For other English-language translations of this work, see Magna Carta.

For related works, see Portal:Magna Carta.



Adams, John, 285, 286 and notes,

296, 305-

Alford, Edward, speech in the Commons, 210-21 1.

Alfred, see Problem I.

Alured, Thomas, letter to Cham- berlain, 234, note.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 7-9; ex- cerpt from, 12, 16; 20, note 2.

Annals of St. Helens, Bishops- gate, London, 245; excerpt from, 257-261.

Anne, App., 408, 411.

Annual Register, 340; excerpts from, 345-349. 352. 354-355. 357-360, 361-363.

Apology of the Commons, 1604, excerpts from, 203-205.

Artisans, 143 and note 2, 149, 150, 152.

Asquith, Herbert, prime minister speech at Birmingham, 346- 347; in the Commons, 35^-35 1. 355, 357, 362-363; at Albert Hall, 352-353; resolutions of, 356-357; at National Liberal Club, 359; letter to Balfour, 361.

Asser, 8, 9 ; excerpt from his Life of King A If red, 1 6-2 5 .

Assize, Grand, 44, 45, 59, 60, 62, 63.

Assize of Arms, 77-78; excerpts from text of, 90-91.

Assize of Clarendon, 39, 42, 43, 56, 76, 78; text of, App., 375, 380.

Assize of Northampton, 43; ex- cerpts from, 56-58, 78.

Assizes, 42, 94-95.

Athelney, 12, 13, 18, 19, 26.

Autobiography of the Duke of Grafton, 288, 289; excerpts from, 317.


Bacon, Sir Francis, speech in the House, 206.

Balfour, Arthur, 339, 346, 347; in the Commons, 351-352; election address, 353-354; let- ter from Asquith, 361.

Bate case, the, 205, note.

Benevolences, App., 399.

Bill of Rights, text of, App., 403-

413. Billeting of soldiers, App., 400-

401, 404. Black Death, 115, 116, 132, 134-

141, 147. Borlase MS. of the Parliament of

1628, 180, 181; excerpts from,

22>i, 233. Boroughs, 37, 82, 83, 91, 94, 98,

103, 144, 145; App., 378, 379,

384. Boston Town Records, 245-246;

excerpts from, 264-277. Bracton, De Legibus Angliac,

quoted, 196, note.


Source Problems in English History

Bright, John, quoted 334.

Bromley, Sir Henry, summoned before the Council, 201-202.

Brook, Christopher, speech in the House, 22.1.

Buckhurst, Lord, privy coun- cilor, 202.

Buckingham, Duke of, impeach- ment of, 225-226, 230, 231,

233-234- Budget of 1909, see Problem


Burghley, Lord, 186,^ 190, 202.

Cabinet, 285, 287, 289, 296; 317- 319, 332 and note, 337.

Calendars of State Papers, 176- 179; excerpts from, Domestic, 190-192, 208-209, 224-225; Spanish 1558-1567, 187-190; Venetian, 1621-1623, 224.

Calvert, George, secretary of state, speeches in the Com- mons, 222-223.

Cambridge, Town and Selectmen's Records, Newtowne and, 246; excerpts from, 279-280.

Canada, 283, 295, 322, 323, 325, 326.

Carleton, Sir Dudley, vice-cham- berlain, letters from Cham- berlain and Win wood, 209; speeches in the House, 227 and note, 230.

Carncage, 37, 81; writ for col- lection of, 95-96.

Cecil, Sir Robert, privy coun- cilor, speech in the House, 199.

Chamberlain, John, letter to Carleton, 209; letter from Alured, 234, note.

Charlemagne, 16, 24, 30.

Charles I., 210, 211, 212; and Parliament, 2 25-238; App,,388.

Charles IL, App., 412.

Charles V., emperor, 173.

Charter of Liberties of Henry L, text of, App., 367-370.

Chatham, Earl of, 284, 286.

Chippenham, 12, 13, 16, 20, 26, 27.

Cholmondeley, Lord, 287, 293- 294.

Churchwardens, duties of, etc., 249-262 passim.

Cinque Ports, 82, 84, 98, 104; App., 405.

Civil Pleas, 44; typical records of, 60-64; App., 385.

Cobbett's State Trials, 179; ex- cerpts from, 235-237.

