Popular Science Monthly/Volume 26/January 1885/Literary Notices


A Compend Of Geology. By Joseph Le Conte, Professor of Geology and Natural History in the University of California; author of "Elements of Geology," etc. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 399. Price, $1.60.

This is the third volume that has appeared of the new and attractive series of "Appletons' Science Text-Books." The great popularity and success of the author's larger work fur colleges led to the belief, expressed by many, that he would be the best man to prepare a shorter work suited to general school use. Such works should certainly not be left to compilers, on the pretext that general introductory books are of less importance than advanced treatises. It is desirable, first of all, in preparing a good text-book, small or large, that the author should know his subject, directly and thoroughly, and then that he should be capable of presenting it in a form adapted to the grade of students for whom it is written. Professor Le Conte is a high authority in geology, a life-long student of American geology, and an examination of the present work convinces us that he has remarkable tact and judgment in adapting his exposition to the grade of mind for which this volume is intended. It is not a primer of geology, and makes no attempt to reduce the order of ideas, with which this science is conversant, to the capacities of children. It implies the usual mental maturity of scholars in our schools fifteen or sixteen years of age, and to these the book is made thoroughly intelligible by the effort required in class-room study. It is properly a book for beginners, and at the same time presents a view of the subject sufficiently full and complete for the general purposes of education. It is written in a simple, clear, and popular style, and is so abundantly illustrated as to afford every advantage of pictorial representation. At the same time the work would prove valuable as an authentic account of the present condition of geological science for general reading and convenient reference.

Like all the other volumes of this series, it is presented in an elegant form and finished workmanship, alike in engraving, typography, and binding. Le Conte's compend should at once take rank as a standard school text-book.

The Destiny of Man, viewed in the Light of his Origin. By John Fiske. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 121. Price, §1.

It was certainly not at all surprising that Mr. John Piske should have received an invitation to lecture before the "Concord School of Philosophy"; but it was a matter of some surprise to many that he should have accepted it. There are those who will think he was not at home there; and yet there seems to have been a propriety both in the invitation and in the acceptance of it. The Concord philosophers this year took up the question of immortality, and, as Mr. Fiske has views upon this subject, and as his opinions upon any grave philosophical question are highly valued, and as, moreover, there is a good deal of interest to know how he regards this particular problem, the Concord people must be credited with doing an excellent service in calling him out.

We shall here be able only to state Mr. Fiske's position, as to discuss his views will require a formal article; and we can not better indicate the ground he takes upon the question of immortality than in his own words in the preface, which will also afford a clew to its treatment in the book. He says: "The question of a future life is generally regarded as lying outside the range of legitimate scientific discussion. Yet, while fully admitting this, one does not necessarily admit that the subject is one with regard to which we are forever debarred from entertaining an opinion. Now, our opinions on such transcendental questions must necessarily be affected by the total mass of our opinions on the questions which lie within the scope of scientific inquiry; and from this point of view it becomes of surpassing interest to trace the career of humanity within that segment of the universe which is accessible to us. The teachings of the doctrine of evolution as to the origin and destiny of man have, moreover, a very great speculative and practical value of their own, quite apart from their bearings upon any ultimate questions. The body of this essay is accordingly devoted to setting forth these teachings in what I conceive to be their true light; while their transcendental implications are reserved for the sequel."

From this it will be seen that Mr. Fiske's volume affords a compendious presentation of the doctrine of evolution in its highest aspects as throwing light upon the origin, history, career, and possible destiny of man. As an exposition of this subject the little book is a gem of lucidity and instructiveness. Mr. Fiske has but very few peers as a clear, attractive, and brilliant writer; and on the subject here treated he writes with the authority of one who by his independent and original investigations has aided in giving shape to modern evolutionary doctrine in its higher aspects. The book is to be very strongly commended on this ground, and is certain to be widely read. The incompleteness which is a necessary result of its brevity may be supplemented by reference to the more elaborate presentation of his views in his other works; and at the close of the volume he indicates which of his larger volumes is to be consulted for this purpose and where the more elaborated opinions are to be found. Without inquiring at present into the validity of the special conclusions he has arrived at on the question of immortality, we will only say that the book taken in connection with its references is a unique and incomparable statement of evolutionary doctrine, that may be perused with equal pleasure and profit by all concerned in this class of inquiries.

