The New International Encyclopædia/Appalachian Mountain Club

Edition of 1905. See also Appalachian Mountain Club on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1489132The New International Encyclopædia — Appalachian Mountain Club

AP'PALACH'IAN MOUN'TAIN CLUB. A society of persons interested in the mountains of New England and adjacent regions. It was organized in 1876, incorporated in 1878, and authorized by legislative act of 1894 to hold mountain and forest lands as historic sites. The club aims to preserve the beauty of mountain forests and resorts, to render them attractive to visitors and excursionists, to publish accurate maps thereof, and to collect scientific data concerning the mountains. Appalachia, the club journal, has (1901) reached 27 numbers, constituting 9 complete volumes. An annual Register has been published since 1879. Several books relating to mountaineering, touring trips, etc., have been published under the auspices of the society. The club library consists of over 1000 volumes, 500 pamphlets, 1300 maps or sets of maps, and several notable collections of photographs of mountain views. The club, which in 1901 had 1200 members, conducts excursions and field meetings every year.