Popular Science Monthly/Volume 56/January 1900/Publications Received


Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins and Reports. Delaware College: No. 45. The Pruning of Young Fruit Trees. By G. Harold Powell. Pp. 16.—New Jersey: No. 137. Dairy Experiments, etc. Pp. 24; No. 138. Crude Petroleum as an Insecticide. Pp. 22; No. 139, Fertilizer Analyses. Pp. 60.—Ohio: Press Bulletin No. 199. Plums (Comparison of Varieties). Pp. 2; No. 200. Fall Treatment of Insect Pests. Pp. 2.—United States Department of Agriculture: Results of a Biological Survey of Mount Shasta, California. By C. Hart Merriam. Wilt Disease of Cotton, Watermelon, and Cowpea. By Erwin F. Smith. Pp. 54, with plates.

Association Review, The. Frank W. Booth, editor. Bimonthly. Vol, I, No. 1. An Educational Magazine. Published by the American Association to promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. Mount Airy, Philadelphia, Pp. 128, $2.50 a year,

Bullard, Frank D, The Aristophilon. A Nemesis of Faith (Poem). Chicago: R. R. Donnelly & Sons Company. Pp. 109.

Bulletins, Reports, and Proceedings. Alabama Geological Survey: Map of the Warrior Coal Basin. By Henry McCalley, Assistant State Geologist.—Boston Society of Natural History: The Blood-vessels of the Heart in Carcharis, Baja, and Amia. By G. H. Parker and Frederick K. Davis. Pp. 16, with plates; Marine Mollusca of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island. By F. N, Balch, Pp. 30, with plates; The Development of Persilia Schmackeri, Richard. By M. T. Sudler. Pp. 20.—Colorado College Studies. Three Papers. Pp. 48.—Buitenzorg Botanical Institute: Bulletin, No. 1. Pp. 40; United States Department of Labor; No. 24. Statistics of Cities. Pp. 140.—Iowa, State University of: Report on the Ophiuroidea collected by the Bahama Expedition in 1893. By Prof. A. E. Varrill. Pp. 86, with plates.—Linnæan Society of New York: The Turtles and Lizards of the Vicinity of New York City. Pp. 36,—Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia: The Salenodont Artiodactyles of the Uinta Eocene. By W. B. Scott. Pp. 121, with plates.

Constantin, J. La Nature Tropicale. (Tropical Nature.) Paris: Fé1ix Alcan. (Bibliothèque Scientifique Internationale.) Pp. 315.

Demoor, Jean, Massart, Jean, and Vandervelde, Emile. Evolution by Atrophy. New York: D. Appleton and Company. (International Scientific Series.) Pp. 322. $1.50.

Fiske, John, A Century of Science, and other Essays, Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 477. $2.

Germania. A Monthly Magazine for the Study of the German Language and Literature. A. W. Spanhoofd and P. E. Kunzer, editors. Boston: New England College of Languages. Pp. 27. 15 cents. $1 a year.

Gilman, Nicholas Paine. A Dividend to Labor. A Study of Employers' Welfare Institutions. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 400. $1.50.

Hill, Robert T. The Geology and Physical Geography of Jamaica. A Study of a Type of Antillean Development. With an Appendix on Corals by T. W. Vaughan. Cambridge, Mass.: Museum of Comparative Zoölogy of Harvard College. Pp. 250, with plates.

Holden, Edward S. The Family of the Sun. Conversations with a Child. (Appletons' Home-Reading Books.) New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 252. 50 cents.

Interstate Commerce Commission. Eleventh Annual Report on the Statistics of Railways in the United States for the Year ending June 30, 1898. Washington. Pp. 692.

Jordan, David Starr. The Story of Knight and Barbara. Being a Series of Stories Told to Children. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 265. $1.50.

Jordan, David Starr, Stejnegor, Leonhard, Lucas, F. A., and other official associates. The Fur Seals and Fur-Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean. Washington: Government Printing Office. Pp. 629.

