Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/408

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374] Y E L um; or, of 10 grairw of calomel oaixed with 15 grains of" jalap; to be swallowed every 5 or 6 hours, have been prescribedby Drs.RusH, Clark, and other pradltioners, with the best eftert. Instances have occurred, in which patients have taken from 100 to 230 grains of calomel, within three or four days ; in all of whom the violence of the disease abated, immediately after salivation commenced.— Blis- ters, applied to the legs and thighs, have Hkewisc proved very useful. According to Dr. Jackson, great benefit has been derived from the affusion of cold water on the body of the patient, after hav- ing lost 30 or more ounces of blood. But, as thi* remedy has in some cases produced contrary efFefts, from being injudiciously employed, Dr. Blanb proposes the application of cloths soaked either in cold water, or in a mix- ture of that fluid and of vinegar : by such treatment, patients have been recovered, whose cases were apparently desperate. As vomiting is the most dis- tressing symptom in the yellow fever, various remedies have been proposed, with a view to check it, and to dispose the stomach for the reception of the Peruvian bark, or Other tonics and antiseptics. With this intention, the saline draughts above mentioned, when in a state of effervescence, have been ad- vantageously swallowed. Similar cffeds have resulted from the use of acid juices, such as those of oranges, and lemons, combined with wine, hot water, sugar, and nutmeg; then succeeded by fre- quent doses of magnesia and mint- water. — M. Desportes atfirms, that milk, boiled with a little flour Ot bread, and given repeatedly ^ iu YEL the quantity of one spoonful, ope- rated more powerfully than any other remedy, for stopping bilious vomiting. Dr. Blane, however, states, that this symptom was re- lieved by fomenting the stomach with stupes, or clotlis, dipped in a decodion of bark, and sprinkled with camphorated spirits, or with the tinfture of bark. But the most efficacious means, which he pre- scribed for checking such symp- tom, was that of blisters laid on the stomach : these were attended with the greatest success ; and his praflice has been justly recom- mended by Drs. Clark, and Mac* LEAN. When the irritation of tljc stomach has subsided, Peruvian bark may be administered ; and, if such drug disagree, it may be givfn in the forxn of a clyster. Farther, it may perhaps be of some service to try the essence of spruce; as that vegetable preparation has been retainedon the stomach, when every other remedy was discharged by the mouth : — it must be diluted with hot water, in the proportion of 3 oz. to one quart ; and half a pint of the solution should be swai-' lowed every two hours. Lastly, in the more advanced stages, camphor combined with opiiim, may be given with advan- tage, particularly in the evening ; as perspiration and sleep will thus probably be procured, and conse- quently the patient will be greatly relieved. During the continuance of the yellow fever, few patients are able to take any food : they ought, therefore, to be kept as «juiet as possible ; antl should endeavour to dispel all intense thought or care ; for anxiety cannot fail to aggra- vate the violence of the disorder. Those