For works with similar titles, see Faith.
Faith is an anchor, Faith is a shield,Faith is a weapon The weakest may wield;Faith is an antidote, Faith is a balm,Faint can the tyrant Terror disarm;Faith is a comforter, Faith is a friend,Faith is a talisman Hearts to defend;Faith is a monarch With power to controlHorror and dread When they threaten the soul;Faith is a sentinel, Knowing no fear,Faith is a watchword, The drooping to cheer;Faith is the whisper Of heavenly voice, Faith bids us learn "In all things to rejoice;"Faith is an altar, Where doubt must be laid,Faith says in the tempest, "Be not afraid;"Faith is a refuge From every snare,Faith nerves us with courage The burden to bear;Faith is a well-spring Of peace to the mind,Faith opens closed lids, Gives eyes to the blind,In Faith's gallant vessel We sail o'er life's wave,Faith flings a halo Where Hope finds a grave;Faith is ours for the asking, Then let none despair,Faith plucks from the bosom The arrows of care;Faith lifts the dark curtain That covers the tomb,And Faith's kindly lamp Enlightens its gloom; Faith triumphs o'er all Nor is vanquished by Death;But the grim King of Terrors Is conquered by Faith.Then pray that this boon To all hearts may be given,Till Faith turns to sight 'Mid the glories of heaven.