User:Charles Matthews/DNB 13001-14000
- Davis, John Ford - Davis, Joseph Barnard - Davis, Lockyer - Davis, Mary - Davis, Nathan - Davis, Richard Barrett - Davis, Thomas Osborne - Davis, William (1627-1690) - Davis, William (1771-1807) - Davis, William (1812-1873)
- Davison, Alexander - Davison, Edward - Davison, Francis - Davison, James William - Davison, Jeremiah - Davison, John - Davison, Maria Rebecca - Davison, William (fl.1635-1660) - Davy, Adam - Davy, Charles
- Davy, David Elisha - Davy, Edmund - Davy, Edward - Davy, Henry - Davy, Jane - Davy, John (1763-1824) - Davy, John (1790-1868) - Davy, Martin - Davy, Robert - Davy, William (d.1780)
- Dawes, Lancelot - Dawes, Richard (1708-1766) - Dawes, Richard (1793-1867) - Dawes, Sophia - Dawes, William (1671-1724) - Dawes, William Rutter - Dawks, Ichabod - Dawks, Thomas - Dawson, Abraham - Dawson, Ambrose
- Dawson, Benjamin - Dawson, Edward - Dawson, George (1637-1700) - Dawson, George (1821-1876) - Dawson, Henry - Dawson, James - Dawson, John - Dawson, Nancy - Dawson, Robert (1776-1860) - Dawson, Robert Kearsley
- Dawson, Thomas - Dawson, William - Day, Alexander - Day, Alfred - Day, Angell - Day, Daniel - Day, Francis - Day, George (1501?-1556) - Day, George Edward - Day, James
- Day, John (1522-1584) - Day, John (fl.1606) - Day, John (1566-1628) - Day, Matthew - Day, Richard - Day, Thomas - Day, William (1529-1596) - Deacon, Thomas - Deacon, William Frederick - Dealtry, Thomas
- Dealtry, William - Dean, Richard - Dean, Thomas - Dean, William - Deane, Anthony - Deane, Henry - Deane, Richard - Deane, Thomas (1651-1735) - Deane, Thomas (1792-1871) - Deane, William Wood
- Deare, John - Deare, Joseph - Dease, William - Deasy, Rickard - De Baan, Johannes - Debrett, John - De Brie, Dick Theodore - De Bruyn, Theodore - De Caus, Salomon - Decker, Matthew
- De La Motte, William - De Lancey, Oliver (1749-1822) - De Lancey, Oliver (1803-1837) - De Lancey, William Howe - Delane, Dennis - Delane, John Thadeus - Delane, Solomon - Delany, Mary - Delany, Patrick - Delap, John
- Delaram, Francis - De La Rue, Thomas - Delatre, Jean Marie - Delaune, Gideon - Delaune, Thomas - Delaune, William (d.1610) - Delaval, Edward Hussey - Delavall, Ralph - Delepierre, Joseph Octave - De Lisle, Ambrose Lisle March Phillipps
- Dell, Henry - Dell, Jonas - Dell, William - De Lolme, John Louis - Deloney, Thomas - Delpini, Carlo Antonio - Deluc, Jean André - Delvaux, Laurent - Demainbray, Stephen Charles Triboudet - De Morgan, Augustus
- De Morgan, Campbell Greig - Dempster, George - Dempster, Thomas - Dene, William - Denham, Dixon - Denham, Henry - Denham, James Stewart (1712-1780) - Denham, James Stewart (1744-1839) - Denham, John (1559-1639) - Denham, John (1615-1669)
- Denham, Michael Aislabie - Denholm, James - Denis, Peter - Denison, Albert - Denison, Edward (1840-1870) - Denison, John (d.1629) - Denison, John Evelyn - Denison, William Joseph - Denison, William Thomas - Denman, Thomas (1733-1815)
- Denman, Thomas (1779-1854) - Denne, John - Denne, Samuel - Dennett, John - Dennie, William Henry - Dennis, James Blatch Piggott - Dennis, John - Dennis, Thomas - Denny, Anthony - Denny, Henry
