584081Popular Science Monthly — Volume 821913

Table of Contents
January 1913
Going Through Ellis Island 5
Some Impressions of the Flora of Guiana and Trinidad 19
A Grain of Wheat 33
The Inheritance of Acquired Characters 46
Canst Thou Not Minister to a Mind Diseased? 53
The Position of Women in China 71
The Socialization of the College 76
Modern Scientific Thought and its Influence on Philosophy 85
The Progress of Science 101
February 1913
The Geologic History of China and its Influence Upon the Chinese People 105
French Geodesy 125
The Role of Membranes in Cell-Processes 132
The Problem of the Efficiency of Labor 153
Bergson's View of Organic Evolution 163
The Abilities of an Educated Horse 168
The Advancement of Psychological Medicine 177
Immense Salt Concretions 187
College or University? 192
The Progress of Science 203
March 1913
Henri Poincare as an Investigator 209
A Chronicle of the Tribe of Corn 225
The Utilization of the Nitrogen of the Air 237
The Laboratory Method and High School Efficiency 243
How European Agriculture Is Financed 252
A Study in Jewish Psychopathology 264
The Language of Meteorology 272
The Sweden Valley Ice Mine and its Explanation 280
What Becomes of the Light of the Stars? 289
The Progress of Science 307
April 1913
The Influence of Forests Upon Climate 313
Goethe and the Chemists 332
The Domestication of American Grapes 338
United States Public Health Service 353
The Increasing Mortality from Degenerative Maladies 376
The Life Insurance Company as a Dynamic in the Movement for Physical Welfare 381
Natural Selection 388
Some Random Thoughts Concerning College Conditions 397
The Progress of Science 413
May 1913
A Problem in Evolution 417
The North American Indians of the Plains 436
Heredity and the Hall of Fame 445
The Man Who Discovered the Circulation of the Blood 453
Great Erosional Work of Winds 468
Hospitals, their Origin and Evolution 478
The New Optimism 492
Welfare and the New Economics 504
Scholarship and the State 510
The Progress of Science 517
June 1913
Some Further Applications of the Method of Positive Rays 521
The Abalones of California 533
The President of the Ninth International Congress of Applied Chemistry 551
The American college, as it looks from the inside 556
Edward Whymper: Alpinist of the Heroic Age 559
Alcohol from a Scientific Point of View I 567
The Biological Status and Social Worth of the Mulatto 573
The Evidence of Inorganic Evolution 583
A Statistical Study of Eminent Women 593
The Progress of Science 613
Index 621