Coke, Sir Edward, 175, 176; speeches in the House, 217, 221-222, 223, 233-234 and note; committed to the Tower, 225.

Colonies, American, see Problem


Common law, 39, 42.

Commons, House of, see Prob- lems HI, V, and VHI.

Commons Journals, 176; ex- cerpts from, 186-187, 198, 207-208, 237.

Commutation of service, see Problem IV.

Confirmation of the Charters (1297), text of, App., 396-398.

Congress, the Continental, 294,

295. 310. 323- Conservatives or Tories, 331-

332, 335, 336, 339. 352. Constables, duties of, etc., 248- 256, 259, 265, 269, 271-272,

273- Constitutions of Clarendon, 41,

42, 55; text of, App., 370-

375. Council, 164-165, 168, 175, 187,

188, 189, 192, 195, 199, 202,

209,225,235; App., 399, 400.

16 County Court, see Shire.
Cranmer, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, 173.
Crewe, Thomas, speech in theHouse, 221.
Crofts, Sir James, 186.


Dalton, James, 194, note 2.
Danegeld, 37.
Danes, see Problem I.
D'Ewes, Journals, 177-178; excerpts from, 192-200.
Delbridge, John, speech in the House, 214.
Digges, Sir Dudley, imprisonment and release of, 226, 229, 230; speech in the House, 232.
Dispensing and suspending power, App., 404, 406.
Disraeli, Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield, 332, note.
Distraint of knighthood, 81-82; writ for, 96-97.
Domesday survey, 40; title of inquest for Ely, 52, 53, 76.
Duties of Constables, Borsholders, etc., 245; excerpts from, 248-252.


Edington, battle of, 13, 19, 27.
Education Bill of 1906, 339.
Edward the Confessor, 53; App., 368, 369.
Edward the Elder, 9.
Edward I., 85, 102, 104, 105; App., 396, 399.
Edward III., 115, note, 116, note, 155,162; App., 399-401.
Edward VI., 175.
Edward VII., speech on opening Parliament, 354-355; death of, 358, 362.
Egbert, 5.
Elections, interference with, App. 404, 406.
Eliot, Sir John, 176; imprisonment of, and vindication by the Commons, 226-230; attack of upon Buckingham, 231, 232; arrest of and proceedings against, 235-238.
Elizabeth, 116, note, 167, note i, 171, 174, 175; freedom of speech under, 186-202.
Elsynge, Henry, clerk of the House, 173.
English Budget Proposals (Seligman), Survey, 340; excerpts from, 343-345.
Ethelred, brother of Alfred, 5, 9.
Ethelwerd, chronicle of, 9, 10; excerpt from, 25-30.
Ethelwulf, father of Alfred, 15, 16, 23, 29, 30.


Finance Bill of 1894, 349.
Fitzherbert, Lord, 287.
Fitzwilliam, Lord, 324, 325, 327, 328.
Fleetwood, William, 194 and note I.
Florida, 283.
Fox, Charles James, 284, 285, 286, 287, 289, 296, 297, 306, 312, 314; Memorials and Correspondence of, 288; excerpts from, 317-328.
France, invaded by Northmen, 14, 21, 22, 25, 28, 30; in the peace negotiations with America, 283-328 passim.
Franchise Bill, see Reform Bill.
Franklin, Benjamin, 285-289 passim; Journal, quoted, 293-314, 314-328 passim.
Frederick, elector palatine, 210.
Freedom of speech in Parliament, see Problem I ; App., 406.

417 Source Problems in English History

Freeholders, 36-38, 75, 76, 78, 88, 90, 109, no, 127, 128.

Fuller, Mr., speech in the House, 205-206.

General Court (Colonial Legis- lature), 265 and note, 267, 268, 269, 270.

George III., 283, 284.

George, David Lloyd, chancellor of the exchequer, 339; speech at Limehouse, 345-346; at the National Liberal Club, 352 ; in the Nation, 347-348; speech in Parliament, 357-358.

Giles, Sir Edward, speech in the House, 232.

Gladstone, William Ewart, 332, note, 335, 337, 352.

Glanville, 43, 44, 56, note i; excerpts from Treatise as- cribed to, 58-60.

Gostwick, Sir John, Henry VIIL's message to, 173.

Grenville, Thomas, 287-319 pas- sim; letter to Fox, 319-325; letter from Fox, 325-328.

