User:Charles Matthews/DNB 17001-18000
- Hay, William (1695-1755) - Haya, Gilbert de - Hayden, George - Haydn, Joseph - Haydock, George Leo - Haydock, Richard (1552?-1605) - Haydock, Richard (fl.1605) - Haydock, Roger - Haydock, Thomas - Haydock, William
- Haydon, Benjamin Robert - Hayes, Charles - Hayes, Edmund - Hayes, John (1775-1838) - Hayes, John (1786?-1866) - Hayes, John Macnamara - Hayes, Michael Angelo - Hayes, Philip - Hayes, William (1706-1777) - Hayes, William (fl.1794)
- Hayne, William - Haynes, Hopton - Haynes, John (d.1654) - Haynes, John (fl.1730-1750) - Haynes, Joseph - Haynes, Samuel - Haynesworth, William - Hayter, Charles - Hayter, George - Hayter, John
- Hayter, Richard - Hayter, Thomas - Hayter, William Goodenough - Haythorne, Edmund - Haytley, Edward - Hayward, Abraham - Hayward, Thomas - Haywood, Eliza - Haywood, William - Hazeldine, William
- Hazlehurst, Thomas - Head, Edmund Walker - Head, Francis Bond - Head, Guy - Head, Richard - Headley, Henry - Heald, James - Heald, William Margetson - Healde, Thomas - Heale, William
- Healey, John - Heaphy, Charles - Heaphy, Thomas (1775-1835) - Heaphy, Thomas (1813-1873) - Heard, Isaac - Heard, William - Hearder, Jonathan - Hearn, William Edward - Hearne, Samuel - Hearne, Thomas (1678-1735)
- Heath, Benjamin - Heath, Charles (1761-1831) - Heath, Charles (1785-1848) - Heath, Dunbar Isidore - Heath, Henry - Heath, James (1629-1664) - Heath, James (1757-1834) - Heath, John (fl.1615) - Heath, John (1736-1816) - Heath, Nicholas
- Heath, Richard - Heath, Robert (1575-1649) - Heath, Robert (fl.1650) - Heath, Robert (d.1779) - Heath, Thomas - Heathcoat, John - Heathcote, Gilbert - Heathcote, Ralph - Heather, William - Heatherington, Alexander
- Hedley, William - Heemskerk, Egbert van - Heete, Robert - Hegat, William - Hegge, Robert - Heidegger, John James - Heigham, Clement - Heighington, Musgrave - Heins, John Theodore - Hele, John
- Hellier, Henry - Hellins, John - Hellowes, Edward - Helmore, Thomas - Helps, Arthur - Helsham, Richard - Helwys, Gervase - Helwys, Thomas - Hely-Hutchinson, Christopher - Hely-Hutchinson, John (1724-1794)
- Henchman, Humphrey (1669-1739) - Henderson, Alexander (1583?-1646) - Henderson, Alexander (1780-1863) - Henderson, Andrew (fl.1734-1775) - Henderson, Andrew (1783-1835) - Henderson, Charles Cooper - Henderson, Ebenezer (1784-1858) - Henderson, Ebenezer (1809-1879) - Henderson, George - Henderson, James
- Henderson, John (1747-1785) - Henderson, John (1757-1788) - Henderson, John (1804-1862) - Henderson, John (1780-1867) - Henderson, John (1797-1878) - Henderson, Thomas - Henderson, William - Hendley, William - Heneage, Thomas - Henfrey, Arthur
- Henley, Walter de - Henley, William (fl.1775) - Henley, William Thomas - Henn, Thomas Rice - Hennedy, Roger - Hennell, Charles Christian - Hennell, Mary - Hennen, John - Hennessy, William Maunsell - Henniker, Frederick
