The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/The Winning Fight Is Always to the Right

The Army and Navy Hymnal
edited by Henry Augustine Smith
The Winning Fight Is Always to the Right by Edna Randolph Worrell
(A Winning Fight by C. Harold Lowden)
1933727The Army and Navy Hymnal — The Winning Fight Is Always to the RightHenry Augustine SmithEdna Randolph Worrell
(A Winning Fight by C. Harold Lowden)

228 The Winning Fight Is Always to the Right
Edna R. Worrell C. Harold Lowden
  1. The win -ning fight is al-ways to the right,
    When life's great wars with e - vil once be - gin
    For those who trust the Lord in all his might
    Can shout: 'We'll Win!'

    We have a long, hard fight,
    but we'll win We'll win, o'er sin,
    We're on the Lord's side, We're on the right side,
    And we must sure-ly win.
  2. When sin as - sails the cour-age oft - en fails,
    And base sur - ren - der tempts the soul with-in,
    But Christ's own ar - mor ev-ery wher pre-vails,
    Praise God we'll win
  3. With eyes turned t' ward our ev - er conquering Lord.
    Our faith the shield to quench the darts of sin,
    And with his ho - ly Spi it for a sword,
    'Tis true ; we'll win
  4. Then let our cry ring up-ward to the sky,
    Ring loud - er still than con-flicts fear-ful din,
    A shout of tri- umph ech - o -ing on high:
    'We'll win! we' win!'