Grosvenor, Sir Richard, Notes of the Parliament of 1628, 180, 181; excerpts from, 232, 233.

Guthrum, 10, 13, 19, 20, note 2; text of Alfred's Peace with, 31.32-


Habeas Corpus, App., 400.

Hakewill, William, speech in the House, 214-215.

Hansard, 340 ; excerpts from, 349- 350.

Haxey, Thomas, case of, 169.

Heath, Sir Robert, attorney- general, 235-236.

Heneage, Sir Thomas, privy councilor, 201-202.


Henry I., 39, 41, 42, 54, 74, 77,

80; App., 367, 370. Henry H., 39, 41-44, 74-79,

88-91; App., 370-380. Henry IH., 39, 45, 81-85, 94-

106 passim; App., 396. Henry IV., 162-171 passim, 194

and note 3. Henry V., 194. Henry VI., 194, note 4. Henry VIII., 171, note, 172, 173;

Letters and Papers, quoted, 173,

note, 175, note. High Commission, Court of,

App., 404, 406. Hobby, Sir Thomas, speech in

the House, 228. Holinshed's Chronicles, 171, note;

quoted, 173, notes, 175, note. Holland, in the peace negotia- tions, with America, 284, 285,

286, note I, 298, 304, 305,

311. Holies, Denzil, arrest of and

proceedings against, 235-

238. Home Rule Bill, Irish (1893),

337- House of Lords Reconstitution

Bill, 360-361. Hundred court, 37.

Impositions, the Bate case, 205,

note, 208, 209; App., 399. Income Tax, see Problem VIII. Initiation, right of, 163 and note,

175; of money grants, 165,

note 2. Inquest, Sworn, see Problems II

and III. Itinerant justices, 42-45, 60, 64,

66,74,78-81,94-95, 109; App.,

376. 377, 379. 385. 389. 396,

397. 18 Index

James I., 203-225 passim.

James II., App., 404, 405-410.

Jay, John, 286 and notes, 313.

Jefferson, Thomas, 286 and note I.

John, 39, 45, 79, 80, 93, 94; App., 380.

John of Gaunt, Duke of Lan- caster, 167, 169.

Journal Book of the Commons, James' erasure of the Com- mons' protestation from, 225; see also Commons Journals.

Journal, Franklin's, 288; ex- cerpts from, 293-314.

Journal, Winthrop's, 244-245, 246; excerpts from, 278-279.

Judges, 163-164, 168 and note i, 170, note 2, 175.

Jury, see Problem II, 73, no, 154-157; App., 405, 407.

Justices of Laborers, 116, 117,

152-157- Justices of the Peace, 117, 145, 151, 152, note 3, 249, 250, 252, 253. 277; App., 399.


King's Bench, Court of, App., 404.

Knights, 37, 38, 75, 76, 78, 81-84, 88, 90-101 passim, 103-106, no; App., 369, 382, 385, 387, 390.

Knollys, Sir Francis, vice-cham- berlain, 186.

Laborers, see Problem IV. Labor laws, see Ordinance and

Statute of Laborers. Labor party, 354. Lafayette, Marquis de, 301, 322.

Langland, William, Richard the Redeless, 165.

Lando, Girolamo, Venetian am- bassador, letter of, 224.

Lansdovme MSS., Letters from, excerpts from, 315-317.

Lansdowne, Marquess of, quoted, 348 and note, 349 and note; resolutions of, 358-359; Re- constitution Bill introduced by, 360-361.

Laurens, Henry, 286 and note i.

Law Reports, the Public General Statutes, igii, 340; excerpts from, 363-366.

Liberals, 332-366 passim.

Licensing Bill, 339, 349.

Littleton, Edward, 229.

Livingston, Robert, 288.

London, recaptured from the Danes, 16, 25, 30.

London, Evening Post, quoted,

309- London Times, 340; excerpts

from, 350-357, 360-361. Lord lieutenants, App., 399. Lords Appellant, 168 and note 3. Lords, House of, see Problem

VIII. Lords Journals, 178; excerpts

from, 237-238. Loreburn, Lord, lord chancellor,

speech in the Lords, 349-350. Louisiana, 283.


Magna Carta, 80, 82, 83, 93-94!

text of, App., 380-396, 397.

