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 * This script facilitates testing of functions I create.
 * It is not useful unless you want to debug my scripts.
//  Imports:

 * TemplateScript adds configurable templates and scripts to the sidebar, and adds an example regex editor.
 * @see
 * @update-token [[File:Pathoschild/templatescript.js]]
$.ajax('//', { dataType:'script', cache:true }).then(function() {
		// to test retrievePagenum.js; Page: NS only
		{ category: 'Test',
		  name: 'retrievePagenum',
		  script: function(editor) {
		  forNamespaces: 'page'
		// Put header material on the first line, separate parts with pipes,
		// and click this to transfer to a RunningHeader. Could be customised
		// per work by editing exactly how the header is changed.
		// Currently: Generic 
		{ category: 'BN dev',
		  name: 'HeaderHelp',
		  script: function(editor) {
            var firstLine, parts, numParts, numberRegex, newHeader;
		  	firstLine = /^.*\n/.exec(editor.get())[0];
		  	parts = firstLine.split(/ +/).map(x => x.trim());
		  	numParts = parts.length;
		  	numberRegex = /[0-9]+/;
		  	if (numberRegex.test(parts[0])) {
		  		newHeader = '{{RunningHeader|' + parts[0] + '|' + parts.slice(1, numParts).join(' ') + '|}}';
		  	} else if (numberRegex.test(parts[numParts - 1])) {
		  		newHeader = '{{RunningHeader||' + parts.slice(0, numParts - 1).join(' ') + '|' + parts[numParts - 1] + '}}';
		  	} else {
		  		alert('Failed to parse first line as a header, aborting');
		  	editor.replace(/^.*\n/, '');
		  forNamespaces: 'page'