The New International Encyclopædia/Müller, Lucian

Edition of 1905. See also Lucian Müller on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1040597The New International Encyclopædia — Müller, Lucian

MÜLLER, Lucian (1836-98). A German Latinist. He was born at Merseburg, and studied at the universities of Berlin and Halle. In 1870 he was made professor of the Latin language and literature at the Philologico-Historical Institute at Saint Petersburg. His works, which display great erudition and critical acumen, are marred by his bitter attacks on eminent scholars whose opinions differ from his own. They include his famous De Re Metrica Poetarum Latinorum præter Plautum et Terentium (2d ed. 1894); editions for the Bibliotheca Teubneriana of Horace (2d ed. 1879); of Catullus (1870): and other Latin poets; editions of Lucilius (1872); Phædrus (1877); Ennius (1884); Nævius (1885); Horace's Odes and Epodes, with German commentaries (1882); and Horace's Satires and Epistles (1841-43). His treatise entitled Ein Horazjubiläum (1892) contains a short autobiography.