- Denny, William - Dennys, John - Dent, Arthur - Dent, Edward John - Dent, Peter - Denton, Henry - Denton, James - Denton, John - Denton, Nathan - Denton, Richard
- Denton, Thomas (1724-1777) - Denton, Thomas (d.1789) - Denton, William - D'Éon de Beaumont, Charles Geneviève Louis Auguste André Timothée - De Quincey, Thomas - Derby, Alfred Thomas - Derby, William - Derham, Samuel - Derham, William (1657-1735) - Derham, William (1702-1757)
- Dering, Heneage - Dering, Richard - Dermody, Thomas - Dermott, Laurence - Derrick, Samuel - Derricke, John - De Ryck, William - Desaguliers, John Theophilus - Desaguliers, Thomas - Desbarres, Joseph Frederick Walsh
- Desborough, John - Desenfans, Noel Joseph - Des Granges, David - Desmaizeaux, Pierre - D'Espagne, Jean - Despard, Edward Marcus - Despard, John - Despenser, Hugh le (d.1265) - D'Este, Augustus Frederick - Dethick, Gilbert
- Devey, George - Devis, Arthur (1711?-1787) - Devis, Arthur William - Devisme, Louis - Dewar, James - D'Ewes, Gerrard - Dewes, Giles - De Wilde, Samuel - De Wint, Peter - Dewsbury, William
- Digges, Dudley (1613-1643) - Digges, Leonard (d.1571?) - Digges, Thomas - Digges, West - Dighton, Denis - Dighton, Robert - Dignum, Charles - Dilke, Ashton Wentworth - Dilke, Charles Wentworth (1789-1864) - Dilke, Charles Wentworth (1810-1869)
- Dilkes, Thomas - Dillenius, John James - Dillingham, Francis - Dillingham, William - Dillon, Arthur (1670-1733) - Dillon, Arthur Richard (1750-1794) - Dillon, Arthur Richard (1721-1806) - Dillon, Edouard - Dillon, James - Dillon, John Blake
- Dillon, Robert Crawford - Dillon, Theobald - Dillon, Thomas (1615?-1672?) - Dillon, Thomas (1613-1676?) - Dillon, Wentworth - Dillon-Lee, Henry Augustus - Dillwyn, Lewis Weston - Dilly, Charles - Dilly, Edward - Dimsdale, Thomas
- Diss, Walter - Ditton, Humphrey - Dix, John - Dixey, John - Dixie, Wolstan - Dixon, George - Dixon, James - Dixon, John (d.1715) - Dixon, John (1740?-1780?) - Dixon, Joseph
- Dixon, Joshua - Dixon, Robert - Dixon, William Henry - Dixon, William Hepworth - Dixwell, John - Dobbs, Arthur - Dobbs, Francis - Dobell, Sydney Thompson - Dobree, Peter Paul - Dobson, John (1633-1681)
- Dobson, John (1787-1865) - Dobson, Susannah - Dobson, William (1610-1646) - Dobson, William (1820-1884) - Docharty, James - Docking, Thomas of - Dockwray, William - Docwra, Thomas - Dod, Charles Roger Phipps - Dod, Henry
- Dod, John - Bellew, Richard - Dod, Peirce - Dod, Timothy - Dodd, Charles - Dodd, Daniel - Dodd, George (1783-1827) - Dodd, George (1808-1881) - Dodd, James William - Dodd, James Solas
- Dodd, Ralph - Dodd, Robert - Dodd, Samuel - Dodd, Thomas - Doddridge, Philip - Dodds, James (1813-1874) - Dodds, James (1812-1885) - Dodgson, George Haydock - Dodington, Bartholomew - Dodington, George Bubb
- Dodson, Michael - Dodsworth, Roger - Dodsworth, William - Dodwell, Edward - Dodwell, Henry (1641-1711) - Dodwell, Henry (d.1784) - Dodwell, William - Dogget, John - Doggett, Thomas - Dogherty, Thomas