400, 4c I. Mallory, Sir Edward, committed

to the Tower, 225. Manor, 37; see Problem IV. Mare, Peter de la, 166; speaker

of the Good Parliament, 167

and note 2, 168. Mary I., 174, 203.

419 Source Problems in English History

Mary II., App., 404, 407-412.

Meriton, Guide for Constables, Churchwardens, etc., 245; ex- cerpts from, 255-257.

Merke, Thomas, bishop of Car- lisle, 194, note 3.

Mildmay, Sir Walter, chancellor of the exchequer, 193.

Militia, 37, 77-78.

Mill, James, quoted, 333.

Ministers (clergymen), 253, 254, 255, 259 and note 2, 278.

Ministers, royal, 231, 233, 234; see also Cabinet.

Money economy, see Problem IV.

Money grants, initiation of, 165, note 2; control of, see Prob- lem VIII.

Morley, John, 336.


Nationalist party, 354.

Neile, Richard, bishop of Lin- coln, attacks the Commons, 208-209.

New England Town-meeting, see Problem VI.

Nicholas, Sir Edward, Proceed- ings and Debates, 1 80 ; excerpts from, 210-224.

Nichols, John, Illustrations of the Manners and Expences of An- tient Times in England, 245; excerpts from, 261-264.

Norman Conquest, 35, 36, 38, 39, 74. 75. 109, no, 113.

Normandy, 35, 36, 41.

North, Lord, 283, 285.

Northmen, see Danes.


Oath, see Sworn Inquest.

Old Age Pensions, Bill for,

339. Ordeal, 45.

Ordinance of Laborers, 11 5-1 17;

text of, 1 41-146, 147, 153. Oswald, Richard, 287-327 passim.

Palatinate, discussion in the Commons over, 210-212, 216.

Paris, besieged by Northmen, 16, 25; Treaty of, 283.

Parish, the English, see Problem VI.

Parliament, the Tudors and, 174-175; duration of, 357, 366.

Parliament Act of 191 1, ;ee Prob- lem VIII.

Parliamentary Debates in 1610, 180; excerpts from, 205-208.

Parliamentary History, 179; ex- cerpts from, 203-205, 227, note.

Peerages, creation of, 331-337 passim, 362.

Perambulation, 263 and note, 273.

Petition of Right, 231; text of, App., 398-403-

Petition, the Commons to the King, 215-217.

Petition, the right to, 163; App., 406.

Petyt's, Jus Parliamentarium, 179.

Phelips, Sir Robert, 175; speeches in the House, 214, 221, 232, 234, note; committed to the Tower, 225.

Pleas of the Crown, 45; typical records of, 64-69, 94; App., 386.

Plural Voting Bill, 339.

Pole, Michael de la, 163, note 2.

Population, 115, note.

Possessory Assizes, 44, 45, 60- 64; App., 385.

Privileges of Parliament, first asked, 173-174; Elizabeth's answer to demands for, 200- 201; Apology of the Commons,

420 quoted, 203-205; petitions to

the King, 207-208, 215-217;

the King's answer, 218-220;

the Protestation, 223-224. Privy Council, see Council. Provisions of Oxford, 84. Pym, John, 232, 234, note.


Radicals, 332, 333, 334, 338.

Ramsey Abbey, 113, 114; ex- cerpts from Cartulary of, I2i- 127.

Records of Boston Selectmen, 246; excerpts from, 277-278.

Reform Bill, first, 332; second, 336; third, 335.

Remonstrance by the Commons, plans for, 231 ; proceeded with,

234- Resolution of 1678, the Commons

text of, 347, note. Rich, vSir Nathaniel, speech in

the House, 232. Richard I., 39, 44, 77; App., 390-

392. Richard II., 116, note, 162-170

passim, 194, note 3. Rockingham, Marquis of, 284,

285. 287, 306, 317, 318-319, 325. Rolls of Parliament, l6l, note, 166,

note, 194, 217. Rosebery, Lord, quoted, 334-

335. 336, 337, 347; resolutions

of. 355-356. Rush worth's Historical Collec- tions, 180, 181; excerpts from,

231, 233-234 and notes.

