584039Popular Science Monthly — Volume 621902

Table of Contents
November 1902
Some Reflections Upon the Reaction from Coeducation 5
The Present Position of Chemical Physiology 27
Scientific Palmistry 41
Towards the North Pole 55
The Development of Economical Utilities for Handling Raw Material 66
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty IV 76
How to Collect Fishes 85
Scientific Literature 89
The Progress of Science 91
December 1902
The Higher Education of Women 97
The Significance of the Condition of Young Birds at Birth 108
The Motive Power of Heat 117
Solomon's House 129
Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria 137
Some Arachnids at Hanover, Cape Colony 145
Zoology in America 163
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty V 163
The Size of Alaska 183
Discussion and Correspondence 185
The Progress of Science 186
January 1903
The Missouri Botanical Garden 193
The Saving of Vanishing Data 222
The American's Distrust of the Immigrant 230
Variation in Man and Woman 237
The Engineering Mind 254
Post-Graduate Degrees in Absentia 257
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty VI 261
Mendel's Law 269
The Progress of Science 281
February 1903
The Science of Astronomy 291
The Evolution of Sex in Plants 300
The Economic Importance of Forestry 310
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty VII 316
The Smithsonian Institution 323
Recent Jewish Immigration to the United States 334
The Behaviour of Blind Animals 344
Preventive Medicine 348
A Statistical Study of Eminent Men 359
Scientific Literature 378
The Progress of Science 380
March 1903
Hitherto Unpublished Letters of Charles Darwin 387
The Vienna Academy of Science 415
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty VIII 423
High-Grade Men: in College and Out 429
The Source of Nitrogen in Forest Soil 436
Education for Professions 441
Science versus Art-Appreciation 453
The Fossil Man of Lansing, Kansas 463
The Progress of Science 474
April 1903
On the Origin of Species 481
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty IX 497
The Great Auk in Art 505
The Making of Biologists 512
The Relation of Malaria to Agriculture and Other Industries of the South 521
The Habits of the Giant Salamander 526
The Carnegie Institution and the National University 532
Biography in the Schools 538
A Visit to the Quarry-Caves of Jerusalem 544
The Nile Dams and Reservoir 550
Scientific Literature 562
The Progress of Science 564
Index 573