The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Liber Tertius/Fable 15

The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Tertius (1889)
by Aesop, translated by William Caxton, edited by Joseph Jacobs
Fable 15: The Wulf and the Dogge
Aesop3795493The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Tertius — Fable 15: The Wulf and the Dogge1889William Caxton

¶ The xv fable is of the wulf and of the dogge

Lyberte or freedome is a moche swete thynge / as Esope reherceth by this fable / of a wulf and of a dogge whiche by aduenture mette to gyder / wherfore the wulf demaunded of the dogge / wherof arte thow so fatte and fo playsaunt / And the dogge ansuerd to hym / I haue wel kepte my lordes hows / & haue barked after the theues whiche came in the hows of my mayster / wherfore he and his meyny gyue to me plente of good mete / wherof I am fatte and playsaunt / and the wulf sayd thenne to hym / It is wel sayd my broder / Certaynly syth thow arte so wel atte thyn ease and farest so wel I haue grete desyre to dwelle with the / to thende that thow & I make but one dyner / wel sayd the dogge / come on with me yf thow wylt be as wel at thyn ease as I am / and haue thou no doubte of no thynge / The wulf wente with the dogge / and as they wente by the way / the wulf beheld the dogges neck / whiche was al bare of here / and demaunded of the dogge / My broder why is thy neck so shauen / And the dog ansuered / it is by cause of my grete coler of yron / to the whiche dayly I am fasted / And at nyght I am vnbound for to kepe the hows the better / Thenne sayd the wulf to the dogge / This I wyshe ne nede not / For I that am in lyberte / wylle not be put in no subiection / And therefor for to fylle my bely / I wylle not be subget / yf thou be acustommed for to be bound / contynue thow in hit / and I shalle lyue as I am wonte and acustomed / therfore there is no rychesse gretter / than lybete / for lyberte is better than alle the gold of the world /