Shoppell's Building Plans for Modern Low-Cost Houses. Edited by Robert W. Shoppell. New York: Co-operative Building Association. Forty Plans. Price, 50 cents.

The houses for which plans arc given are in the favorite styles of the day, and range in cost from $400 to $6,500. The designs arc furnished by Stanley S. Covert and Francis K. Kane, architects. The publishers assert that being architects they are prepared to back up every profession made in the work; and that the costs of construction furnished may be relied upon. "Even in far distant places and after the lapse of years," they say, "we can still make the prices good by some change in construction or material when making the working plans and specifications." This on condition, of course, that their working plans and specifications are obtained, for which they make a special charge of from $12 to $60, according to the character of the design.

My Farm of Edgewood. By the author of "Reveries of a Bachelor." New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 329. Price, $1.25.

"My Farm of Edgewood" is, reckoning from the day of its first appearance, twenty-one years old; but it is not an old book. The world has seen changes since it was first published. American suburban life is very different from what it was then. Agriculture has made advances, and science has been revolutionized in some of its branches. But "My Farm" is as fresh and as timely as was the first copy damp from the press; and it seems destined to live a classic. It is a pastoral, a picture of an ideal life, which is also real, seen as with a poet's eye; while, on the other side, it gives a correct vision of farm-life with its bright and dark features, abounds in graphic social sketches, and is so permeated by common sense that its suggestions are capable of being made practically applicable to the concerns of common life.

Forestry in the Mining Districts of the Ural Mountains in Eastern Russia. Compiled by John Croumbie Brown, LL. D. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd; Montreal: Dawson Brothers. Pp. 182.

The plan of this treatise is not essentially different from the plans of the author's previous works on the forestry of the different European states. It divides itself into two parts—forestry west and forestry east of the Ural Mountains. In the second section, besides the condition of the forests and forest exploitation, information is given on the mining enterprises of the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains. In a curious chapter on "Abuses in Connection with the Exploitation of the Forests," revelations appear of the corruptibility of the Russian officers, and of the tricks to which they resort to enrich themselves without seeming to take bribes.

Comprehensive Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. By John C. Cutter. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. Pp. 376.

The author of this work, which is adapted for schools, academies, colleges, and families, is professor of Physiology and Comparative Anatomy in the Imperial College of Agriculture at Sapporo, Japan. In the instruction of his pupils, whose knowledge of English was not perfect, he was led to depend less upon the text-book and more upon dissections before the class, and upon demonstrations from an active coolie, and from microscopic preparations; and his book has grown up out of this method of teaching. It contains, together with the outlines of the principles of the science, brief directions for illustrative dissections of mammals, for elementary work with the microscope, for physiological demonstrations on the human body, and for the management of emergent cases. The effects of stimulants are treated without bias in the chapter on that subject. The effort is made to give all the information a practical direction.

N. W. Ayer and Son's American Newspaper Annual. Philadelphia: N. W. Ayer & Son. Pp. 994. Price, $3.

The "Annual" contains a carefully prepared list of all newspapers and periodicals published in the United States, the Territories, and the Dominion of Canada, with information respecting them and concerning the character, population, politics, resources, manufactures, and products of the places in which they are published, classified, arranged, and rearranged, in various ways. An idea of the composite character of our population is conveyed by the presence in the lists of nearly five double-columned pages of titles of German publications, not quite a page of French, 53 Scandinavian, 35 Spanish and Portuguese, 12 Bohemian, 11 Hollandish, 1 Italian, 3 Polish, 5 Welsh, one Irish, one Latin, and one Hungarian periodicals.

How we Live; or, the Human Body, and how to take care of it. By James Johonnot and Eugene Bouton, Ph. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 162. Price, 50 cents.

This book presents an elementary course in anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. Its method is deductive, each new topic growing out of the one that precedes it; and it aims to present the laws of life in such a practical and reasonable way that they will become a guide to living. In the treatment of each topic, function is considered before structure, and the endeavor is made to present the relations of part to function in such a way that the hygienic law applicable to the case shall follow as a matter of course. As an incentive to study, the authors have appended at the close of each chapter a list of questions on subjects suggested by the text, which will prompt the pupil to think and observe for himself.

