Poems (Hornblower)/Sonnet (O Lead me by thy hand, where living streams)
For works with similar titles, see Sonnet.
O Lead me by thy hand, where living streams Of purest pleasure flow; and to the heart A fadeless and eternal hope impart;And kindle in my soul the holy beamsOf heavenly light, which, o'er the cares, and woes, And toils of earth, shed such a blessed peace; Bid earth's vain fears and vainer sorrows cease,And one blest trust the trembling thoughts enclose;So shall I gaze, with eye undimmed and calm, On the vain pageants of this fleeting scene; So, shrined in faith, unchanging and serene,Drink deep from fountains of the holiest balm,Those living waters! let me hear thy voice,Call to then sources, and I will rejoice.