St. Alban's Chronicle, quoted,

165 and note r, 167, note 2. St. Augustine, documents re- lating to monastery of, 40; ^ text of, 51-53. St. Stephen, document relating

to monastery of, 41 ; text of,

53-55- St. Vincent, document relating

to monastery of, 39, 40; text

of, 48-51. Saladin Tithe, 78; text of, 91-92. Salisbury, Marquess of, 335, 337,

347- Sandys, Sir Edwin, case of, 211.

213 and note. Savile, Sir John, speeches in the

House, 228. Selectmen, 265-280 passim. Seven Years' War, 283, 284. Seymour, Sir Francis, speech in

the House, 220-221. Shelburne, Ivord, 284-326 passim;

Life of William, Earl of 288,


Sheppard, William, Offices and Duties of Constables, Bors- holders, etc., 245; excerpts from, 252-255.

Sheriffs, 74; inquest of, 75-78, 79, 81, 82; excerpts from in- quest of, 88-89, 93-100 passim, 103-106, 109, 121, 145, 152, note 3, 153; App., 372, 376- 380, 386, 387, 389, 390, 396.

Shire court, 37, 80, 81, 96, 97;

.App- 379-

Silva, Guzman de, Spanish am- bassador, 177, 187.

Simon de Montfort, 84, 85, 100.

Slavery, 109, 113.

Spain, in the peace negotiations with America, 283-286 passim, 298, 304, 305, 311, 324.

Spanish Papers, see Calendars of State Papers.

Speaker of the House, 163, 164; Savage, 165 ; Pickering, Cheyne, Bussy, 166 and note 2; de la Mare, 167, 171, 173; Thorpe, 194 and note 4, 195, 197, 198, 199, 200,201, 212,217,226,230, note, 23 1 , 233 andlnote, 234-235.

421 Source Problems in English History-

Star Chamber, Court of, 237. Statute of Laborers, 116, 117, 143, note; text of, 146-152,

153, 156.

Stephen, 41, 74.

Stevens, Richard,imprisoned, 202.

Strickland, Mr., debate over case of, 192-195-

Strode, Richard, case of, 1 72 and notes, 236, 238.

Strode, Sir WilHam, speech in the Commons, 213.

Suspending power, see Dispens- ing.

Taxation, 37, 78, 81, 162-163; App., 397-399, 402, 404, 406.

Thirty Years' War, 210.

Thorpe, Thomas, speaker of the House, 194, note 4.

Tonnage and poundage, 234-235.

Tories, see Conservatives.

Tories (American), 296.

Town-meeting, the New Eng- land, see Problem VI.

Townshend's Historical Collec- tions, 178; excerpts from, 200- 202.

Treason, App., 405.


Valentine, Benjamin, 235-238. Venetian Papers, see Calendars of

State Papers. Vergennes, M. de, 285-321

passim. Vestry, see Problem VI. Veto, the Lords ' , see Problem VIII. Villeins, 36-38, 76, 96; see

Problem IV; App., 375, 385.


Wager of battle, 45. Wages, see Problem IV. Wandesford, Christopher,

speeches in the Commons, 228, 233.

Wars of the Roses, 172.

Wedmore, 13, 20, 27.

Welch, Mr., imprisoned, 202.

Wentworth, Paul, 186, 194, note 2, 202.

Wentworth, Peter, 175; speech in the House, 195-197; ex- amination of, 197, 198; be- fore the Council, 201; com- mitted to the Tower, 202.

Wentworth, Sir Thomas (later created Earl of Strafford), 206, imprisoned, 209; speech in Parliament, 211.

Weston, Sir Richard, chancellor of the exchequer, speech of, 230.

Whigs, 284, 285, 331-332; see also Liberals.

Whitelocke, Bulstrode, 205, note; Notes of the Parliament of 1626, 180; excerpts from, 225-230.

Whitelocke, Sir James, 205 and note.

Wilde, John, speech in the House, 226.

William I., 39-41. 51-53, 74: App., 369.

Wilham II., App., 368-370.

WiUiam III., App., 404, 405, 407- 412.

Winthrop, John, 265; Journal, excerpts from, 244-245, 246, 278-279.

Winwood, Sir Ralph, letter to Carleton, 209.

Wolsey, Thomas, cardinal, 173, note 2.

Yelverton, Sir Christopher, 193-

194. Yonge, Thomas, case of, 171, 172. Yorktown, surrender of, 284,