Book of Cats and Dogs and other Friends, for Little Folks. By James Johonnot. New York: D, Appleton & Co. Pp. 96. Price, 20 cents.

The object of this book, with its entertaining stories, its extracts from Mother Goose, and its beautiful illustrations, is the pleasure and the instruction of children, and it is well adapted to it. Through their love of pets, of stories, of jingle and fun and incongruity, says the author, their little opening minds "may be led to careful observation, comparison, and descriptions—steps at once necessary to mental growth, and leading up to the portals of science. By insensible degrees, play may be made to merge into study, and fun take on the form of fact. Upon these ideas of the basis and method of thought, this little work has been constructed." The "other friends" include horses, cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs.

The True Issue, New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, pp. 70; and Wages and Tariffs, pp. 47, by E. J. Donnell, New York, Wilcox & O'Donnell Company. Price, 10 cents.

In the former of these pamphlets, Mr. Donnell maintains that industrial depression and political corruption result from the existence of great monopolies which are fostered by the tariff. lie endeavors to show that the wool-tariff is suicidal, the tariff on manufactures a sham, and that there has been no steady, genuine prosperity since the present high protective policy began. He calls iron the key to the arch of monopoly, and says it is the article with which tariff reform should begin. He suggests that, if a bounty should take the place of the tariff, the people would see what protection costs them, and whether the return justified the expenditure. In "Wages and Tariffs," which is an address delivered before the Brooklyn Revenue-Reform Club, May 8, 1884, he gives some account of protective legislation in this country, aiming to show that its effect, especially on wages, has been mischievous.

Outlines of Roman Law. By William C. Morey, Ph. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 433. Price, $1.75.

The importance of the Roman law as a part of liberal education has been strongly emphasized of late years in England, and has received some recognition in this country. It seems now to be a well-established fact that the history of modern systems of law, and the principles of comparative jurisprudence, can not be properly understood without some knowledge of that branch. The validity of this statement, which we give almost in Mr. Morey's words, becomes obvious when we reflect that the Roman law comprised a highly perfected and elaborate system of jurisprudence that covered the whole extent of the empire through many centuries, and which avowedly constitutes the foundation of the legal systems of nearly all civilized states. The law of all Europe, except Russia and England, is built directly upon it. Recent investigations have shown that it has had much more to do with the structure of English law than the old text-books taught, and that the common law, though further removed in descent than the civil law, was in its essential features a legitimate outgrowth from it. In the United States it appears in its full force in the jurisprudence of Louisiana, which is of the civil and not of the common law, and in modified forms in the institutions of the other States, derived from the common law. Professor Morey's treatise is first historical, considering the growth of the Roman law in four periods down to the codification by Justinian, and in a fifth period to the present time. In this part are given accounts of the study of the law and its force in different States. The second part of the book discusses the general principles of the Roman law under the heads of the law of persons, the law of things, and the law of actions.

A Thousand Questions in American History. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 247. Price, $1.

This book presents an outline of the history of the United States in the form of questions and answers. It was prepared by a teacher for use in his own school, and deals not merely with events, but with causes, and with the side issues that have played important parts in American politics. It may be found a useful aid to teachers in directing their attention to the events and aspects of events on which they can make their classes dwell with the most advantage.

The Book of Plant Descriptions: or, Record of Plant Analyses. By George G. Groff. Lewisburg, Pa.: Science and Health Publishing Company. Pp. 100. Price, 35 cents.

This is a book of blanks, for the botanical descriptions of plants as elucidated by the student in his analyses. Each plant is given a page, containing skeleton forms, to be filled in, in separate lines for each part, with characteristic descriptions respectively, of the root, stem, leaf, inflorescence, and other distinctive features; it being supposed that the student will insert nothing but what he himself has observed. For his aid are also provided a synopsis of the terms most frequently used in the description of plants, a schedule of work to be performed in the botanical laboratory, and a list of subjects suitable for theses.

Signing the Document—The Laocoon of Labor—Chopping Sand—and other 'Essays. By Wheelbarrow. Chicago: "The Radical Review." Pp. 132.

