584060Popular Science Monthly — Volume 721908

Table of Contents
January 1908
The Institute of France and Other Learned Scientific Societies 5
The Grayling at Caribou Crossing 23
What Is Matter? 28
Farm Tenancy a Problem in American Agriculture 40
Some Recent Transmutations 46
The Rule of the Road 52
Gold 65
Shall We Improve our Race? 75
A Trip Around Iceland IV 79
The Progress of Science 91
February 1908
A Visit to the Hangchow Bore I 97
The Relation of Color and Chemical Constitution 116
German Influence in Latin America 140
The Problem of International Speech 153
Infant Industries 169
The Future of Economic Entomology 174
The Instinct of Feigning Death 179
The Progress of Science 187
March 1908
America's Intellectual Product 193
The Grain of Truth in the Bushel of Christian Science Chaff 211
A Visit to the Hangchow Bore II 224
Railway Accidents and the Color Sense 244
The Influence of Technical Schools 253
Kelvin in the Sixties 259
Man's Educational Reconstruction of Nature 269
The Progress of Science 283
April 1908
Our Inland Waterways 289
Accidental Resemblances Among Animals - Chapter in Un-Natural History 304
The History of Science - An Interpretation 313
Physics 323
The Respiration of an Inland Lake 337
The Utilization of Auxiliary Entomophagous Insects in the Struggle Against Insects Injurious to Agriculture I 352
The Children's Museum as an Educator 371
The Progress of Science 380
May 1908
Some New View Points in Nutrition 385
The Utilization of Auxiliary Entomophagous Insects in the Struggle Against Insects Injurious to Agriculture II 406
Of the Soil of the Earth 420
The Conservation of the Great Marine Vertebrates: Imminent Destruction of the Wealth of the Seas 425
The Whiter Pittsburgh 431
The Education of the Colored Race Is the Duty of the Nation 452
Should Psychology Supervise Testimony? 465
The Progress of Science 475
June 1908
The Movement Towards Physiological Psychology I 481
Coincident Activities of the Earth and the Sun 492
Springs as a Geographic Influence in Humid Climates 503
Johannes Müller 513
The Genesis of Ores in the Light of Modern Theory 534
The Relation Between Recent Industrial Progress and Educational Advance 543
The Dawn of Quadrupeds in North America 558
The Progress of Science 567
Index 573