar manner. Warts do not, in geicral, require immedbte attention : for, unless painful or troublesome, they will, in most cases, gradually disappear. Where, however, they increase in size, and are attended with pain, it will be proper to remove them by a ligature. Anotlier method of ex- tirpating