The author of these essays assumes the name of "Wheelbarrow," he asserts, because he once labored with pick, shovel, and wheelbarrow on a railroad. He also states that he was once "clerk" to a brick-layer—that is, that he carried bricks for him. The series of essays was begun under prompting of the thoughts suggested by the telegraphers' strike of 1883; and most of them have grown out of other movements of working-men to better their condition. The burden of them is to expose the folly of the present management of those movements, and this is done in the most vigorous manner, whether it relates to trades-union despotism and exclusiveness, to the silver craze, or to any of the various tricks by which demagogues and monopolists, of whatever rank, seek to impose upon men who work—and all without hostility to any association for their real benefit. "In the present condition of society," says the author, "not to organize would be the very imbecility of resignation on the part of working-men. They may follow unwise principles for a time, but out of that organization a correct education will come at last."

Wonders and Curiosities of the Railway; or, Stories of the Locomotive in Every Land. By William Sloane Kennedy. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co. Pp. 254. Price, $1.25.

A pleasant book of history, gossip, and anecdote, about the origin and development of railways in Europe and America. The statements of fact are derived from authentic sources, and the anecdotical serves to give variety to the solid part. The volume is illustrated by cuts of various engines and cars, including the earliest made, that give graphic representations of the modest originals from which the present provisions for the accommodation of travelers have been worked out.

Lessons in Chemistry. By William H. Greene, M. D. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. Pp. 357. Price, $1.25.

The author of the "Lessons" is Professor of Chemistry in the Philadelphia High School. He has prepared them upon the theory that the object of a limited course in chemistry is not to make chemists of the pupils, but to teach them what the science is, what it has accomplished, and what it may accomplish; and that the study of the science can be made attractive only by arousing natural curiosity as to the cause of the phenomena, while no greater mistake can be committed than to endeavor to make the facts dependent upon the theory. With brief explanations of principles, descriptions are given, in an attractive style, of the elements and their more considerable compounds, and of the more important chemical processes. "The Chemistry of Life" is explained in the last chapter; and notes on crystallography and hints for the preparation of experiments are given in an appendix.

The Laws of Health. By Joseph C. Hutchison, M. D. New York: Clark & Maynard. Pp. 223.

A manual of physiology and hygiene, including a discussion of the effects of stimulants and narcotics, for educational institutions and general readers. It aims to present as clear and. concise an exposition of the subject as its elementary character will permit, and to introduce enough of; anatomy and physiology to enable the pupil to study intelligently the laws by which health may be preserved and disease prevented. In an appendix are given practical directions for dealing with poisons and meeting emergencies, and for general sanitation.

Systematic Mineral Record. By Edward M. Shepard, A. M. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co. Pp. 26.

This manual consists of directions for determining the properties of minerals, with explanations of the terms by which they are denoted, and a form of schedule for recording observations. Lists of chemicals, apparatus, minerals, and books are given.

Report of the United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1880. Pp. 1,106. Ditto for 1881. Pp. 1,217. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1884.

The report for 1880 covers the tenth year of the work of the commission. Besides the commissioner's report, this volume contains papers on the plan of the work of the commission; deep-sea research, with illustrations of apparatus; the sea-fisheries; economic research; natural history, including a long and copiously illustrated paper on the sword-fishes, propagation of food-fishes, and about 350 pages on oyster-culture, also copiously illustrated. The volume for 1881 contains papers on the construction and work of the steamer Fish-Hawk with figures of the steamer and its fittings; the mackerel, shad, and other fisheries; various biological researches; and the propagation of food-fishes.

Text-Book of Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology. By John J. Reese, M. D. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 606. Price, $4.

This work has been prepared to meet the wants of students who desire something more convenient and manageable than the ponderous volumes in which the subject is more fully elaborated by the master-writers upon it. The author has endeavored to condense into a handy volume all of the essentials of the science, and to present the various topics in a simple and familiar style, giving larger prominence to those of the greatest practical importance. Special attention is given to the subject of toxicology, and fullness to the chapter on insanity.

Report of the Commissioner of Education for the Year 1882-'83. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 1165.

