The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Burn, Hon’ble Mr. Richard

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1572739The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Burn, Hon’ble Mr. RichardC. Hayavadana Rao

Burn, Hon’ble Mr. Richard, I.C.S., Chief Secretary to the Government of U.P., Lucknow; educ: the Liverpool Institution, and Christ College, Oxford; joined service, 1891; acted as Assistant Collector and Magistrate, etc., till 1896; Under-Secretary to Government, 1897; Superientendent, Census Operations, 1900; Superintendent, Imperial Gazetteer, 1902; Deputy Commissioner, 1904; Editor, Imperial Gazetter, for India, 1905; Chief Secretary to Government, and Member, Legislative Council, U.P., Since 1910. Publications: Census Report of the United Provinces, 1901; Imperial Gazetteer of India, 2nd Ed. Address: Lucknow, U.P., India.