Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/71

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SEL SEN servient, is.'that of be'mg xnix^d, and cut, together with straw for feed- ing horses in the winter. Seggram. Sec Ragwort, the Co^tim.Qn< . . SELF-HEAL, the Common, or'neUg., vulgaris, L- a native pe- rennial plap.t,-grow:Ing in meadows am] ^pastures J . Ipearing .purplish flowers in the month of August,- — It ppssesfic.-i {

austere taste ; . and, 

though exploded from the list of healing ^aii^, it raay be eaten as salad, vyhilp y<HU)g, and also boiled ^ke spinaclv — Cattle, in. general, relish this herb ; and bees coUei^t honey from its flowers. .- SEr.TZER-WATER, one of the most salubrious, mineral fluids,,. is obtained from the springs, whigh. rise in the vicinity oi Nieder-Sd^ ters, in the Archbishopric of Triers ; whence it ,is. imported in stjue-. bottles, closely corked, and sealed ■with the episcopal cross j each ves- sel containing about two;pints and a half f^ngllsh measure. Jt is soive-. what pungent, and has, a mildly, saline and alkaline taste. Tills w-at^er may be safely adnii.^ ni^, a variety of disorders, especially in slow heftip , fevers, accompanied with a profuse per- spiration during thc^ night; x rill, cutaneous eruption^; ibuhxess xf the stomach, heart-burn, and af-, fedions of the alinientary canal, in genera) 5 farther, in nephritic dis- orders, ,, by ppchoudriasis, i;Kliges- t'on, and inany other complaints. ^■Seltzt^ivw.ater .may^..i;j almost every Ccse, be taken -copiuusly ;. the-, ^l))y pr^captioa recjuired, is that of; p^e.-ferving jhe bowels . in .a regular state; the i;sual dose, being from a half to a whole pint :-t— on account of its grateful taste,, and exhilarat- . ing properties,. it. forms a principal r.?freshme,iijt'atth'e tables of thelji.KU- rjoui" in Holland,^ aad Germany. Artificial Seli%er-water may be prepared, by adding, to each gallon of the lightest aiicl softest water, one scmple of magnesia, two drams ,(or hair t.'^at quantity in a state of dry powder) of fossil alkali, and four scruples 9f common salt ; tWa saluraiing the whple.with fixed air. This faviitious mineral fluid is more pleasant to the taste than the natu* ral water; and Sir Joxrx Pringle observes, that it niay be m^.de to resemble , the genuine Pyrinokt- ■water, both in properties and taste j by adding eight or ten drops of the muriateJ tinv-ture of iron, to one pint.of such preparation. SEiSIOI.JNA, ,a., nutritious pre- paration, consisting of granulated wheat. - ■ '• J . ., ■ :• •■ ■ In lyso, a patent was granted to Mr. Jag OB; Levy, for a method of making 5e«o/i«ff, which hitherto was imported from Poland, where called Cfacmv-Grouts . It con- sists, in grinding whejit, in an appro- pjjiate.tnillj after: which the flour is separated from the- luiddlings- : the laj.te.ra^c then dressed four different times, in /i;bolti^g-miLl, and sifted through.parchrpent: sieves; till they are perfectly. .glebed from all bran and pollard, .h ,. ,• r • -f ' Semolina form^ a wholesome and light food for invalids aiod conva-

  • le,scents, being preferable to s'ago;

a.s it perfectly dissolves in water; while the foreign drug uli<dergoes only a partial solution : dius, con- siderable sums might be saved to the nation, which at..pres.ej:t are^ annually paid for. the importation ofSAGO. ■ - -; >'t : r .r-c SENEGA, a gum obtained" from the Mimosa vilotica, L. atwl j^HiIch ' greatly resembles that of arable ;' j)Ossesses similar properties, while, it is much cheaper ; aqd is import- ed from Senegal, and the ,coast-o€ Guinea, in loose or single drops, E a generally