User:Charles Matthews/DNB 16001-17000
- Hotham, William (1736-1813) - Hotham, William (1772-1848) - Hothum, William of - Hough, John - Houghton, Adam de - Houghton, Arthur Boyd - Houghton, Daniel - Houghton, Henry Hall- - Houghton, John (1488?-1535) - Houghton, John (d.1705)
- Houghton, Robert - Houton, John de - Hoveden, John - Hoveden, Roger of - Jack, Alexander - Jack, Gilbert - Jack, Thomas - Jack, William - Jackman, Isaac - Jackson, Abraham
- Jackson, Arthur (1593?-1666) - Jackson, Arthur Herbert - Jackson, Charles - Jackson, Cyril - Jackson, Francis James - Jackson, George (1725-1822) - Jackson, George (1785-1861) - Jackson, Henry (1586-1662) - Jackson, Henry (1831-1879) - Jackson, John (d.1689?)
- Jackson, John (1686-1763) - Jackson, John (fl.1761-1792) - Jackson, John (d.1807) - Jackson, John (1778-1831) - Jackson, John (1769-1845) - Jackson, John (1801-1848) - Jackson, John (1811-1885) - Jackson, John Baptist - Jackson, John Edward - Jackson, John Richardson
- Jackson, Joseph - Jackson, Julian - Jackson, Laurence - Jackson, Randle - Jackson, Richard (fl.1570) - Jackson, Richard (1623-1690?) - Jackson, Richard (1700-1782?) - Jackson, Richard (d.1787) - Jackson, Robert (1750-1827) - Jackson, Robert Edmund
- Jackson, Samuel - Jackson, Thomas (1579-1640) - Jackson, Thomas (d.1646) - Jackson, Thomas (1783-1873) - Jackson, Thomas (1812-1886) - Jackson, William (1737?-1795) - Jackson, William (1730-1803) - Jackson, William (1751-1815) - Jackson, William (1815-1866) - Jacob, Benjamin
- Jacob, Edward - Jacob, George Le Grand - Jacob, Giles - Jacob, Hildebrand - Jacob, John - Jacob, Joseph - Jacob, Joshua - Jacob, Robert - Jacob, William (1762?-1851) - Jacob, William Stephen
- James, Francis - James, Frank Linsly - James, George Payne Rainsford - James, Henry - James, John (d.1661) - James, John (d.1746) - James, John (1729-1785) - James, John (1811-1867) - James, John Angell - James, John Haddy
- James, John Thomas - James, Robert - James, Thomas (1593?-1635?) - James, Thomas (1748-1804) - James, William (1542-1617) - James, William (1635?-1663) - James, William (fl.1760-1771) - James, William (1721-1783) - James, William (d.1827) - James, William (1771-1837)
- James, William Milbourne - Jameson, Anna Brownell - Jameson, James Sligo - Jameson, Robert (1774-1854) - Jameson, Robert William - Jameson, William (fl.1689-1720) - Jameson, William (1796-1873) - Jameson, William (1815-1882) - Jamesone, George - Jamieson, John Paul
- Jarrold, Thomas - Jarry, Francis - Jarvis, Samuel - Jay, John George Henry - Jay, William - Jeacocke, Caleb - Jeake, Samuel - Jean, Philip - Jeavons, Thomas - Jebb, John (1736-1786)
- Jebb, John (1775-1833) - Jebb, John (1805-1886) - Jebb, Joshua - Jebb, Richard - Jebb, Samuel - Jeejeebhoy, Jamsetjee - Jeens, Charles Henry - Jeffcock, Parkin - Jefferies, Richard - Jefferson, Samuel
- Jeffery, Dorothy - Jeffery, John - Jeffery, Thomas - Jefferys, James - Jefferys, Thomas - Jeffrey, Alexander - Jeffrey, Francis - Jeffrey, John - Jeffreys, George (d.1685) - Jeffreys, George (1648-1689)
