Table of Contents
May 1887
The Natural versus the Supernatural 1
Present Status of the Greek Question 14
The Sun's Heat 19
Creation or Evolution? 29
Megalithic Monuments in Spain and Portugal 39
Social Sustenance I 45
Origin of Comets and Meteors 50
Influence of Snow-Masses on Climate 60
Hygiene as a Basis of Morals 67
Mexican Antiquities 79
Prairie-Flowers of Early Spring 84
Hats as a Cause of Baldness 97
Among the Transylvanian Saxons I 100
William Babcock Hazen 112
Sketch of James Fergusson 118
Correspondence 123
Editor's Table 124
Literary Notices 128
Popular Miscellany 136
Notes 143
June 1887
Are Railroads Public Enemies? II 145
Some Human Instincts I 160
Theology Under its Changed Conditions 171
Astronomy with an Opera-Glass II 187
Science and Pseudo-Science 207
Gofio: Food and Physique 224
Social Sustenance II 228
Industrial Education and Railway Service 233
Grains of Sand 247
Appearance and Reality in Pictures 249
Among the Transylvanian Saxons II 254
Sketch of Jules Jamin 262
Correspondence 265
Editor's Table 269
Literary Notices 273
Popular Miscellany 281
Notes 287
July 1887
The Economic Disturbances Since 1873 I 289
The Task of American Botanists 305
Variations in Human Stature 314
The Panama Canal 323
The North American Lakes 333
Lawsuit or Legacy 339
Among the Thousand Islands 346
Human Brain-Weights 355
Earthquakes 359
New Chapters in the Warfare of Science: Physical Sciences II 373
Mental Differences of Men and Women 383
Modern Over-Education 401
Sketch of Isaac Lea 404
Editor's Table 412
Literary Notices 415
Popular Miscellany 423
Notes 431
August 1887
The Economic Disturbances Since 1873 II 433
New Chapters in the Warfare of Science: Physical Sciences III 452
The Falls of the Mississippi 474
Astronomy with an Opera-Glass III 478
Manual Training in School Education 493
The Progress of Science from 1836 to 1886 503
The Metal Art of Ancient Mexico 519
Changes in the Aspect of Mars 532
Educational Endowments 535
Sketch of Paul Gervais 550
Correspondence 554
Editor's Table 559
Literary Notices 563
Popular Miscellany 570
Notes 575
September 1887
The Economic Disturbances Since 1873 III 577
Sleep and its Counterfeits 597
Industrial Training Two Centuries Ago 608
Social Sustenance III 612
Ethnological Sketches in Annam and Tonquin 626
Cork, its Manufacture and Properties 635
A Botanical Bonanza 653
Speeches at the Recent Tyndall Banquet 654
Some Human Instincts II 666
Physiology of Freezing 681
Sketch of J. J. Audubon 687
Correspondence 698
Editor's Table 701
Literary Notices 705
Popular Miscellany 713
Notes 719
October 1887
What Is Evolution? 721
Social Sustenance IV 735
The Oldest Noble of Them All 743
Strange Medicines 750
The Economic Disturbances Since 1873 IV 768
Color-Blindness Among Railroad Employees 794
The Savagery of Boyhood 796
Fetich-Faith in Western Africa 801
What American Zoologists Have Done for Evolution: 1887 Speech I 804
The Language of the Emotions 814
The Theory of Tittlebats 825
Sketch of Karl Wilhelm Scheele 839
Correspondence 845
Editor's Table 847
Literary Notices 849
Popular Miscellany 858
Notes 863
Index 865