This report contains a vast amount of information in regard to the public schools and colleges of the United States, with some glances at foreign educational systems. The number of children in the country of school age, which in twenty-six States and Territories ended only with the twenty-first year, was 16,243,822; the enrollment in public schools was 10,013,826. The total expenditure for public schools reported was $91,158,039. The commissioner recommends an appropriation for the museum connected with the office, to enable it to collect and distribute the best illustrations of improved educational appliances; an appropriation for organizing an educational system in Alaska, which matter has since been attended to by Congress; and he renews recommendations as to the appointment of a Superintendent of Public Instruction for each Territory, and national aid to education from the public-lands money. The report contains a view and plans of the new building of the Harvard Medical School.

Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the Year 1883. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 496.

The commissioner continues the policy of establishing as intimate relations as possible between the department and the associations and institutions of the country which are devoted to the development and improvement of the art of agriculture, and of calling around it those whose knowledge and influence have given them especial authority; and he has perceived beneficial results from his course. Special subjects of investigation within the department have been the examination of microscopic fungi on plants, the chemical examination of cereals, experiments with sorghum, and the investigations in the entomological division on insects injurious to vegetation. The vegetation of the new and undeveloped parts of the country has been studied, especially the grasses, of which those that may promise to be useful for meadows and grazing purposes have been sought. An experiment station for the investigation of the contagious diseases of animals has been established near Washington, under the direction of Dr. D. E. Salmon. The full reports of these several departmental divisions, and of the investigations, are given in the volume.

Geological Survey of New Jersey. Annual Report of the State Geologist for 1883. By George H. Cook, New Brunswick. Pp. 188, with Plates.

Good progress was made, during the year covered by the report, in the topographic survey of the State, and the largest part of the work of the geodetic survey is done. Among the special topics of geological and economical interest discussed are the tertiary and cretaceous formations of the southern part of New Jersey, with accounts of the artesian wells at Ocean Grove and Asbury Park; the red sandstone and trap-rocks; the archæan rocks and iron-ore; the iron-mines; exploring for magnetic iron-ore, and locating mines; the progress of drainage and provisions for water supply at sea-side resorts and in large towns; and notes on native iron, copper, and zinc ores, graphite, plumbago, and black-lead, with statistics of mineral productions, manufactures from clay, bricks. and lime. A part of the matter is in continuation of previous reports; much of it covers new ground.

Our Birds in their Haunts. By Rev. J. Hibbert Langille, M. A, Boston: S. E. Cassino & Co. Pp. 618. Price, $3.

In the descriptions of the birds of Eastern North America, which make up this volume, the author has given especial attention to singing and nesting habits, and has dwelt upon whatever other characteristics were curious in each case. He has aimed to give either a full life-history, or at least a brief sketch, of every species commonly met with east of the Mississippi. The book is mainly a record of personal observation, supplemented by the notes of a correspondent in the Hudson Bay country; it contains many bright anecdotes of bird-life, and is written in a popular style, though giving the scientific name (following Dr. Coues) of each species, with the length of the bird and the dimensions of its egg.

The birds which may be seen in the same season in our Northern States are grouped together. The general reader will probably find most that is surprising in the records of their winter habits, and he will gather also from these accounts that Mr. Langille's love of nature is not torpid in cold weather. "The author addresses himself especially to men of his own profession—the gospel ministry; and would earnestly urge them to become, as far as possible, the interpreters of Nature as well as of the written Word." He has had in view, also, the popularizing of bird-study among farmers; the sportsman as well as the naturalist will recognize him as a fellow; and he has, in short, tried to make "a book on birds for everybody." Cuts of twenty-five species are given. Unfortunately, the errata do not include all the oversights in proof-reading.

The Wonders of Plant-Life under the Microscope. By Sophia Bledsoe Herrick. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 248. Price, $1.50.

This elegant little volume is a beautifully illustrated and thoroughly popular presentation of some of the most interesting aspects of vegetable life. Mrs. Herrick is not only an enthusiast in her devotion to plant-studies and the microscopical pursuit of botany, but she writes in a clear and attractive style, and makes her pages very instructive in relation to the later and most curious questions of vegetable economy. A considerable portion of her book was first published in a succession of articles in Scribner's "Monthly," but she has added new matter to the volume on fungi and lichens, orchids, mosses, and corn and its congeners. She allots considerable space to the insectivorous plants because of the fascinating interest of the subject, and because so little has hitherto been done to popularize the work of Mr. Darwin in this direction. Mrs. Herrick'a volume well illustrates that the romance of fact is equally fascinating with the romance of fiction, and a good deal more real.

