Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/50

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30] SCI in different viscera, such as the liver and womb, but more fre- quently in the glandular paru, for instance, the breasts, arm- pits, and about the neck. It mostly arises in consequence of inflammatiun, tiiougl) it may also occur spontane- cnsly, in persons of a heavy, phleg- matic, or scrophulous habit. — A scirrhns may likevi8e be gradually induced by passions, especially those of a depressing nature ; by gross food ; the abuse of acids ; external violence ; sudden cold; suppressed evacuations, and vari- ous other causes. The degree of danger, attending scirrhous indurations, varies ac- cording to the nature of the di.seos- ed part, and stage of the disorder ; tlK)Ugh an internal tumor is al- ways more dangerous and difficult to be removed, than one situated externally ; as the former may be prbduiSive of great injury to the animal frame, by compressing the adjacent parts, v.hence palsy, coljc. Arc. are the concomitant eviLs. As long, however, as the swelling re- mains in an indolent state, no im- mediate danger need be apprcheiul- ed ; but, hen it once becomes painful, or ulcerated, there will be just reason to fear that it may change into a Cancer. Treatmetil : — If the patient be in other respcfts healthy, and t!.e tu- mor but recently formed, its dis- persion may be effetted by the in- ternal use of resolvents ; for in- stance, the mildest preparations of mercury (calomel), and antimonial wine, with the decoction of the voods : externally the warm gunis, in plasters, such as sagapenum and ammoniac ; or the volatile liniment, or even a solution of sal-ammo- niac in vinegar, have oi'tcn been productive of gcod tiled* }' but, if SCI the patient be advanced in yean, or the swelling painful, great caution becomes necessary ; lest, b)' any improper application, the disorder assume a cancerous taint. Various other more potent remedies, such as the hemlock and fex-glove, have been strongly recommended, -with a view to effect a resolution ; but they have in numerous instances failed of success. In desperate cases, therefore, where medicines proves fruitless, the tumor must be timely extirpated by the knife, provided that the situation of the parts admit of an operation, and a free discharge. But, if neither of these objefts can be attained, it will be advisable to promote the formation of an abscess, as the only mfeans of removing the com- plaint. ii die liver be thus diseased, it may be ascertained by tl-.e follow- ing symptoms : tumor and hard- ness on the right side about tiie short ribs ; pain, particularly when lying on die opposite side ; ema- ciation of the upjjer parts, and dropsical swelling of the low er ex-' trcmities. In this case, the bowels should be regularl)' opened by the mildest laxatives ; while the pati- ent's diet ought to be bland and nourishing. The nitric acid, in the proportion of one dram per day, diluted with three or four pints of water, w'lih the addition of some syaip of marsh-mallows, to be used as the common bever- age, has lately been prescribed w ith great advantage ; but of which we have not had sufficient experience. HtJice we would give Uie preference to the acetated kali, or regenerated tartar of the shops, to be taken in doses of 2 or 3 drams per day, dissolved in water ; being a medicine from which the i(reate£t