MacCorkle, W. A. Some Phases of the Race Question. Cincinnati: The Robert Clarke Company. Pp. 49.

MacGregor, Prof. J. G. On the Utility of Knowledge-making as a Means of Liberal Training. Halifax, N. S. Pp. 24.

MacMillan, Conway. Minnesota Plant Life. St. Paul: State Botanical Survey. Pp. 568.

Newman, George. Bacteria, especially as they are related to the Economy of Nature, to Industrial Processes, and to the Public Health. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 348.

Reprints. Chesmit, V. K. Preliminary Catalogue of Plants Poisonous to Stock. Pp. 36.—Fernow, B. G. Forest Policies and Forest Management in Germany and British India. Pp. 64; Forestry in the United States Department of Agriculture. Pp. 44; Brief History of the Forestry Movement in the United States. Pp. 44.—Gerhard, William Paul. The Safety of Theatre Audiences and of the Stage Personnel against Danger from Fire and Panic. Pp. 30.—Girsdansky, Max. Dust in the Etiology of Tuberculosis. Pp. 10.—Hay, O. P. On Some Changes in the Names, Generic and Specific, of Certain Fossil Fishes. Pp. 10; Two new Species of Tortoises from the Tertiary of the United States. Pp. 24, with plates.—Howard, W. L. Physiologic Rhythms. The Practical Value of their Recognition in the Treatment of Functional Neuroses. Pp. 7.—Langmuir, A. C, and Baskerville, Charles. Index to the Literature of Zirconium. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections.) Pp. 32.—Grosser, Charles S. Correlation of Carboniferous Rocks of Nebraska with those of Kansas.—Roth, Filibert. Résumé; of Investigations carried on in the United States Division of Forestry, 1889 to 1898. Pp. 64.

Schimmell & Co. (Fritzsche Brothers.) Leipsic and New York. Semi-annual Report, October, 1899. (Essential Oils, etc.) Pp. 75.

Steel Portland Cement. Chicago: Illinois Steel Company. Pp. 96.

Stewart, Sara Elizabeth, and Day, R. E. Two Prize Essays on Educational Unification in the State of New York. Palmyra, N. Y.: The Unification Prize Committee. Pp. 19.

Swift, Morrison I. Imperialism and Liberty. Los Angeles, Cal.: The Ronbroke Press. Pp. 491.

United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Bulletin No. 409. List of Fishes known to inhabit the Waters of the District of Columbia and Vicinity. By H. M. Smith and B. A. Bean Pp. 80; No. 410. Notes on a Collection of Tide-Pool Fishes from Kadiak Island, Alaska. By C. M. Rutter. Pp. 4; No. 411. The Southern Spring Mackerel Fishery of the United States. By Hugh M. Smith. Pp. 80; No. 412. Notice of Filefish New to the Fauna of the United States. By H. M. Smith. Pp. 8; No. 413. The Pearly Fresh-Water Mussels of the United States. By Charles T. Simpson. Pp. 10; No. 414. The Mussel Fishery and Pearl-Button Industry of the Mississippi River. By H. M. Smith. Pp. 24; No. 415. The Peripheral Nervous System of the Bony Fishes. By C. J. Herrick. Pp. 6; No. 416. The Reappearance of the Tilefish. By H. C. Bumpus. Pp. 12; No. 423. A Review of the Fisheries in the Contiguous Waters of the State of Washington and British Columbia. By Richard Rathbun. Pp. 96, with plates.

United States Geological Survey. Nineteenth Annual Report. Part II. Papers, chiefly of a Theoretic Nature. Pp. 958; Principles and Conditions of the Movements of Ground Water. By F. H. King. With a Theoretical Investigation of the Motion of Ground Waters. By C. S. Richter. Pp. 384.

Wiechmann, F. G. Chemistry, its Evolution and Achievements. New York: W. R. Jenkins. Pp. 176.