- Jeffreys, George (1678-1755) - Jeffreys, John Gwyn - Jeffreys, Julius - Jegon, John - Jehner, Isaac - Jekyll, Joseph (1663-1738) - Jekyll, Joseph (d.1837) - Jekyll, Thomas (1570-1653) - Jekyll, Thomas (1646-1698) - Jelf, Richard William
- Jelf, William Edward - Jemmat, William - Jenison, Francis - Jenison, Robert (1584?-1652) - Jenison, Robert (1590-1656) - Jenison, Robert (1649-1688) - Jenison, Thomas - Jenkin, Henrietta Camilla - Jenkin, Henry Charles Fleeming - Jenkins, David
- Jenkins, Henry - Jenkins, John (1592-1678) - Jenkins, Joseph (1743-1819) - Jenkins, Joseph John - Jenkins, Leoline - Jenkins, Richard - Jenkins, Robert - Jenkins, Thomas - Jenkinson, Anthony - Jenkinson, Charles (1727-1808)
- Jenkinson, Charles Cecil Cope - Jenkinson, John Banks - Jenkinson, Robert Banks - Jenks, Benjamin - Jenks, Sylvester - Jenkyns, Richard - Jennens, Charles - Jennens, William - Jenner, Charles - Jenner, David
- Jenner, Edward (1749-1823) - Jenner, Edward (1803-1872) - Jenner, Thomas (fl.1631-1656) - Jennings, Hargrave - Jennings, Henry Constantine - Jennings, John - Jenour, Joshua - Jenynges, Edward - Jenyns, Soame - Jenyns, Stephen
- Jephson, Robert - Jephson, William - Jerdan, William - Jerdon, Thomas Claverhill - Jeremie, James Amiraux - Jeremie, John - Jerman, Edward - Jermin, Michael - Jermy, Isaac - Jermy, Seth
- Jermyn, George Bitton - Jermyn, Henry (d.1684) - Jermyn, Henry (1636-1708) - Jermyn, Henry (1767-1820) - Jermyn, James - Jerningham, Edward - Jerningham, Henry - Jerome, Stephen - Jerram, Charles - Jerrold, Douglas William
- Jerrold, William Blanchard - Jervais, Thomas - Jervas, Charles - Jervis, John (1735-1823) - Jervis, John (1802-1856) - Jervis, John Jervis White - Jervis, William Henley Pearson- - Jervise, Andrew - Jesse, Edward - Jesse, John Heneage
- Jessel, George - Jessey, Henry - Jessop, Constantine - Jeune, Francis - Jevons, Mary Anne - Jevons, William Stanley - Jewel, John - Jewett, Randolph - Jewitt, Thomas Orlando Sheldon - Jewsbury, Geraldine Endsor
- Johnston, Alexander Keith (1844-1879) - Johnston, Archibald - Johnston, Arthur - Johnston, David - Johnston, Francis - Johnston, George (1797-1855) - Johnston, George (1814-1889) - Johnston, Henry (d.1723) - Johnston, Henry Erskine - Johnston, James (1643?-1737)
- Johnston, James Finlay Weir - Johnston, James Henry - Johnston, John (1570?-1611) - Johnston, John (d.1690) - Johnston, Nathaniel - Johnston, Robert - Johnston, Samuel - Johnston, William (1773-1844) - Johnston, William (1800-1874) - Johnston, William (1802-1888)
- Johnstone, Andrew James Cochrane - Johnstone, Bryce - Johnstone, Charles - Johnstone, Christian Isobel - Johnstone, Edward - Johnstone, George - Johnstone, James (d.1798) - Johnstone, James (1719-1800?) - Johnstone, James (1730?-1802) - Johnstone, James (1815-1878)
- Johnstone, John (1603-1675) - Johnstone, John (1768-1836) - Johnstone, John Henry - Johnstone, William (d.1721) - Johnstone, William Borthwick - Johnys, Hugh - Joliffe, Henry- Jones, John (1575-1636) - Jolly, Alexander - Jones, Avonia
