For works with similar titles, see Prayer.
Father thou, whose name is love,From the heavenly courts above,From the glory and the blissOf a fairer world than this,Look thou down upon each heart,Wipe the tears that quickly start,Guide us through each fleeting day,Father hear us while we pray.
Night is coming on dear Lord,Yet we lean upon thy word,Still we clasp the Master's hand,Thou alone canst understand,When we err and blindly fall,Then we hear thy gentle call,Backward from the cloudy night,Come my child into the light.
Father when we see each star,Gliding from us fast and far.When earth's love has useless provedAnd all brightness is removed,When the peaceful light of daySeemingly has passed away,Rudely tossed upon life's sea,Father, then we turn to Thee.
Lift us higher, higher still,Bend our spirits to thy will,Help us, help each other Lord,By each look, and deed, and word.Hear us while we bow the knee,With a childish faith to Thee,Guide us through each passing day,Father hear us while we pray.