Thank You EMail from Secretary Solis

Thank You EMail from Secretary Solis
by Hilda Solis
396633Thank You EMail from Secretary SolisHilda Solis

Original Message-----

From: Secretary Hilda Solis
Subject: Thank You Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 2:18 PM

I was moved by the extraordinary show of support from so many of you this morning. As I walked up to the Frances Perkins Building, I was overwhelmed by the energy and enthusiasm representing the entire Department of Labor Team. It was an excellent way to start a first day on the job, and I will remember your good wishes for a very long time. Thank you for that.

There is so much for us to do. The challenges facing workers in our country are enormous. But our capacity to make real and lasting change is even bigger. American workers aren’t just counting on me. They are counting on every single one of you, too.

With your help, we will be able to fulfill the commitment I made to President Obama: to be a voice for America’s working families. That voice can be louder, stronger, and have more impact if we work together.

Early in my career, I had the honor to be a federal civil servant. I know that public service is a high calling, and that there is no better way to make a difference. In the coming days, I very much hope to meet many of you here in Washington and across the country. But in the meantime, I want to hear from you. So if you have ideas or suggestions, please email me.

Now, let’s get to work . . .

Hilda Solis U.S. Secretary of Labor