Poems (Barker)/Faith (Lord! into the darkness and murky gloom)
For works with similar titles, see Faith.
Lord! into the darkness and murky gloom Of Thy vast researches mighty and grand,From the silent depths of the rayless tomb, To the gates of a glorious, eternal land;I have wandered, groping my lonely way, Calling aloud on Thy glorified name,Seeking in vain for the sunlight of day, Wondering whither the answerings came—"Child, I am leading thee, be not dismayed, Leading thee heavenward, be not afraid!
Lord into the shadows of doubt and pain, Stumbling oft in my wayward track,Turning to list to Thy voice again, As tenderly, sweetly, it called me back:Long have I roamed, and rudely been tossed. Like a light bark on a rough rolling tide,Fearing sometimes that I truly was lost, Buffeting wildly from side to side.Still, sweetly speaking, "Oh! be not dismayed, Child, I am leading thee, be not afraid!"
Lord into the whirlpool of grief and despair, Clinging to hope with a fast slipping hand,Through the dark clouds see the light burning there, Talisman bright of a happier land.Firm on the Rock of my faith evermore, Standing securely, I fear not the blast;'Tis but a step to the heavenly shore, And I will cross when life's journey is past—"Child, I am near thee, Oh! be not dismayed;Leading thee Heavenward—be not afraid!!