United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/25th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 175
Chap. CLXXV.—An Act to establish a new collection district in the State of Mississippi.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Collection district to be established, &c.
Vicksburg to be a port of entry. That all that part of the State of Mississippi north of the point where the range line strikes the Mississippi river, between townships thirteen and fourteen, of the Washington land district, is hereby created a collection district, to be called the Vicksburg district, whereof Vicksburg shall be the port of entry, subject to all the regulations and duties prescribed in regard to the district of Mississippi, by an act passed the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, entitled1834, ch. 135.
Grand Gulf to be a port of delivery. “An act to establish a port of entry at Natchez, in Mississippi, and creating certain other ports of delivery, and for other purposes;” and that Grand Gulf shall be a port of delivery within said district of which Natchez is the port of entry.
Approved, July 7, 1838.