- Nisbet, John (1627?-1685) - Nisbet, John (1609?-1687) - Nisbet, William - Nisbett, Louisa Cranstoun - Nix, Richard - Nixon, Anthony - Nixon, Francis Russell - Nixon, James - Nixon, John - Nixon, Robert
- Nixon, Samuel - Noake, John - Nobbes, Robert - Nobbs, George Hunn - Noble, George - Noble, James - Noble, John - Noble, Mark - Noble, Matthew - Noble, Richard
- Noble, Samuel - Noble, William Bonneau - Noble, William Henry - Nobys, Peter - Nodder, Frederick P. - Noel, William - Noke, James - Nolan, Frederick - Nolan, Lewis Edward - Nolan, Michael
- Norman, Robert - Normandy, Alphonse René Le Mire de - Normanville, Thomas de - Norris, Antony - Norris, Charles - Norris, Edward (1584-1659) - Norris, Edward (1663-1726) - Norris, Edwin - Norris, Francis - Norris, Henry (d.1536)
- Norris, Henry (1525?-1600) - Norris, Henry (1665-1730?) - Norris, Henry Handley - Norris, Isaac - Norris, John (1547?-1597) - Norris, John (1657-1711) - Norris, John (1660?-1749) - Norris, John (1734-1777) - Norris, John Pilkington - Norris, Philip
- Norris, Robert - Norris, Roger - Norris, Sylvester - Norris, Thomas (1741-1790) - Norris, William (1670?-1700) - Norris, William (1719-1791) - North, Brownlow (1741-1820) - North, Brownlow (1810-1875) - North, Charles Napier - North, Dudley (1581-1666)
- North, Dudley (1602-1677) - North, Dudley (1641-1691) - North, Dudley Long - North, Francis (1637-1685) - North, Francis (1704-1790) - North, Frederick (1732-1792) - North, Frederick (1766-1827) - North, George (fl.1580) - North, George (1710-1772) - North, John (1645-1683)}
- North, Marianne - North, Roger (1530-1600) - North, Roger (1585?-1652?) - North, Roger (1653-1734) - North, Thomas (1535?-1601?) - North, William - Nyndge, Alexander - Northalis, Richard - Northall, John - Northall, William of
- Northampton, Henry de - Northampton, John de - Northbrooke, John - Northburgh, Michael de - Northburgh, Roger de - Northcote, James - Northcote, William - Northey, Edward - Northleigh, John - Northmore, Thomas
- Northwell, William de - Northwold, Hugh of - Northwood, John de - Northwood, Roger de - Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah - Norton, Chapple - Norton, Christian - Norton, Fletcher - Norton, Frances - Norton, Humphrey
- Norton, John (fl.1485) - Norton, John (d.1534) - Norton, John (1606-1663) - Norton, John (fl.1674) - Norton, John Bruce - Norton, Matthew Thomas - Norton, Richard (d.1420) - Norton, Richard (1488?-1588) - Norton, Robert (1540?-1587) - Norton, Robert (d.1635)
- Norton, Sampson - Norton, Samuel - Norton, Thomas (fl.1477) - Norton, Thomas (1532-1584) - Norton, William - Norwich, John de - Norwich, Ralph de - Norwich, Robert - Norwich, Walter de - Norwood, Richard
- Nourse, Timothy - Novello, Vincent - Nowell, Alexander - Nowell, Increase - Nowell, Laurence - Nowell, Thomas - Nower, Francis - Noye, William - Nugent, Charles Edmund - Nugent, Christopher (d.1731)
- Nugent, Christopher (d.1775) - Nugent, George - Nugent, John - Nugent, Lavall - Nugent, Nicholas - Nugent, Richard (d.1460?) - Nugent, Richard (d.1538?) - Nugent, Richard (1583-1642) - Nugent, Richard (d.1684) - Nugent, Robert
