The Hesperides & Noble Numbers/Hesperides/To the Most Illustrious, and Most Hopeful Prince, Charles, Prince of Wales

The Hesperides & Noble Numbers (1898)
by Robert Herrick, edited by Alfred Pollard
To the Most Illustrious, and Most Hopeful Prince, Charles, Prince of Wales
118911The Hesperides & Noble NumbersHesperides
To the Most Illustrious, and Most Hopeful Prince, Charles, Prince of Wales
1898Robert Herrick (1591-1674)


Most Illustrious and Most Hopeful Prince.



Well may my book come forth like public day
When such a light as you are leads the way,
Who are my work's creator, and alone
The flame of it, and the expansion.
And look how all those heavenly lamps acquire
Light from the sun, that inexhausted fire,
So all my morn and evening stars from you
Have their existence, and their influence too.
Full is my book of glories; but all these
By you become immortal substances.