It was seven o'clock when James left the young girl and began to make preparations for departure. Until the present time the secret had been strictly kept between himself, Crockston, and Jenny; but now he thought it wise to inform Mr. Mathew of the situation of affairs, and he did so immediately.
"Very well, sir," replied Mr. Mathew, without making the least remark, "and nine o'clock is the time?"
"Nine o'clock, and have the fires lit immediately, and the steam got up."
"It shall be done, captain."
"The Dolphin may remain at anchor; we will cut our moorings and sheer off without losing a moment."
"Just so."
"Have a lantern placed at the mainmast-head; the night is dark, and will be foggy; we must not risk losing our way in returning; you had better have the bell for starting rung at nine o'clock."
"Your orders shall be punctually attended to, captain."
"And now, Mr. Mathew, have a shore-boat manned with six of our best men; I am going to set out directly for 'White Point.' I leave Miss Jenny in your charge, and may God protect us!"
"May God protect us!" repeated the first officer.
Then he immediately gave the necessary orders for the fires to be lighted, and the shore-boat provided with men. In a few minutes the boat was ready, and James Playfair, after bidding Jenny good-by, stepped into it, whilst at the same time, he saw volumes of black smoke issuing from the chimneys of the ship, and losing itself in the fog. The darkness was profound; the wind had fallen, and in the perfect silence the waters seemed to slumber in the immense harbor, whilst a few uncertain lights glimmered through the mist. James Playfair had taken his place at the rudder, and with a steady hand he guided his boat towards White Point. It was a distance of about two miles; during the day James had taken his bearings perfectly, so that he was able to make direct for Charleston Point.
Eight o'clock struck from the church of St. Philip when the shore-boat ran aground at White Point. There was an hour to wait before the time fixed by Crockston; the