- Nuttall, Thomas (1786-1859) - Nuttall, Thomas (1828-1890) - Nuttall, William - Nutter, William - Nutting, Joseph - Nye, John - Nye, Nathaniel - Nye, Philip - Nye, Stephen - Oakeley, Charles
- Oakeley, Frederick - Oakeley, Herbert - Oakes, Hildebrand - Oakes, John Wright - Oakley, Edward - Oakley, John - Oakley, Octavius - Oakman, John - Oasland, Henry - Oastler, Richard
- Oates, Francis - Oates, Titus - O'Beirne, Thomas Lewis - O'Braein, Tighearnach - O'Brien, Brian Ruadh - O'Brien, Charles - O'Brien, Conchobhar - O'Brien, Conor (d.1539) - O'Brien, Daniel - O'Brien, Domhnall
- O'Brien, Donat Henchy - O'Brien, Donogh Cairbrech - O'Brien, Donough (d.1064) - O'Brien, Edward - O'Brien, Henry - O'Brien, James (1805-1864) - O'Brien, John - O'Brien, Lucius Henry - O'Brien, Matthew - O'Brien, Murrough (d.1551)
- O'Brien, Murtough - O'Brien, Paul - O'Brien, Terence (d.1460) - O'Brien, Terence Albert - O'Brien, Turlough - O'Brien, William (d.1815) - O'Brien, William Smith - O'Brolchain, Flaibhertach - O'Bruadair, David - O'Bryan, William
- O'Bryen, Dennis - O'Bryen, Edward - O'Byrne, Fiagh MacHugh - O'Cahan, Donnell Ballagh - O'Callaghan, Edmund Bailey - O'Callaghan, John Cornelius - O'Callaghan, Robert William - O'Caran, Gilla-an-Choimhdedh - O'Carolan, Torlogh - O'Carroll, Maolsuthain
- O'Carroll, Margaret - Occam, Nicholas of - Ochiltree, Michael - Ochino, Bernardino - Ochs, John Ralph - Ochterlony, David - Ockham, William - Laing, John (1809-1880) - Ockley, Simon - Ocland, Christopher
- O'Clery, Lughaidh - O'Clery, Michael - O'Cobhthaigh, Dermot - O'Connell, Daniel (1745?-1833) - O'Connell, John - O'Connell, Maurice Charles (1812-1879) - O'Connell, Maurice Charles Philip - O'Connell, Moritz - O'Connell, Peter - O'Connor, Aedh
- O'Connor, Arthur - O'Connor, Brian - O'Connor, Calvach - O'Connor, Cathal (d.1010) - O'Connor, Cathal (1150?-1224) - O'Connor, Feargus - O'Connor, James Arthur - O'Connor, John (1824-1887) - O'Connor, John (1830-1889) - O'Connor, Luke Smythe
- O'Curry, Eugene - O'Daly, Aengus (d.1350) - O'Daly, Aengus (d.1617) - O'Daly, Donnchadh - O'Daly, Muiredhach - Odell, Thomas - O'Dempsey, Dermot - O'Devany, Cornelius - Odger, George - Odingsells, Gabriel
- O'Donnell, Daniel - O'Donnell, Godfrey - O'Donnell, Hugh Balldearg - O'Donnell, Hugh Roe - O'Donnell, John Francis - O'Donnell, Manus - O'Donnell, Niall Garv - O'Donnell, Rory - O'Donovan, Edmund - O'Donovan, John
- Ogle, James Adey - Oglethorpe, Owen - Oglethorpe, Theophilus - Ogle, John (1569-1640) - Ogle, John (1647?-1685?) - Ogle, Owen - Ogle, Robert de - Ogle, Robert (d.1469) - Ogston, Francis - O'Hagan, John
- O'Hagan, Thomas - O'Haingli, Donat - O'Halloran, Joseph - O'Halloran, Sylvester - O'Halloran, Thomas Shuldham - O'Hanlon, Redmond - O'Hara, Charles (1640?-1724) - O'Hara, Charles (1740?-1802) - O'Hara, James - O'Hara, James
