The Year That's Awa (1)/Blythe, Blythe, An' Merry Are We

For other versions of this work, see Blythe, Blythe, An' Merry Are We.
4510351The Year That's Awa' — Blythe, Blythe, An' Merry Are WeAnonymous


Blythe, Blythe, an' merry are we,
Blythe are we ane an' a';
Aften hae we cantie been,
But sic a night we never saw.

The gloamin' saw us a' sit down,
An' meikle mirth has been our fa';
But ca' the tither toast aroun',
Till chanticleer begin to craw.
Blythe, &c.

The auld kirk bell has chappit twal':
Wha cares tho' she had chappit twa!
We'er light o' heart, an' winna part,
Tho' time an' tide should rin awa'.
Blythe, &c.

Tut! never spier how wears the morn,
The moon's still blinkin' i' the sky!
An' gif like her we fill our horn,
I dinna doubt we'll drink it dry.
Blythe, &c.

Then fill we up a social cup,
And never mind the dapple dawn;
Just sit a while, the sun may smile,
An' light us a' across the lawn.
Blythe, &c.