Poems of Letitia Elizabeth Landon (L. E. L.) in The Amulet, 1836/The Evening Star
BY L. E. L.
I come from the caves of the silent sea,
Where the red and white coral wreathe bowers for me.
I leave my blush on the shells beside,
When I rise from the depths of the haunted tide.
I come when the sun has forsaken the sky,
And the last warm colours of daylight die;
And the west is pale and pure as the pearl
That gems the white brow of some eastern girl.
The birds are hushed on the drooping bough,
Save the nightingale lone which is murmuring now;
The bee has gone home to his honey cell,
And the lark has gone down in the grass to dwell.
I come when the dew is bright on the rose,
When the leaves of the languid violet close,
When notes of the lute are heard on the wind,
And their music for one, only one, is designed.
The hours of the day are of trouble and toil,
Then fight they the battle, then part they the spoil;
The hours of the midnight, O pale sleep, are thine,
But one hour, the fairest, the dearest is mine.
Mine is the hour, the stolen, the sweet,
When the young lover listens his maiden's light feet.
There are planets in heaven as bright and as far,
But which has the spell of the sweet evening star?