User:Charles Matthews/DNB 5001-6000
- Roberts, Thomas - Roberts, William (1605-1662) - Roberts, William (1767-1849) - Roberts, William Hayward - Roberts, William Prowting - Robertson, Abraham - Robertson, Alexander - Robertson, Andrew - Robertson, Archibald (1765-1835) - Robertson, Archibald (d.1847)
- Robertson, Archibald (1789-1864) - Robertson, Bartholomew - Robertson, David - Robertson, Donald - Robertson, Eben William - Robertson, Frederick William - Robertson, George (1748?-1788) - Robertson, George (1750?-1832) - Robertson, George Croom - Robertson, James (1720?-1788)
- Robertson, James (1714-1795) - Robertson, James (d.1820) - Robertson, James (1803-1860) - Robertson, James Burton - Robertson, James Craigie - Robertson, John (1712-1776) - Robertson, John (1767-1810) - Robertson, John (1816-1891) - Robertson, John Parish - Robertson, Joseph (1726-1802)
- Robertson, Joseph (1810-1866) - Robertson, Joseph Clinton - Robertson, Patrick - Robertson, Robert - Robertson, Thomas (fl.1520-1561) - Robertson, Thomas (d.1799) - Robertson, Thomas Campbell - Robertson, Thomas William - Robertson, William (d.1686?) - Robertson, William (1705-1783)
- Yates, Edmund - Yates, Elizabeth - Yates, Frederick Henry - Yates, James (fl.1582) - Yates, James (1789-1871) - Yates, John - Yates, Joseph (1722-1770) - Yates, Joseph Brooks - Yates, Mary Ann - Yates, Richard (1706?-1796)
- Yates, Richard (1769-1834) - Yates, William - Yaxley, Francis - Yea, Lacy Walter Giles - Yeamans, John - Yeamans, Robert - Yeardley, George - Yeardley, John - Yearsley, Ann - Yearsley, James
- Yeates, Thomas - Yeats, Grant David - Yelloly, John - Yelverton, Barry - Yelverton, Christopher - Yelverton, William Charles - Yeo, James Lucas - Yeo, Richard - Yeowell, James - Yevele, Henry de
- Yolland, William - Yonge, Charles Duke - Yonge, George - Yonge, James (fl.1423) - Yonge, James (1646-1721) - Yonge, James (1794-1870) - Yonge, John (1467-1516) - Yonge, John (1463-1526) - Yonge, Nicholas - Yonge, Thomas
- Yonge, Walter - Yonge, William - York, John - York, Laurence - York, Rowland - Yorke, Charles (1722-1770) - Yorke, Charles (1790-1880) - Yorke, Charles Philip (1764-1834) - Yorke, Charles Philip (1799-1873) - Yorke, Henry Redhead
- Yorke, James - Yorke, Joseph (1724-1792) - Yorke, Joseph Sydney - Hales, John (d.1571) - Matthews, John - Panter, David - Croft, George - Denne, Henry - Mayo, Charles (1767-1858) - Buckeridge, John
- Wright, Ichabod Charles - Lok, Michael - Fane, Ralph - Partridge, Miles - Palmer, Thomas (fl.1410) - Palmer, Thomas (d.1553) - Palmer, Thomas (1540-1626) - Palmer, Thomas (fl.1644-1666) - Palmer, Shirley - Hicks, Michael
- Bruerne, Richard - Disney, William - Jarrett, Thomas - Mill, William Hodge - Fane, Mildmay - Fane, Priscilla Anne - Hales, Stephen - Hall, John (1633-1710) - Yorke, Philip (1690-1764) - Yorke, Philip (1720-1790)
- Yorke, Philip (1743-1804) - Yorke, Philip (1757-1834) - Yorke, Philip James - Youatt, William - Youll, Henry - Young, Andrew - Young, Aretas William - Young, Arthur (1693-1759) - Young, Arthur (1741-1820) - Young, Bartholomew
- Young, Charles George - Young, Charles Mayne - Young, Edward - Young, George (1732-1810) - Young, George (1777-1848) - Young, Henry Edward Fox - Young, James (d.1789) - Robinson, Bryan (1680-1754) - Robinson, Bryan (1808-1887) - Robinson, Christopher
- Robinson, Clement - Robinson, Daniel George - Robinson, Frederick John - Robinson, Frederick Philipse - Robinson, George - Robinson, Hastings - Robinson, Henry (1553?-1616) - Robinson, Henry (1605?-1664?) - Robinson, Hercules - Robinson, Hugh
- Robinson, John (d.1598) - Robinson, John (1576?-1625) - Robinson, John (1617-1681) - Robinson, John (1650-1723) - Robinson, John (1715-1745) - Robinson, John (1682-1762) - Robinson, John (1727-1802) - Robinson, John (1774-1840) - Robinson, John Beverley - Robinson, John Henry