- Dolle, William - Dollond, George - Dollond, John - Dollond, Peter - Dolman, Charles - Domett, Alfred - Domett, William - Dominis, Marco Antonio de - Domville, Silas - Don, David
- Bendlowes, William - Comyns, John - Kyd, Stewart - Hammond, Anthony (1758-1838) - Blackstone, William (1723-1780) - Bingham, Peregrine (1754-1826) - Bligh, Richard Rodney - Heylyn, John - Lowry, Wilson - Donne, William Bodham
- Donnegan, James - Donovan, Edward - Doody, Samuel - Dopping, Anthony - Doran, John - Dorigny, Nicholas - Dorin, Joseph Alexander - Dorislaus, Isaac - Dorman, Thomas - Dormer, James
- Dormer, Jane - Dormer, John (1734?-1796) - Dormer, Robert (1649-1726) - Dornford, Joseph - Dornford, Josiah - Dorrington, Theophilus - D'Orsay, Alfred Guillaume Gabriel - Dorset, Catherine Ann - Doubleday, Edward - Doubleday, Henry
- Doubleday, Thomas - Dougall, John - Dougall, Neil - Dougharty, John - Doughtie, John - Doughty, William - Douglas, Alexander (1738-1812) - Douglas, Alexander Hamilton - Douglas, Andrew (d.1725) - Douglas, Andrew (1736-1806)
- Douglas, Archibald (1296?-1333) - Douglas, Archibald (1328?-1400?) - Douglas, Archibald (1369?-1424) - Douglas, Archibald (1391?-1439) - Douglas, Archibald (1449?-1514) - Douglas, Archibald (1480?-1540?) - Douglas, Archibald (1489?-1557) - Douglas, Archibald (fl.1568) - Douglas, Archibald (1555-1588) - Douglas, Archibald (d.1667)
- Douglas, Archibald (1653-1712) - Douglas, Archibald (1693-1715) - Douglas, Archibald James Edward - Douglas, Charles (d.1789) - Douglas, David - Douglas, Francis - Douglas, Gawin - Douglas, George (1380?-1403) - Douglas, George (1412?-1462) - Douglas, George (1490?-1552)
- Douglas, George (1636?-1692) - Douglas, George (d.1741) - Douglas, Howard - Douglas, James (1286?-1330) - Douglas, James (1358?-1388) - Douglas, James (1371?-1443) - Douglas, James (1426-1488) - Douglas, James (d.1671) - Douglas, James (1646?-1700) - Douglas, James (1662-1711)
- Douglas, James (1658-1712) - Douglas, James (1675-1742) - Douglas, James (1702-1768) - Douglas, James (1703-1787) - Douglas, James (1753-1819) - Douglas, James (1787-1857) - Douglas, James Dawes - Douglas, Jane - Douglas, Janet - Douglas, John (d.1743)
- Douglas, John (1721-1807) - Douglas, Kenneth - Douglas, Margaret - Douglas, Neil (1750-1823) - Douglas, Neil (1779-1853) - Douglas, Philip - Douglas, Robert (1574?-1639) - Douglas, Robert (1594-1674) - Douglas, Robert (1694-1770) - Douglas, Sylvester
- Douglas, Thomas (fl.1661) - Douglas, Thomas (1771-1820) - Douglas, Thomas Monteath - Douglas, William de - Douglas, William (1300?-1353) - Douglas, William (1327?-1384) - Douglas, William (d.1392?) - Douglas, William (1398?-1437) - Douglas, William (1423?-1440) - Douglas, William (1425?-1452)
- Douglas, William (1533-1591) - Douglas, William (d.1606) - Douglas, William (1554-1611) - Douglas, William (d.1640) - Douglas, William (1582-1650) - Douglas, William (1589-1660) - Douglas, William (1635-1694) - Douglas, William (1724-1810) - Douglas, William (1780-1832) - Douglas, William Alexander Anthony Archibald
- Douglas, William Scott - D'Ouvilly, George Gerbier - Dovaston, John Freeman Milward - Dove, Henry - Dove, John (1561-1618) - Dove, John (d.1665?) - Dove, Nathaniel - Dove, Thomas - Dover, John - Dover, Robert
