I N D E X.

Absinthe and Alcohol 378
Address to Medical Students 62
Air, Compressed, its Effects 122
Air-Bladder of Fishes 638
Aliaskan Mummies 630
American Association at Detroit 755
American Origin of the Chinese 509
Ammonia in the Air 246
"Influence of, on the Color of Flowers 254
Amphioxus, Huxley on 632
Amulets, Cranial. (Illustrated) 607
Ancestors of the Esquimaux 382
Animal Intelligence 121
"Life in Madagascar 738
"Phosphorescence 453
Animals, Sense of Humor in 631
Antiseptic, A New 680
Antiseptics and Infusoria 253
Ants. (Illustrated) 257
Aquaria, Distribution of Water in 126
Arctic Ice-Travel 468
Are Languages Institutions? 142
Arsenical Colors 126
Artificial Preparation of Organic Bodies 726
Atmospheric Moisture, Distribution of 483
Atropia, Antidote to 382
Australian Fever-Tree 344
Authorship, Physiology of 93

Balloon Ascent, Disastrous 245
Bats and their Young. (Illustrated) 641
Bee-Sting 765
Bees, Perception of Color by 250
Biography of a Bird. (Illustrated) 315
Birds, Can they converse? 505
"Inland, Migration of 183
Books noticed:
"Nature and Life" (Papillon) 114
"The Microscope" (Carpenter) 116
"Health" (Smith) 116
"Natural History of Man" (Quatrefages) 117
"Heredity" (Ribot) 117
"Surveys and Explorations" (Wheeler) 119
"Philadelphia Academy of Sciences" 119
"Natural History of Montana and Dakota" 119
"Migrants and Sailors" 119
"On the Muridæ" (Ooues) 119
"English Grammar" (Morris) 119
"Invertebrate Fossils" (White) 119
"English Men of Science" (Galton) 235
"The Heart of Africa" (Schweinfurth) 237
"Fungi" (Cooke and Berkeley) 240
"The American Garden" 242
"Birds of the Northwest" (Coues) 242
"Elements of Embryology" (Foster and Balfour) 242
"Improvement of Health" (Knight) 242
"Catechism of the Locomotive" (Forney) 243
"Elements of Mechanics" (Nystrom) 243
"Lectures about the Teeth" (Ohase) 243
"A Manual of Physiology" (Küss) 243
"Report of Massachusetts Commissioners of Lunacy" 244
"International Scientific Series" 244
"The Unseen Universe" 244
"The Life and Growth of Language" (Whitney) 368
"The Sexes throughout Nature" (Blackwell) 370
"Text-Book of Botany" (Sachs) 371
"Massachusetts Board of Health" 372
"The Law of Inheritance" (Sturtevant) 373
"Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society" 374
"Report on Insects of Missouri" (Riley) 375
"Determination of Minerals" (Foye) 376
"Report of Milwaukee School Commissioners" 376
"Vertebrata of Eocene of New Mexico" (Cope) 376
"Principles of Sociology" (Spencer) 491
"Transits of Venus" (Proctor) 491
"The Unseen Universe" 492
"Proceedings of the American Association" 495
"The Maintenance of Health" (Fothergill) 496
"The Geological Story briefly told" (Dana) 497
"Art-Life of R. Wagner" (Burlingame) 497
"Astronomical Observations, United States Naval Observatory" 500
"Storms, Their Nature, etc." (Blasius) 501
"Geographical and Geological Surveys" (Humphreys and Wheeler) 501
"Meteorological Observations" 502
"List of Elevations" 502
"Annual Address" (Comegys) 502
"Brooklyn Journal of Education" 502
"The Aërial World" (Hartwig) 623
"British Wild-Flowers" (Lubbock) 623
"Harmonies of Solar System" (Alexander) 624
"Geological Survey of Alabama" (Smith) 626
"Fishes of East Coast of North America" (Gill) 626
"Manual of Diet" (Chambers) 626
"Archæological Researches" (Putnam) 627
"Determination of Minerals" (Fuchs) 627
"Devonian Trilobites of Erreré" 627
"Peabody Museum" 627
"Problems of Life and Mind" (Lewes) 750
"Printing for the Blind" 751
"Report of the Astronomer Royal" 751
"A Summer in Norway" (Caton) 753
"Sanitary Journal" 754
"Composition of Ground Atmosphere" 754
"Navigation" (Evers) 754
"Theory of Solubility" (Walz) 754
"Harvard University" 754
"Geological Survey of Pennsylvania" 755
Botanic Garden for Chicago 254
Bronze and Copper, Ornamentation of 381