- Jones, Basset - Jones, Charles Handfield - Jones, Charlotte - Jones, David (fl.1560-1590) - Jones, David (fl.1676-1720) - Jones, David (1663-1724?) - Jones, David (1711-1777) - Jones, David (fl.1750-1780) - Jones, David (1735-1810) - Jones, David (1796-1841)
- Jones, Ebenezer - Jones, Edward (1752-1824) - Jones, Edward (fl.1771-1831) - Jones, Edward (1777-1837) - Jones, Ernest Charles - Jones, Evan - Jones, Frederick Edward - Jones, George (1786-1869) - Jones, George Matthew - Jones, Griffith (1683-1761)
- Jones, John (d.1598) - Jones, John (d.1660) - Jones, John (1645-1709) - Jones, John (1693-1752) - Jones, John (1700-1770) - Jones, John (d.1796) - Jones, John (1745?-1797) - Jones, John (1767-1821) - Jones, John (fl.1827) - Jones, John (fl.1579)
- Jones, John (1772-1837) - Jones, John (1792-1852) - Jones, John (1796-1857) - Jones, John (1788-1858) - Jones, John (1810-1869) - Jones, John (1835-1877) - Jones, John (1811-1878) - Jones, John (1821?-1878) - Jones, John (1800?-1882) - Jones, John (1804-1887)
- Jones, John (1791-1889) - Jones, John Andrews - Jones, John Edward - Jones, John Felix - Jones, John Gale - Jones, John Ogwen - Jones, John Paul - Jones, John Pike - Jones, Michael - Jones, Owen (1741-1814)
- Jones, Owen (1809-1874) - Jones, Owen (1806-1889) - Jones, Philip - Jones, Rhys - Jones, Richard (fl.1564-1602) - Jones, Richard (1603-1673) - Jones, Richard (1638?-1712) - Jones, Richard (1767-1840) - Jones, Richard (1779-1851) - Jones, Richard (1790-1855)
- Jones, Richard Roberts - Jones, Robert (fl.1616) - Jones, Robert (1810-1879) - Jones, Rowland - Jones, Samuel (1628-1697) - Jones, Samuel (1680?-1719) - Jones, Samuel (d.1732) - Jones, Stephen - Jones, Thomas (1550?-1619) - Jones, Thomas (1530-1620?)
- Jones, Thomas (1618-1665) - Jones, Thomas (1622?-1682) - Jones, Thomas (d.1692) - Jones, Thomas (1756-1807) - Jones, Thomas (1756-1820) - Jones, Thomas (1768-1828) - Jones, Thomas (1752-1845) - Jones, Thomas (1775-1852) - Jones, Thomas (1810-1875) - Jones, Thomas (1819-1882)
- Jones, Thomas Rymer - Jones, William (1561-1636) - Jones, William (1566-1640) - Jones, William (1675-1749) - Jones, William (1726-1800) - Jones, William (1784-1842) - Jones, William (1762-1846) - Jones, William (1808-1890) - Jones, William Arthur - Jones, William Bence
- Jones, William Ellis - Jones, William Henry Rich - Joplin, Thomas - Jopling, Joseph Middleton - Jordan, Dorothea - Jordan, John - Jordan, Joseph - Jordan, Thomas (1612?-1685) - Jorden, Edward - Jortin, John
- Jourdain, Silvester - Jowett, Joseph - Jowett, William - Joy, Francis - Joy, Thomas Musgrave - Joy, William (d.1734) - Joy, William (1803-1867) - Joye, George - Joyliffe, George - Joyner, William
- Mather, Robert Cotton - Mather, Samuel - Mather, William - Mathew, Theobald - Mathews, Charles (1776-1835) - Mathews, Charles James - Mathews, Lucia Elizabeth - Mathews, Thomas - Mathias, Benjamin Williams - Mathias, Thomas James
- Matthews, Lemuel - Matthews, Marmaduke - Matthews, Thomas - Matthiessen, Augustus - Mattocks, Isabella - Maturin, Charles Robert - Maty, Paul Henry - Mauclerk, Walter - Maude, Thomas - Maudslay, Henry
