The Army and Navy Hymnal/Secular/Flag of Honor, Flag of Daring

For other versions of this work, see Men of Harlech.
Henry Augustine SmithCarl Harold LowdenGeorge SterlingThe Army and Navy Hymnal — Flag of Honor, Flag of Daring1736679Anonymous

Flag of Honor, Flag of Daring 5
Dedicated to the 8 1st Field Artillery
George Sterling Melody : Men of Harlech
Arranged by C. Harold Lowden

1 Flag of honor, flag of daring, Flag of legions onwardfaring. Flag our hands and hearts are bearing. Lead to victory!From the dyes of battle gory, Foam an wave of o'cean's gloryAnd the stars that tell thy story Freemen fashioned thee.Flag of love unbounded! Flag of hopes unsounded! Howfloat thy bars, how gleam thy stars, By heavens stars surrounded!We thy sons shall fail thee never! Time nor tide our faith shallsever! all for theee, and thou forever, Flag of victory!2 By the standards that have shown thee, By the battles that haveknown thee, By the heroes that have flown thee, Guide us in the fight!Bless the soldier in his sleeping, Hush the mother in her weeping;Hold the helpless in thy keeping, Warder of the Right!By the guns that scarred thee, By the guns that guard thee,Thine e'gles soar; from war to war, But never stain has marred thee!We thy sons shall fail thee never! Time nor tide our faith shallsever! all for thee, and thou forever, Flag of victory!

Flag of Honor, Flag of Daring