- O'Hara, Kane - O'Hartagain, Cineth - O'Hearn, Francis - O'Hely, Patrick - O'Hempsy, Denis - O'Heney, Matthew - O'Neill, Hugh (1540?-1616) - O'Neill, Hugh (fl.1642-1660) - O'Neill, Hugh (1784-1824) - O'Neill, John (1740-1798)
- O'Neill, John (1777?-1860?) - O'Neill, Neill - O'Neill, Owen (1380?-1456) - O'Neill, Owen Roe - O'Neill, Phelim - O'Neill, Shane - O'Neill, Turlough Luineach - O'Neill, William Chichester - Onslow, Arthur - Orde, John
- O'Kelly, Patrick - Okely, Francis - Okeover, John - Okes, Richard - Oldcastle, John - Onslow, George (1731-1792) - Onslow, George (1731-1814) - Onslow, George (1784-1853) - Onslow, Richard (1528-1571) - Onslow, Richard (1601-1664)
- Onslow, Richard (1654-1717) - Onslow, Richard (1741-1817) - Onwhyn, Thomas - Opicius, Johannes - Opie, Amelia - Opie, John - O'Quinn, Jeremiah - Oram, William - Orcheyerd, William - Ord, Craven
- Ord, Harry St. George - Ord, John Walker - Ord, Robert - O'Reilly, John Boyle - O'Reilly, Myles William Patrick - O'Reilly, Philip MacHugh - Orem, William - Orford, Robert - Orger, Mary Ann - Orivalle, Hugh de
- Orme, Daniel - Orme, Robert - Orme, William - Ormerod, Edward Latham - Ormerod, George (1785-1873) - Ormerod, George Wareing - Okey, John - Okey, Samuel - Okham, John de - Oking, Robert
- Oulton, Walley Chamberlain - Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore - Ouseley, Gideon - Ouseley, Gore - Ouseley, Ralph - Ouseley, William (1767-1842) - Osborne, Francis (1751-1799) - Osborne, George Alexander - Osborne, Henry - Osborne, Peregrine
- Osborne, Peter - Osborne, Ruth - Osborne, Sidney Godolphin - Outram, Benjamin (1764-1805) - Outram, Benjamin Fonseca - Outram, George - Ouvry, Frederic - Overall, William Henry - Ormerod, Oliver - Ormerod, William Piers
- Ormesby, William de - Ornsby, George - Ornsby, Robert - O'Rourke, Brian-na-Murtha - O'Rourke, Tiernan - Orr, Hugh - Orr, James - Orr, John - Orr, William - Orridge, Benjamin Brogden
- Owen, Edward (1728-1807) - Owen, Edward Campbell Rich - Owen, Edward Pryce - Owen, Ellis - Owen, Francis Philip Cunliffe- - Owen, George (d.1558) - Owen, George (1552-1613) - Owen, George (d.1665) - Owen, Goronwy - Owen, Griffith
- Owen, Henry (1716-1795) - Owen, Henry Charles Cunliffe- - Owen, Hugh (1615-1686) - Owen, Hugh (1639-1700) - Owen, Hugh (1761-1827) - Owen, Hugh (1784-1861) - Owen, Hugh (1804-1881) - Owen, Humphrey - Owen, Jacob - Owen, John (1560?-1622)
- Owen, William (1530?-1587) - Owen, William (1769-1825) - Owen, Robert Dale - Owen, Josiah - Owen, Lewis (d.1555) - Owen, Lewis (1572-1633) - Owen, Morgan - Owen, Nicholas (d.1606) - Owen, Nicholas (1752-1811) - Owen, Richard (1606-1683)
- Oliphant, Francis Wilson - Oliphant, James - Oliphant, Laurence (d.1500?) - Oliphant, Laurence (d.1566) - Oliphant, Laurence (1529-1593) - Oliphant, Laurence (1691-1767) - Oliphant, Laurence (1829-1888) - Oliphant, Thomas - Oliphant, William (d.1329) - Oliphant, William (1561-1628)