- Dover, Thomas - Dowdeswell, William (1721-1775) - Dowdeswell, William (1761-1828) - Dowland, John - Dowland, Robert - Dowley, Richard - Dowling, James - Dowling, John Goulter - Dowling, Thady - Dowling, Vincent George
- Downe, John - Downes, Andrew - Downes, John (fl.1666) - Downes, John (fl.1662-1710) - Downes, Theophilus - Downham, George - Downham, William - Downing, George (1623?-1684) - Downing, George (1684?-1749) - Downman, Hugh
- Downman, John - Downman, Thomas - Downton, Nicholas - Dowriche, Anne - Dowsing, William - Dowson, John - Doxat, Lewis - Doyle, Charles Hastings - Doyle, Charles William - Doyle, James Warren
- Doyle, John (1750?-1834) - Doyle, John (1797-1868) - Doyle, John Milley - Doyle, Thomas - D'Oylie, Thomas - D'Oyly, Charles - D'Oyly, George - D'Oyly, John - D'Oyly, Samuel - Douglas, James (d.1581)
- Drage, William - Draghi, Giovanni Battista - Dragonetti, Domenico - Drakard, John - Drake, Bernard - Drake, Charles Francis Tyrwhitt - Drake, Francis Samuel - Drake, James - Drake, John Poad - Drake, Nathan
- Drake, Samuel (d.1673) - Drake, Samuel (1686?-1753) - Drake, William - Haines, John Thomas - Haines, Joseph - Haines, William - Haite, John James - Hake, Edward - Hakewill, George - Hakewill, Henry
- Hakewill, James - Hakewill, John - Hakluyt, Richard - Halcomb, John - Haldane, Daniel Rutherford - Haldane, James Alexander - Haldane, Robert (1764-1842) - Haldane, Robert (1772-1854) - Haldenstoun, James - Haldimand, Frederick
- Haldimand, William - Hale, Bernard - Hale, Richard - Hale, Warren Stormes - Hale, William Hale - Hales, Christopher - Hales, Edward - Hales, James - Hales, Thomas (fl.1250) - Hales, Thomas (1740?-1780)
- Hales, William - Halford, Henry - Halfpenny, Joseph - Halfpenny, William - Halhed, Nathaniel Brassey - Haliburton, George (1616-1665) - Haliburton, George (1628-1715) - Haliday, Alexander Henry - Haliday, Charles - Haliday, Samuel
- Halkett, Colin - Halkett, Frederick Godar - Halkett, Hugh - Halkett, Samuel - Hall, Agnes C. - Hall, Anna Maria - Hall, Anthony - Hall, Archibald - Hall, Elisha - Hall, Francis Russell
- Hall, George (1612?-1668) - Hall, George (1753-1811) - Hall, Henry (d.1680) - Hall, James (1755-1826) - Hall, James (1761-1832) - Hall, James (1800?-1854) - Hall, John (1529?-1566?) - Hall, John (1575-1635) - Hall, John (1627-1656) - Hall, John (d.1707)
- Hall, John (d.17Dec1707) - Hall, John (1739-1797) - Hall, John (1795-1866) - Hall, John Vine - Hall, Marshall - Hall, Peter - Hall, Richard - Hall, Robert (1763-1824) - Hall, Robert (1764-1831) - Hall, Robert (1817-1882)
- Hall, Samuel (1769?-1852) - Hall, Samuel (1781-1863) - Hall, Samuel Carter - Hall, Spencer (1806-1875) - Hall, Thomas (1660?-1719?) - Hall, Westley - Hall, William (d.1718?) - Hall, William (1748-1825) - Hall, William Hutcheon - Hall, William King
- Hallam, Henry - Hallam, John - Hallam, Robert - Halle, John - Hallett, Joseph (1628?-1689) - Hallett, Joseph (1691?-1744) - Halley, Edmund - Halley, Robert - Halliday, Michael Frederick - Hallifax, Thomas