Magneto-Electric and Dynamo-Electric Machines. By Dr. H. Schellen. Translated from the third German edition by Nathaniel S. Keith and Percy Neymann, Ph.D. Vol. I. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 518.

In the third edition Dr. Schellen greatly enlarged his work, dividing it into two volumes, and gave it a more technical character than it had in the previous editions. The first volume treats only of apparatus for generating electric currents, and for measuring the currents and their effects. The descriptions of machines are preceded by a chapter on electrical principles, and one on electrical measurements. Successive chapters deal with magneto-electric machines, dynamo-electric machines, and machines for producing continuous currents. Some later alternating-current machines, for the production of several currents, are described, and the volume ends with a discussion of the conditions of efficiency in dynamo-electric machines. Large additions relating to American machines have been made by Mr. Keith. The volume contains three hundred and fifty-three illustrations.

Cassell and Company's Illustrated Holiday Catalogue. New York: Cassell & Co., Limited. Pp. 32.

The special feature of the publications of the house of Cassell & Co. is the prominence which is given in them to high art, combined with literary merit. The present catalogue comprises a list of fine-art and juvenile publications selected from the larger catalogues as most suitable for the holidays. It is adorned with illustrations of a very artistic character, many of them full-page, and is altogether a most attractive as well as, to the expectant buyer, a useful book.

A Migration Legend of the Creek Indians, with an Introduction by Albert S. Gatschet. Vol. L Philadelphia: D. G. Brinton. Pp. 251.

This volume is Number IV of Dr. Brinton's "Aboriginal Literature." Mr. Gatschet's task is to present some results of ethnographic study of tribes who have lived in the territory just north of the Gulf of Mexico. Volume I now published contains accounts of the linguistic groups of the Gulf States, the Maskoki family, the Creek Indians, and the Kasi'hta migration legend, with text and translation.


Feeding Experiments with Gluten-Meal. Massachusetts Experiment Station, Amherst; C. A. Grossman, Director. Pp. 12.

The Duration of Color-Impressions on the Retina. By Edward L. Nichols, Ph. D. Pp. 10.

Onondaga Bait Springs. Annual Report of the Superintendent. Syracuse, N. Y. Pp. 39, with Charts.

Los Terrapleneros (The Mound-Builders). By José Manuel Mestre. Havana: Anthropological Society of Cuba. Pp. 80.

The Fucoids of the Cincinnati Group. By Joseph F. James, Cincinnati. Pp. 9, with Plates.

On Herderite. By F. A. Genth, Philadelphia. Pp. 6.

Report on the Phosphates of Alabama. By William C. Stubbs, State Chemist, State Department of Agriculture, Auburn, Ala. Pp. 83.

New York State Bar Association. Reports, Vol. VII. New York: Martin B. Brown, Printer. Pp. 255.

Genital Reflexes the Result of Phimosis. By T. Griswold Comstock, M. D., St. Louis. Pp 26.

German simplified. Parts I, II. and III. By Augustin Knotlach. New York: A. Knotlach, Tribune Building. Pp. 48.

Aus Toscana (Out of Tuscany). By E. Beyer. Vienna: Carl Gerold's Sohn. Pp. 200, with Plates.

A Letter to Scientists and Inventors. By Lysander Spooner. Boston: Cupples, Upham & Co. Pp. 23.

Natural Law; or, The Science of Justice. Part I. By Lysander Spooner. Boston: A. Williams & Co. Pp. 21.

Sound-Signals. By Arnold B. Johnson. New York: D. Appleton A Co. Pp. 10.

On Oxygen as a Remedial Agent. By Samuel S. Walliam, M. D. New York: Trow's Printing Company. Pp. 52.

Jewish Hygiene and Diet. By Carl H. von Klein, Dayton, Ohio. Pp. 22.

Deformacionos Artificiales del Craneo (Artificial Deformations of the Skull). By José K. Montalvo. Havana: Soler, Alvarez y Compañia. Pp. 32.

How to live a Century, and grow old Gracefully. By J. M. Peebles, M.D. Mew York: M. L. Holbrook & Co. Pp. 99. 50 cents.

