The Bird of Time/Indian Folk-Songs/Hymn to Indra, Lord of Rain

2250081The Bird of Time — Hymn to Indra, Lord of RainSarojini Naidu

Hymn to Indra, Lord of Rain

Men's Voices:
O Thou, who rousest the voice of the thunder,
And biddest the storms to awake from their sleep,
Who breakest the strength of the mountains asunder,
And cleavest the manifold pride of the deep!
Thou, who with bountiful torrent and river
Dost nourish the heart of the forest and plain,
Withhold not Thy gifts O Omnipotent Giver!
Hearken, O Lord of Rain!

Women's Voices:
O Thou, who wieldest Thy deathless dominion
O'er mutable legions of earth and the sky,
Who grantest the eagle the joy of her pinion,
And teachest the young of the koel to fly!

Thou who art mighty to succour and cherish,
Who savest from sorrow and shieldest from pain,
Withhold not Thy merciful love, or we perish,
Hearken, O Lord of Rain!