The Biographical Dictionary of America/Ayres, Romeyn Beck

4111743The Biographical Dictionary of America, Volume 1 — Ayres, Romeyn Beck1906

AYRES, Romeyn Beck, soldier, was born in East Creek, Montgomery county, N.Y., Dec. 20, 1825. He was graduated from West Point in 1847. and served in the Mexican war in the 3d artillery at Fort Preble. In May, 1861. he was promoted captain, and participated in the early engagements about Washington. He served as chief of artillery in W. F. Smith's division in the 6th army corps in the campaign before Richmond, and in the Maryland campaign, terminating with the battle of Antietam, when he was placed on sick leave. He rejoined the army before Fredericksburg, and was at Chancellorsville. He was made brigadier-general of volunteers, Nov. 29, 1862. and at Gettysburg he commanded a division of the 5th corps, and afterward was ordered to New York to help suppress the draft riots in July, 1863. He then served under Grant in the battle of the Wilderness and in the final struggle that ended with the surrender of Lee. His promotions in the volunteer army were: major for Gettysburg, lieutenant-colonel for the Wilderness, colonel for Petersburg, brigadier-general for Five Forks, and major-general for gallant services during the war. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel in 1865, and in July, 1879, colonel in the regular army. He died at Fort Hamilton, N.Y., Dec. 4, 1888.