Poems (Toke)/Sonnet (Another birthday! oh, how fast each year)
For works with similar titles, see Sonnet.
NOTHER Birthday! oh, how fast each year Of wedded bliss on noiseless pinions flies! How doubly swift Time's waymarks seem to rise,As glides away our brief sojourning here!Beloved Husband! scarcely could I deem The day so dear to me had come again,—So well has thy deep love prolonged the dream Of youth and hope! did not our infant trainAnother loved one bring,—another voice To lisp fond greetings on thy natal day,And bid our hearts with grateful warmth rejoice In all the blessings strewed upon our way:Oh that God's holiest gifts on them and theeEach year may richer rest! earth needs no more for me.

October 6, 1845.