Page:Young Hunters in Porto Rico.djvu/184

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siders, and especially Robert Menden and his party, to keep away from my property.


"Oh, what cheek!" burst out Dick.

"He had better claim the earth and have done with it," put in Leander.

"Will you pay any attention to that?" asked Don, turning to Robert Menden.

"Do you think I should?" queried the Englishman, with a twinkle in his eye.


"Nixey," cried Danny, who could not always get away from his old-time slang.

"He hasn't any more right here nor any o' us," burst out old Jacob. "Jest let him try to stop me, thet's all. He'll reckon he fell in with a second hurricane!"

At this they all laughed. And that laugh settled matters. They would go ahead and pay no attention to the warning left by their enemy.