4623736Poems — Psalm CXLIIIEmma Toke
HEAR my humble, fervent prayer,
Give ear, my God most high,
And in Thy faithful righteousness,
Oh, hearken to my cry:
But enter not in judgment, Lord,
For who could meet with Thee?
Oh, who in Thy most holy sight
Could stand, and guiltless be!

The foe of man hath grieved my soul,
And filled my heart with gloom;
He long hath made me dwell in night,
Like that which wraps the tomb.
Therefore my sinking spirit mourns,
My couch with tears I wet;
My heart with sadness seems oppressed,
And I am desolate.

I call to mind the days of old,
The years for ever flown;
I muse upon Thy handiworks,
On all that Thou hast done:
Then unto Thee I lift mine hands,
For in this barren waste
My heart and spirit thirst for Thee,
And long Thy love to taste.

Hear me, O Lord, for I am sad,
My heart is vexèd sore;
Save me, or I shall sink like those
Who sleep to wake no more.
At early morn let me again
Thy love and mercy see;
Oh, point the path that I should tread,
And lift my soul to Thee.

Hide me beneath Thy sheltering wing,
To Thee for help I come;
Teach me to do Thy will, O God,
And lead me safely home.
Oh, let Thy Spirit's quickening beam
Now pour its brightest ray,
Shed life and light upon my soul,
And gild mine onward way.


October 5, 1832.