United States Code/Title 22/Chapter 7/Subchapter XVI

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See the current codification for Title 22, Chapter 7, Subchapter XVI at the Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School.

505779United States CodeTitle 22, Chapter 7, Subchapter XVI − United Nations Organizationthe United States Government

Title 22 − Foreign Relations and Intercourse
Chapter 7 − International Bureaus, Congresses, etc.
Subchapter XVI − United Nations Organization

  • § 287. Representation in Organization
  • § 287a. Action by representatives in accordance with Presidential instructions; voting
  • § 287b. Reports to Congress by President
  • § 287c. Economic and communication sanctions pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution
  • § 287d. Use of armed forces; limitations
  • § 287d-1. Noncombatant assistance to United Nations
  • § 287e. Authorization of appropriations; payment of expenses
  • § 287e-1. Housing supplement for certain employees assigned to the United States Mission to the United Nations
  • § 287e-2. Reimbursement for goods and services provided by the United States to the United Nations
  • § 287e-3. Limitation on the United States share of assessments for United Nations regular budget
  • § 287f. Omitted
  • § 287g. Authorization of appropriations for loan to United Nations; restrictions on use of proceeds of loan
  • § 287h. Limitation on loan
  • § 287i. Deduction of principal and interest from annual payment of assessed share of United States of budget
  • § 287j. Participation in future United Nations borrowing; promotion of pattern of financing to avoid future large-scale deficits; report to Congress
  • § 287k. Congressional expression of satisfaction that expenditures relating to operations in Middle East and in the Congo are “expenses of the Organization”
  • § 287l. Congressional declaration that United Nations take steps to give effect to advisory opinion of International Court of Justice on financial obligations of members.


Short Title
Section 1 of act December 20, 1945 (Act of Dec. 20, 1945 [or Public Law 79-264], ch. 583, 59 Stat. 619), provided that:
This Act [1] may be cited as the ``United Nations Participation Act of 1945´´.”

  1. The Act which enacted this subchapter (§ 287 - § 287e).