- Maule, William Ramsay - Mauleverer, Thomas - Mauley, Peter de - Maund, Benjamin - Maunder, Samuel - Maundrell, Henry - Maxse, Henry Berkeley Fitzhardinge - Maxwell, James (fl.1600-1640) - Maxwell, James (1708?-1762) - Maxwell, James (1720-1800)
- May, John (fl.1613) - May, Thomas (1595-1650) - May, Thomas Erskine - Mayers, William Frederick - Mayhew, Augustus Septimus - Mayhew, Henry - Mayhew, Horace - Maynard, Edward - Maynard, John (fl.1611) - Maynard, John (1592-1658)
- Maynard, John (1600-1665) - Mayne, Cuthbert - Mayne, Jasper - Mayne, John - Mayne, Perry - Mayne, Richard - Mayne, Simon - Mayne, William - Mayne, Zachary - Maynwaring, Everard
- Mayo, Charles (1750-1829) - Mayo, Charles (1792-1846) - Mayo, Charles (1837-1877) - Mayo, Daniel - Mayo, Elizabeth - Mayo, Henry - Mayo, Herbert - Mayo, John - Mayo, Thomas - Mazzinghi, Joseph
- Mead, Joseph - Mead, Matthew - Mead, Robert - Mead, William - Meade, Richard Charles Francis - Meadley, George Wilson - Meadowcourt, Richard - Meadows, Alfred - Meadows, Drinkwater - Meadows, John
- Meadows, Joseph Kenny - Meadows, Philip - Meager, Leonard - Meagher, Thomas Francis - Medhurst, George - Medhurst, Walter Henry (1796-1857) - Medhurst, Walter Henry (1822-1885) - Medina, John Baptist - Medland, Thomas - Medley, Henry
- Medley, John - Medley, Samuel (1738-1799) - Medley, Samuel (1769-1857) - Medows, William - Medwall, Henry - Medwin, Thomas - Mee, Anne - Meehan, Charles Patrick - Offor, George - Offord, Andrew
- Mellon, Alfred - Mellon, Harriot - Mellor, John - Melmoth, William (1666-1743) - Melmoth, William (1710-1799) - Melton, John - Melton, William de (d.1340) - Melton, William de (d.1528) - Melvill, Thomas - Melville, Andrew (1545-1622)
- Melville, Andrew (1624-1706) - Melville, David - Melville, George - Ogden, Samuel (1626?-1697) - Ogden, Samuel (1716-1778) - Ogilby, John - Ogilvie, James - Ogilvie, John (1580?-1615)- Ogilvie, John (1733-1813) - Ogilvie, John (1797-1867)
- Ogilvie, William - Ogilvy, Alexander (d.1456) - Ogilvy, Alexander (d.1727) - Ogilvy, David - Offley, Thomas - O'Glacan, Nial - Oglander, John - Ogilvy, George (d.1663) - Ogilvy, George (fl.1634-1679) - Ogilvy, James (d.1605)
- Ogilvy, James (1593?-1666) - Melville, James (1535-1617) - Melville, James (1556-1614) - Melville, John - Melville, Robert (1527-1621) - Melville, Robert (1723-1809) - Melvin, James - Mendes, Fernando - Mendes, Moses - Mendham, Joseph
- Mendoza, Daniel - Mendoza y Rios, Joseph de - Mends, Robert - Menken, Adah Isaacs - Mennes, John - Menteith, John de - Mentieth, Robert - Menzies, Archibald - Menzies, John (1624-1684) - Menzies, John (1756-1843)
- Menzies, Michael - Meopham, Simon - Merbury, Charles - Mercer, Andrew - Mercer, Hugh - Mercer, James - Mercer, John - Mercer, William - Mercier, Philip - Meredith, Edward
- Ogilvy, James (1615?-1704?) - Ogle, Chaloner - Ogle, Charles (1775-1858) - Meredith, Richard - Meredith, William - Meres, Francis - Meres, John - Merewether, Henry Alworth - Merewether, John - Merewether, William Lockyer