- Hallifax, William - Halliwell, Henry - Halliwell, James Orchard - Halloran, Lawrence Hynes - Halpin, Nicholas John - Hals, William - Halse, Nicholas - Halsworth, Daniel - Halton, John of - Halyburton, James
- Halyburton, Thomas - Hamey, Baldwin (1568-1640) - Hamey, Baldwin (1600-1676) - Hamilton, Mrs. - Hamilton, Alexander (d.1732) - Hamilton, Alexander (1739-1802) - Hamilton, Anthony - Hamilton, Archibald (d.1593) - Hamilton, Archibald (1580?-1659) - Campbell, Archibald (d.1685)
- Martin, John (1789-1854) - Berriman, John - Berriman, William - Middleton, Conyers - Chauncy, Henry - Lloyd, William (1627-1717) - Cubitt, William (1785-1861) - Buchanan, Dugald - Birch, Samuel - Cristall, Joshua
- Maitland, John Gorham - Bullock, William Thomas - Buddle, Adam - Buddle, John - Cooke, William Fothergill - Irwin, John - Butler, William Archer - North, Thomas (1830-1884) - Morwen, Robert - Brutton, Nicholas
- Budd, George (1808-1882) - Bushell, Thomas - Bushnan, John Stevenson - Bushnell, John - Bushnell, Walter - Butchell, Martin van - Cumming, William (1822?-1855) - Burder, Henry Forster - Burns, Jabez - Carleton, George (fl.1728)
- Childers, Robert Cæsar - Prior, Thomas Abiel - Prisot, John - Pritchard, Andrew - Pritchard, Charles - Pritchard, Edward William - Pritchard, George - Pritchard, Hannah - Pritchard, John Langford - Pritchard, William
- Prout, John (1810-1894) - Prout, John Skinner - Prout, Samuel - Prout, William - Prowse, William (1752?-1826) - Prowse, William Jeffery - Prujean, Francis - Pope, Alexander (1688-1744) - Inglis, Charles (1731?-1791) - Ironside, Edward
- Irving, David - Isaacson, Henry - Isaacson, Stephen - Irving, Joseph - Ivory, Thomas (d.1786) - Irving, Edward - Irving, George Vere - Overall, John - Ireton, Ralph - Irland, John
- Irvine, Alexander (d.1658) - Irvine, Alexander (1793-1873) - Irvine, Christopher - Irvine, James - Irvine, William (1743-1787) - Irvine, William (1741-1804) - Irvine, William (1776-1811) - Buck, Charles - Buck, John William - Buck, Samuel
- Buck, Zachariah - Bucke, Charles - Buckenham, Robert - Buckingham, James Silk - Buckland, Francis Trevelyan - Buckland, Ralph - Buckland, William - Buckle, Henry Thomas - Buckler, Benjamin - Buckler, John
- Buckley, Theodore William Alois - Buckley, William (d.1570?) - Buckley, William (1780-1856) - Buckman, James - Buckmaster, Thomas - Buckmaster, William - Buckshorn, Joseph - Buckstone, John Baldwin - Budd, George (fl.1756) - Ivory, James (1792-1866)
- Ivory, Thomas (1709-1779) - Budd, Henry - Budd, Richard - Budd, William - Budgell, Eustace - Budgett, Samuel - Budworth, William - Bugg, Francis - Buissière, Paul - Buist, George
- Inglott, William - Ingmethorpe, Thomas - Cantelupe, Fulk de - Cantelupe, George de - Cantelupe, Nicholas de - Cantelupe, Roger de - Cantelupe, Simon - Cantelupe, Thomas de - Cantelupe, Walter de - Cantelupe, William de (d.1239)
- Cantelupe, William de (d.1251) - Cantelupe, William de (d.1254) - Cantillon, Richard - Canton, John - Cantrell, Henry - Cantwell, Andrew - Ingoldsby, Richard (d.1685) - Ingoldsby, Richard (d.1712) - Ingram, Arthur - Ingram, Dale