California, Viniculture in 123
Camphor and Plant Growth 379
Can Birds converse? 505
Carnivorous Plants 252
Catastrophe, The First and Last 268
Cave Explorations 246
Cerebration, Sexual 287
Challenger Expedition 26
Chemical Radiations. (Illustrated) 19
Chemistry 761
Chinese, American Origin of 509
Chipmunk, The American. (Illustrated) 433
Cincinnati Zoological Garden 249
Civilization, Savagism and 195
Climate and Time 719
Coast-Survey Measurements 759
Cobra-poison, Influence of, on Ciliary Action 766
Cocoa, its Nutritive Value 380
Color, Perception of, by Bees 250
Colorado Valley, (Illustrated) 385
Colorado Valley, (Illustrated) 531
Colors, Arsenical 126
Compressed Air, its Effects 122
Conservation of Force 229
Conservative Design of Organic Disease 160
Copper and Bronze, Ornamentation of 381
Copper-Poisoned Pastures 766
Corals, Growth of 636
Corrected again 367
Cotton Gunpowder 247
Cousins, The Marriage of 508
Cranial Amulets. (Illustrated) 607
Criticism, Premature 124
Croll on Climate and Time 719
Culture, Scientific 513
Cyclone, The, in the Universe 209

Darwinism by Descent 253
Deep-Sea Bottom 121
Deeper Harmonies of Science and Religion 66
Deeper Harmonies of Science and Religion 301
Deeper Harmonies of Science and Religion 573
Detroit Meeting of American Association 755
Dietetic Value of Gelatine 249
Disastrous Balloon Ascent 245
Diseases of Artisans 510
Distribution of Atmospheric Moisture 483
"of Water in Aquaria 126
Dogs, Social Feeling in 507
Draper and his Critics 230

Earthquakes and their Causes 732
"in 1874 377
Education, Mental Discipline in 699
"The Higher 402
Electricity, Velocity of 761
Endowment of Scientific Research 354
Endowment of Scientific Research 437
Eocene Mammals, New 124
Ephesus, Wood's Discoveries at. (Illustrated) 223
Equine Idiocy 639
Esquimaux, Ancestors of the 382
Eucalyptus Globulus 344
Evergreen, A New Ornamental 509
Evolution and the After-Life. (Illustrated) 46
"Evidence of 756
"how far visible 108
Expensiveness of Scientific Education 746
Experiment, A Social 619
Eye, Human, Defects of 381

Fermentation, Pasteur on 709
Ferns in South-Pacific Islands 636
Fever-Tree 344
First and Last Catastrophe 268
First Traces of Man in Europe. II 10
Fish, A Motherly 126
"Culture 503
"Eggs, Transportation of 761
Fishes, Air-Bladder of 638
"Mouthless 638
"Parental Instinct in 638
Flames, Cause of the Light of 696
Fog, A Curious 507
"Signals 120
Food-Rations of the French People 508
Force, Conservation of 229
Forests and Rainfall 207
Fossil Ungulates from New Mexico 638
Fossils in Trap-Rock 124
French People, Food-Rations of the 508
Fresh-Water Mollusks. (Illustrated) 563
Frogs hatched under Colored Glass 639
Fulgurites 249

Gar-Pike 759
Gelatine, its Dietetic Value 249
Geographical Work of 1874 218
Glaciers of Norway 458
"Ancient, of the Sierra Nevada 762
Glass, Toughened 505
"Tempered. (Illustrated) 554
Gopher, The Prairie 637
Grasshopper Dinners 759
Grasshoppers, where do they belong? 507
Grove, W. R., Sketch of. (Portrait) 363

Hail in Spray of Yosemite Fall 763
Hands and Feet, Muscular Structure of 757
Hardwicke, Robert 252
Heat evolved by Friction of Ice 504
Hemlock, Poisoning by 250
Higher Education 402
Hilgard, Prof., Sketch of. (Portrait) 617
Horses' Ribs 214
House-Ventilation 596
Houses for Laborers 635

Ice-Travel 468
Iceland, Volcanoes in 630
Idiocy, Equine 639
Infirmities of Speech 463
Infusoria, Antiseptics and 253
Instinct and Intelligence 653
Insulation of Lightning-Rods 378
Intelligence of Animals 121
International Weather Reports 506
Iowa Meteor. (Illustrated) 588
Iron and Steel, Testing 377

Jute, Cultivation of, in the South 127

"Knox the Incomparable" 621

Laborers' Houses 635
Lactometry and Morals 110
Languages, are they Institutions? 142
Light, Mechanical Action of. (Illustrated) 683
"of Flames, Cause of 696
Lightning, Mechanical Power of 488
"in an Electric Clock 379
Lightning-Stroke 637
"Rods. (Illustrated) 399
""The Form of 746
Linnaeus, Anecdote of 250
Longitude, Telegraphic Determination of 426
Loomis on Storms 633
Lyell, Discourse on the Death of 90