Catalogue of the Flora of Minnesota. By Warren Upham. Minneapolis: Johnson, Smith & Harrison. Pp. 193.

The Latest Researches in the Mœris Basin. By Cope Whitehouse. Pp. 6.

Rudimentary Society among Boys. By John Johnson, Jr. Baltimore: N. Murray. Pp. 56. 50 cents.

On Supposed Glaciation in Pennsylvania, south of the Terminal Moraine. By H. Carvill Lewis, Haverford College. Pp. 8.

Mr. Bradlaugh and the House of Commons, from a Hindoo Point of View. London: W. Swan Sonnenschein & Co. Pp. 54. Sixpence.

Altars and High Places among the Emblematic Mounds. By S. D. Peet, of Clinton. Wis. Pp. 13, with Plate.

The Relation of Micro-Organisms to Surgical Lesions. By Henry O. Marcy, M.D., of Boston. Pp. 16.

Mexican Resources and Guide to Mexico. By Frederick A, Ober. Pp. 93, with Advertisements.

"The Quiver" (American edition). Vol. I. No. 1. Monthly. New York: Cassell &, Co., Limited. Pp. 64. $l.50 a year.

Pathology and Therapeutics of Diseases of the Nerve-Centers. By J. McF. Gaston, M.D., Atlanta, Ga. Pp. 28.

Medical Education. By Henry Leffmann, M.D., D.D.S.. Philadelphia. Pp. 39.

Committee on Metric System, Ninth Report. Boston Society of Civil Engineers. Pp. 4.

Asiatic Cholera in North America. Illinois State Board of Health. Springfield. Pp. 24.

Recommendation for Exclusion and Prevention of Asiatic Cholera. By John H. Rauch, Springfield, Ill. Pp. 11.

The Jury in Modern Corporate Life. By Edwin Young, Albany. Pp. 16.

College Mathematics: An Address. By Henry T. Eddy, Ph.D. Salem: Salem Press. Pp. 16.

Astronomical Papers prepared for the Use of American Kphemeris, and "Nautical Almanac." Vol. III, Part II, pp. 144; Part III, pp. 30. Washington: Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department.

The American Lesson of the Free-Trade Struggle in England. By General M. M. Trumbull. Chicago: Schumm & Simpson. Pp. 290.

Fichte's Science of Knowledge. By Charles Carroll Everett, D.D. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co. Pp. 287. $1.25.

Vocal and Action Language. By E. N. Kirby. Boston: Lee & Shepard. Pp. 163. $1.25.

A Politician in Trouble about his Soul. By Auberon Herbert. London: Chapman & Hall. Pp. 296.

Elements of English Speech. By Isaac Bassett Choate. New York: D. Appleton & Co Pp 220. $1.

The Bassett Claim. By Henrv K. Elliott. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp.267. $1.

The Way out. By Charles J. Bellamy. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 191. $1.

Elementary Text-Book on Physics. By Professors W. A. Anthony and C. F. Brackett. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 246. $1.50.

Poems by Sidney Lanier. Edited by his Wife. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 252. $2.50.

Bermuda. By Julia C. R. Dorr. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 148. $1.25.

The Reality of Religion. By Henry J. Van Dyke, Jr., D.D. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 146. $1.

Tenants of an Old Farm. By Henry C. McCook, D.D. New York: Fords, Howard & Hulbert. Pp. 460. $2.50.

An Elementary Treatise on Analytical Mechanics. By Edward A. Bowser, LL.D. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 511.

Principles of Political Economy. By John Stuart Mill. Abridged, etc., by J. L. Laughlin, Ph.D. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 658.

Comparative Physiology and Psychology. By S. V. Clevenger, M.D. Chicago: Jansen, McClurg & Co Pp. 258. $2.

The New Philosophy. By Albert W. Paine. Bangor. Me.: O F. Knowles & Co. Pp. 168. $1.08.

"Science" Reports of the Meetings of the Scientific Associations in Montreal and Philadelphia. Cambridge, Mass.: "Science" Company. Pp. 90.

Report of an Archæological Tour in Mexico in 1881. By A. F. Baudelier. Boston: Cupples, Upham & Co. Pp. 325, with Plates and Photographs.