For works with similar titles, see A Prayer.
A Prayer.
Oh God! in mercy lend To me Thy kind and gracious ear,While I pour out my soul to Thee, In fervent, humble prayer.
Do Thou Thy Spirit send, And melt this stony heart of mine;For constantly temptation calls My thoughts from things divine.
E'en now the tempter comes, While here before thy throne I bow;And he is strong in power, Oh God,— But stronger, Lord, art Thou.
Therefore, to Thee I cry, That Thou mayst graciously impartThine all-sufficient aid to me, Against the tyrant's art.
For of myself, I am A poor, unworthy, helpless thing;By nature to all evil prone, And more by practising.
Oh, then, increase my faith, And all my want of strength supply;And from me take my load of guilt, While prostrate here I lie.
Grant this, for Jesus' sake, Thy well-beloved, only Son;Whom with the Holy Ghost and Thee, We worship, Three in One.