- Oliver, Andrew - Oliver, Archer James - Oliver, George (1781-1861) - Oliver, George (1782-1867) - Oliver, Isaac - Oliver, John (1616-1701) - Oliver, John (1838-1866) - Oliver, Peter - Oliver, Richard - Oliver, Robert Dudley
- Lackington, James - La Cloche, James - Lacroix, Alphonse François - Lacy, Francis Antony - Lacy, Harriette Deborah - Lacy, Henry de - Lacy, Hugh de (d.1186) - Lacy, Hugh de (d.1242?) - Lacy, John (d.1681) - Lacy, John (fl.1737)
- Lacy, John William - Lacy, Maurice - Lacy, Peter - Lacy, Roger de - Lacy, Thomas Hailes - Lacy, Walter de (d.1085) - Lacy, Walter de (d.1241) - Lacy, William - Ladbrooke, Robert - Ladyman, Samuel
- Oldfield, John (1627?-1682) - Oldfield, John (1789-1863) - Olivers, Thomas - Ollier, Charles - Ollier, Edmund - O'Mahony, Daniel - O'Mahony, John - O'Malley, George - O'Malley, Grace - O'Malley, Thadeus
- Laidlaw, William - Laing, Alexander (1778-1838) - Laing, Alexander (1787-1857) - Laing, Alexander Gordon - Laing, David (1774-1856) - Laing, James - Laing, John (d.1483) - Laing, Samuel - Laing, William - Laird, John
- Laird, Macgregor - Lake, Arthur - Lake, Edward (1600?-1674) - Lake, Edward (1641-1704) - Lake, Edward John - Lake, Gerard - Lake, Henry Atwell - Lake, John - Lake, Thomas - Lakingheth, John de
- Lalor, James Finton - Lalor, Peter - Lamb, Caroline - Lamb, Frederick James - Lamb, George - Lamb, James - Lamb, John - Lamb, Matthew - Lamb, William - Lambarde, William
- Lambart, Charles - Lambart, Oliver - Ollivant, Alfred - Ollyffe, John - O'Lochlainn, Domhnall - O'Lochlainn, Muircheartach - O'Loghlen, Colman Michael - O'Loghlen, Michael - O'Lothchain, Cuan - O'Maelchonaire, Fearfeasa
- O'Meara, Barry Edward - O'Meara, Kathleen - Ommanney, John Acworth - Leighton, Alexander (1800-1874) - Leighton, Charles Blair - Leighton, Elisha - Leighton, Henry (d.1440) - Leighton, Henry (d.1669) - Leighton, Robert (1611-1684) - Leighton, Robert (1822-1869)
- Leighton, William (fl.1603-1614) - Leighton, William (1841-1869) - Leighton, William Allport - Leintwarden, Thomas - Leith, James - Leith, Theodore Forbes - Le Keux, John - Lekprevick, Robert - Leland, John (d.1428) - Leland, John (1506?-1552)
- Leland, Thomas - Lely, Peter - Leman, John - Leman, Thomas - Le Mesurier, Havilland (1758-1806) - Le Mesurier, Havilland (1783-1813) - Le Mesurier, John - Le Moine, Abraham - Lemoine, Henry - Lemon, Mark
- Lemon, Robert (1779-1835) - Lemon, Robert (1800-1867) - Lemprière, John - Lemprière, Michael - Lemprière, William - Lendy, Auguste Frederick - Le Neve, Peter - Le Neve, William - Leney, William S. - Lennie, William
- Lennox, Charles (1672-1723) - Lennox, Charles (1701-1750) - O'Neill, Con Bacach - O'Neill, Daniel - O'Neill, Flaithbheartach - O'Neill, Henry (d.1392) - O'Neill, Henry (d.1489) - O'Neill, Hugh (d.1230) - O'Connell, Daniel (1775-1847) - Lennox, Charles (1735-1806)
- Lennox, Charles (1764-1819) - Lennox, Charles Gordon- - Lennox, Charlotte - Lennox, George Henry - Lennox, Malcolm - Le Noir, Elizabeth Anne - Lens, Bernard - Lens, John - Lenthall, William - Lenton, Francis