- Inman, William - Innes, Cosmo - Innes, John (d.1414) - Innes, John (1739-1777) - Innes, Lewis - Innes, Thomas - Inskipp, James - Insula, Robert de - Inverarity, Elizabeth - Inverkeithing, Richard
- Coles, John - Collins, John (d.1634) - Craigie, Robert - Harriott, John - Hovenden, Robert - Lambart, Richard Ford William - Leighton, Alexander (1568-1649) - Lluelyn, Martin - Maccartney, George - Maltby, William
- Mason, William Shaw - Millyng, Thomas - Morehead, Charles - Myles, John - O'Dugan, John - Owen, William Fitzwilliam - Burrow, Edward John - Burrow, James - Burrow, Reuben - Burrowes, John Freckleton
- Burrowes, Peter - Burrows, George Man - Burscough, Robert - Burt, Albin R. - Burt, Edward - Burt, William - Bullokar, John - Bullokar, William - Bulmer, Agnes - Bulmer, William
- Bulstrode, Edward - Bulstrode, Richard - Bulstrode, Whitelocke - Bulteel, Henry Bellenden - Bulteel, John - Bulwer, John - Bunbury, Henry William - Butler, Samuel (1612-1680) - Burneston, Simon - Burdy, Samuel
- Burnes, Alexander - Butler, James (1665-1745) - Butler, James Armar - Butler, John (d.1478) - Butler, John (d.1800) - Butler, Joseph - Butler, Pierce (d.1539) - Butler, Pierce (1652-1740) - Butler, Richard (1578-1651) - Butler, Richard (d.1791)
- Butler, Samuel (1774-1839) - Bulwer, William Henry Lytton Earle - Bunbury, Henry Edward - Massinger, Philip - Burnham, Richard (1711-1752) - Burnham, Richard (1749?-1810) - Cayley, Cornelius - Cameron, Julia Margaret - Hawtrey, Edward Craven - Harris, John (1667?-1719)
- Harris, John (fl.1680-1740) - Harris, John (d.1834) - Harris, John (1756-1846) - Cane, Robert - Canes, Vincent - Campbell, Colin (d.1584) - Campbell, Colin (1644-1726) - Campbell, Colin (d.1729) - Campbell, Colin (d.1782) - Campbell, Colin (1754-1814)
- Campbell, Colin (1776-1847) - Campbell, Colin (1792-1863) - Campbell, Daniel (1665-1722) - Burnes, James - Burrel, John - Burrell, Litellus - Canvane, Peter - Canynges, William - Cape, William Timothy - Capel, Arthur (1610?-1649)
- Capel, Arthur (1631-1683) - Capel, Henry - Capel, Thomas Bladen - Capel, William - Capell, Edward - Capellanus, John - Bundy, Richard - Bungay, Thomas - Bunn, Alfred - Bunn, Margaret Agnes
- Burrell, William - Burrough, Edward - Burrough, James (1691-1764) - Burrough, James (1750-1839) - Burroughes, Jeremiah - Burroughs, Joseph - Chalmers, John - Chalmers, Patrick - Chalmers, Thomas - Chalmers, W. A.
- Chalmers, William - Chalon, Alfred Edward - Chalon, John James - Chaloner, — - Chaloner, James - Chaloner, Thomas (1521-1565) - Jamieson, John (1709-1838) - Cowper, William (1568-1619) - Burnet, Alexander - Burnet, Elizabeth
- Burnet, Gilbert - Burnet, James M. - Burnet, John - Burnet, Margaret - Burnet, Thomas (1632?-1715?) - Burnet, Thomas (1635?-1715) - Burnet, Thomas (d.1750) - Burnet, Thomas (1694-1753) - Chamberlayne, John - Chamberlayne, William
- Chamberlen, Hugh (fl.1720) - Chamberlen, Hugh (1664-1728) - Chamberlen, Paul - Chamberlen, Peter (d.1631) - Chamberlen, Peter (1572-1626) - Chamberlen, Peter (1601-1683) - Chamberlin, Mason - Chambers, David - Burnett, George - Burnett, Gilbert Thomas