Madagascar, Animal Life in 738
Man in Europe, First Traces of 10
Marriage of Cousins 508
Massachusetts Survey 248
Mathematics, Study of 758
Mechanical Action of Light. (Illustrated) 683
Mental Discipline in Education 699
Metal Roofs as Lightning-Conductors 254
Meteor, The Great Iowa. (Illustrated) 588
Meteorology 761
"Relations of, to Life 508
Microscope, The, and its Misinterpretations. (Illustrated) 177
""as a Detective 248
Migration of Inland Birds 183
Modern Street-Pavement 80
Mollusks, Fresh-Water. (Illustrated) 563
Monkeys from a Cold Climate. (Illustrated) 665
Mortuary Statistics of Virginia 246
Motions of Sound. (Illustrated) 410
Mouth, how kept shut 630
Mouthless Fishes 638
Mummies, Aliaskan 630
Muscular Structure of Hands and Feet 757
Musk-Rats, how captured 125

Narcotics 611
Natural History, Progress of 749
New Eocene Mammals 124
Niagara Gorge 631
Norway, Glaciers of 458
Notes 127
Notes 255
Notes 382
Notes 510
Notes 639
Notes 767

One-sided Development 764
Orang and Man 758
Order, A New, of Mammals 121
Organic Bodies, Artificial Preparation of 726
"Disease, Conservative Design of 160

Parasite in Child's Mouth 506
Parental Instinct in Fishes 638
Paris-Green 629
Pasteur on Fermentation 709
Phosphorescence, Animal 453
Phylloxera and American Vines 762
Physical Culture 636
Physical Features of the Colorado Valley. (Illustrated) 531
Physical Features of the Colorado Valley. (Illustrated) 670
Physiology of Authorship 93
Plants, Carnivorous 252
Poisoning with Hemlock 250
Pollution of Rivers 378
Popular Verdict, A 542
Porcelain Clay 760
Potato, its Origin 127
"Beetle. (Illustrated) 704
"Bugs, are they poisonous? 760
Prairie Gopher 637
Premature Criticism 124
Priestleyana 122
Progress of Natural History 749
Pulse, Infrequency of 381
Pyrophone, The. (Illustrated) 444

Rainfall, Forests and 207
Recent Earthquakes 377
"Polar Explorations 320
Relativity of Truth 488
Research, Scientific, Endowment of 354
Research, Scientific, Endowment of 437
Respiration and Versification 510
Respirator, Denayrouze's 251
Rivers, Pollution of 378

Salicylic Acid 680
Savagism and Civilization 195
Savagism and Civilization 332
Science and the Book of Genesis 487
"allaying National Antipathies 764
"and Religion 66
"and Religion 301
"and Religion 573
Scientific Culture 513
"Education, Expensiveness of 746
"Prophecy 17
"Research, Endowment of 354
"Research, Endowment of 437
Scotland, Summer Temperature of 506
Sea-Anemones. (Illustrated) 1
Secchi on Solar Spots 633
Sense of Taste, Experiments on 634
Sensitiveness of Silver-Salts to Light 766
Sexual Cerebration 287
Sirenia 760
Sleep and Digestion 628
Snake-eating Snake 765
Social Experiment 619
"Feeling in Dogs 507
"Science Association 365
Solar Disk, Temperature of 763
Sound, The Motions of. (Illustrated) 410
Speech, Infirmities of 463
Spelling 233
Stanley's Sermon 113
Stokes, Prof., Sketch of. (Portrait) 742
Storms in the United States 633
"Successor of Steam" 123
Suicide in Prussia 381
Sun's Work, The 348

Taste, Experiments on 634
Telegraph Operators, Education of 125
Telegraphic Determination of Longitude 426
Temperature, Distribution of, on Solar Disk 763
"of Scotland 506
"of Body, in Disease 247
Tempered Glass. (Illustrated) 554
Thermometer, A New, for Deep Sea 379
Thorough-Breds, do they revert? 634
Thunder-Showers 340
"Storms 629
To Herbert Spencer 628
To our Patrons 110
Toadstools and their Kindred. (Illustrated) 129
Toughened Glass 505
Trap-Rock, Fossils in 124
Tribes of Western Australia 764
Truth, Relativity of 488
Twins, What Savages think of 632

Under False Colors 365
Use of Narcotics 611

Vegetation as a Disinfectant 380
Velocity of Electricity 761
Ventilation of Houses 596
Verdict, A Popular 542
Versification and Respiration 510
Viniculture in California 123
Volcanoes in Iceland 630

Water, how injured by Organic Matter 125
"Absorption of, by Grain 380
Weather Reports, International 506
Wheel Animalcule, its Tenacity of Life 253
Whewell, Dr. William, Sketch of. (Portrait) 105
Wood's Discoveries at Ephesus. (Illustrated) 223

Zoölogical Garden at Cincinnati 249