- Merrifield, Charles Watkins - Merriman, Brian - Merriman, Nathaniel James - Merriman, Samuel (1731-1818) - Merriman, Samuel (1771-1852) - Merriot, Thomas - Merritt, Henry - Merry, Robert - Merton, Walter de - Mervin, Audley
- Meverall, Othowell - Mews, Peter - Mey, John - Meyer, Henry - Meyer, Jeremiah - Meyer, Philip James - Meynell, Charles - Meyrick, John (d.1638) - Meyrick, John (d.1659) - Meyrick, Samuel Rush
- Middleton, Christopher (d.1770) - Middleton, David - Middleton, Erasmus - Middleton, Henry (d.1587) - Middleton, Henry (d.1613) - Middleton, John (1619-1674) - Middleton, John (1827-1856) - Middleton, Joshua - Middleton, Marmaduke - Middleton, Patrick
- Miles, William (d.1860) - Miles, William Augustus - Miley, John - Mill, Henry - Mill, Humphrey - Mill, James (fl.1744) - Mill, James (1773-1836) - Mill, John (1645-1707) - Millar, Andrew - Millar, James
- Millar, John (1735-1801) - Millar, John (1733-1804) - Millar, William - Miller, Andrew - Miller, James (1706-1744) - Miller, James (1812-1864) - Mangles, James - Mangnall, Richmal - Maning, Frederick Edward - Manini, Antony
- Manisty, Henry - Manley, Mary de la Riviere - Miller, John (fl.1780) - Miller, John (1715?-1790?) - Miller, John Cale - Miller, Joseph - Miller, Josiah - Miller, Lydia Falconer - Miller, Patrick - Miller, Philip
- Miller, Ralph Willett - Miller, Thomas (1717-1789) - Miller, Thomas (1807-1874) - Miller, William (1740?-1810?) - Miller, William (1755-1846) - Miller, William (1795-1861) - Miller, William (1810-1872) - Miller, William (1796-1882) - Miller, William Allen - Miller, William Hallowes
- Milles, Jeremiah - Milles, Thomas (1671-1740) - Millhouse, Robert - Milliken, Richard Alfred - Millingen, John Gideon - Millingen, Julius Michael - Millington, Gilbert - Millington, James Heath - Millington, John - Millington, Thomas
- Millington, William - Millner, John - Mills, Alfred - Mills, Charles - Mills, George (1792?-1824) - Mills, George (1808-1881) - Mills, John (d.1736) - Mills, John (d.1784?) - Mills, John (1812-1873) - Mills, Richard
- Mill, John Stuart - Hart, Aaron - Hart, Andro - Hart, Andrew Searle - Hart, Anthony - Hart, George Vaughan - Hart, Henry (fl.1549) - Hart, Henry George - Hart, James (fl.1633) - Hart, James (1663-1729)
- Hart, John (d.1574) - Hart, John (d.1586) - Hart, Joseph (1712?-1768) - Hart, Joseph Binns - Hart, Philip - Hart, Solomon Alexander - Hartog, Numa Edward - Hartopp, John - Hartry, Malachy - Harty, William
- Harvard, John - Harvey, Beauchamp Bagenal - Harvey, Christopher - Harvey, Daniel Whittle - Harvey, Edmond - Harvey, Edmund George - Harvey, Edward - Harvey, Eliab - Harvey, Gabriel - Harvey, George
- Harvey, Gideon - Harvey, Henry (d.1585) - Harvey, Henry (1737-1810) - Harvey, John (1563?-1592) - Harvey, John (1740-1794) - Harvey, John (1772-1837) - Harvey, Margaret - Harvey, Richard - Harvey, Thomas (1775-1811) - Harvey, Thomas (1812-1884)
- Harvey, William (d.1567) - Harvey, William (1578-1657) - Harvey, William (1796-1866) - Harvey, William Henry - Harvey, William Wigan - Harward, Simon - Harwood, Busick - Harwood, Edward (1586?-1632) - Harwood, Edward (d.1814) - Harwood, Isabella
- Harwood, Philip - Harwood, Thomas - Haselden, Thomas - Hasell, Elizabeth Julia - Haselwood, Thomas - Haslam, John - Haslem, John - Hasleton, Richard - Haslewood, Joseph - Hassall, Edward
- Hassé, Christian Frederick - Hasted, Edward - Hastie, James - Hastings, Charles - Hastings, Edward (1381-1437) - Hastings, Edward (d.1573) - Hastings, Warren - Hastings, William - Hatch, Edwin - Hatchard, John
- Hatcher, Henry - Hatcher, Thomas (d.1583) - Hatcher, Thomas (1589?-1677) - Hatchett, Charles - Hatfield, John - Hatfield, Martha - Hatfield, Thomas of - Hathaway, Richard - Hathway, Richard - Hatsell, Henry
- Hatteclyffe, William - Hatton, Christopher (1540-1591) - Hatton, Christopher (1605?-1670) - Hatton, Christopher (1632-1706) - Hatton, Edward - Hatton, Frank - Hatton, John Liptrot - Haughton, Graves Champney - Haughton, John Colpoys - Haughton, Moses (1734-1804)
- Haughton, Moses (1772?-1848?) - Haughton, William - Hauksbee, Francis - Hausted, Peter - Hauteville, John de - Havard, William - Havell, Robert - Havelock, Henry - Havelock, William - Havergal, Frances Ridley
- Havers, Clopton - Haverty, Joseph Patrick - Haverty, Martin - Haviland, John - Haviland, William - Havilland, Thomas Fiott de - Haward, Francis - Haward, Nicholas - Hawarden, Edward - Haweis, Thomas
- Hawes, Benjamin - Hawes, Edward - Hawes, Richard - Hawes, Robert - Hawes, William (1736-1808) - Hawes, William (1785-1846) - Hawford, Edward - Hawke, Edward - Hawker, Edward - Hawker, James
- Hawker, Peter - Hawker, Robert (1752-1827) - Hawker, Robert Stephen - Hawker, Thomas - Hawkesworth, John - Hawkesworth, Walter - Hawkey, John - Hawkins, Caesar (1711-1786) - Hawkins, Caesar Henry - Hawkins, Edward (1780-1867)
- Hawkins, Ernest - Hawkins, Francis (1628-1681) - Hawkins, Francis (1794-1877) - Hawkins, George - Hawkins, Henry - Hawkins, James - Hawkins, John (1532-1595) - Hawkins, John (fl.1635) - Hawkins, John (1719-1789) - Hawkins, John Sidney
- Hawkins, Nicholas - Hawkins, Richard - Hawkins, Susanna - Hawkins, Thomas (d.1640) - Hawkins, Thomas (1810-1889) - Hawkins, William (d.1554?) - Hawkins, William (d.1589) - Hawkins, William (fl.1595) - Hawkins, William (d.1637) - Hawksmoor, Nicholas
- Hawkwood, John de - Hawley, Frederick - Hawley, Henry - Hawley, Joseph Henry - Hawley, Thomas - Haworth, Adrian Hardy - Haworth, Samuel - Haxey, Thomas - Hay, Alexander (d.1594) - Hay, Alexander (d.1807?)
- Hay, Andrew (1762-1814) - Hay, Archibald - Hay, Arthur - Hay, Charles - Hay, David Ramsay - Hay, Edmund - Hay, Edward - Hay, Francis - Hay, George (d.1588) - Hay, George (1572-1634)
- Hay, George (d.1758) - Hay, George (1715-1778) - Hay, George (1729-1811) - Hay, George (1787-1876) - Hay, Gilbert - Hay, James - Hay, John (1546-1607) - Hay, John (d.1654) - Hay, John (1626-1697) - Hay, John (d.1706)
- Hay, John (1645-1713) - Hay, John (1691-1740) - Hay, John (d.1762) - Hay, John (1793-1851) - Hay, Lucy - Hay, Mary Cecil - Hay, Richard Augustine - Hay, Robert - Hay, Thomas - Hay, William (d.1576)