- Robinson, Martha Walker - Robinson, Mary (1758-1800) - Robinson, Matthew - Robinson, Nicholas (1697?-1775) - Robinson, Peter Frederick - Robinson, Richard (fl.1576-1600) - Robinson, Richard (1709-1794) - Robinson, Robert (1735-1790) - Robinson, Robert (1727?-1791) - Robinson, Robert Spencer
- Robinson, Samuel - Robinson, Tancred - Robinson, Thomas (fl.1588-1603) - Robinson, Thomas (d.1719) - Robinson, Thomas (d.1747) - Robinson, Thomas (1695-1770) - Robinson, Thomas (1700?-1777) - Robinson, Thomas (1738-1786) - Robinson, Thomas (1749-1813) - Robinson, Thomas (1790-1873)
- Robinson, Thomas Romney - Robinson, William (1720?-1775) - Robinson, William (1726?-1803) - Robinson, William (1799-1839) - Robinson, William (1777-1848) - Robinson-Morris, Matthew - Robison, John - Robothom, John - Robson, Charles - Robson, George Fennel
- Robson, James - Robson, Stephen - Robson, Thomas Frederick - Robson, William - Roby, John - Roby, William - Rochard, Simon Jacques - Roche, Boyle - Roche, David - Roche, Eugenius
- Roche, James - Roche, Michael de la - Roche, Philip - Roche, Regina Maria - Roche, Robert - Rochead, John Thomas - Rochester, Robert - Rochester, Solomon de - Rochford, John de - Rochfort, Robert
- Rochfort, Simon - Rock, Daniel - Rockray, Edmund - Rockstro, William Smith - Rodd, Edward Hearle - Rodd, Thomas - Roddam, Robert - Roden, William Thomas - Roderick, Richard - Rodes, Francis
- Rodger, Alexander - Rodington, John - Rodney, George Brydges - Rodwell, George Herbert Buonaparte - Roe, George Hamilton - Roe, John Septimus - Roe, Richard - Roe, Thomas - Roebuck, John (1718-1794) - Roebuck, John Arthur
- Rogers, Daniel (1538?-1591) - Rogers, Edward - Rogers, Francis James Newman - Rogers, Frederic - Rogers, George - Rogers, Henry (1585?-1658) - Rogers, Henry (1806-1877) - Rogers, Isaac - Rogers, John (1500?-1555) - Rogers, John (1610-1680)
- Rogers, John (1679-1729) - Rogers, John (1740?-1814) - Rogers, John (1778-1856) - Rogers, Josias - Rogers, Nehemiah - Rogers, Philip Hutchings - Rogers, Richard (1532?-1597) - Rogers, Robert - Rogers, Samuel - Rogers, Thomas (d.1616)
- Rogers, Thomas (1660-1694) - Rogers, Thomas (1760-1832) - Rogers, Timothy (1589-1650?) - Rogers, William (fl.1580-1610) - Rogers, William (1819-1896) - Rogers, William Gibbs - Rogers, Woodes - Rogerson, John Bolton - Roget, Peter Mark - Rokeby, John
- Rokeby, Ralph - Rokeby, Thomas de - Rokeby, Thomas (1631?-1699) - Rokeby, William - Rokesley, Gregory de - Rokewode, John Gage - Rolfe, John - Rolfe, Robert Monsey - Rolland, John - Rolle, Henry
- Rolle, John (1598-1648) - Rolle, John (1750-1842) - Rolle, Richard, de Hampole - Rolle, Samuel - Rolleston, George - Rollo, Andrew - Rollo, John - Rollo, William - Rollock, Hercules - Rollock, Peter
- Romer, Emma - Romer, Isabella Frances - Romer, Wolfgang William - Romilly, Hugh Hastings - Romilly, John - Romilly, Joseph - Romilly, Samuel - Romney, George - Romney, John - Romney, Peter
- - Romney, William - Ronalds, Edmund - Ronalds, Francis - Ronayne, Joseph Philip - Rooke, George - Rooke, Giles - Rooke, John - Rooke, Lawrence - Rooke, William Michael - Rooker, Edward
- Rooker, Michael - Room, Henry - Roome, Edward - Roper, Abel - Roper, Roper Stote Donnison - Roper, Samuel - Roper, William - Ros, John de - Ros, Robert de (d.1227) - Ros, Robert de (d.1274)
- Rosenberg, George Frederic - Rosewell, Samuel - Rosewell, Thomas - Ros, William de - Rosa, Carl August Nicholas - Roscarrock, Nicholas - Roscoe, Henry - Roscoe, Thomas - Roscoe, William (1753-1831) - Roscoe, William Caldwell
- Rose, George Henry - Rose, Henry John - Rose, Hugh Henry - Rose, Hugh James - Rose, John (?) Augustus - Rose, John (1820-1888) - Rose, Samuel - Rose, William Stewart - Roseingrave, Daniel - Rosen, Friedrich August
- Rosier, James - Newman, John Henry - Ross, Alexander (1647?-1720) - Ross, Alexander (1699-1784) - Ross, Alexander (1742-1827) - Ross, Alexander (1783-1856) - Ross, Andrew - Ross, Arthur - Ross, David - Ross, George
- Ross, Hew Dalrymple - Ross, Horatio - Ross, James (1837-1892) - Ross, James Clark - Ross, John (1763-1837) - Ross, John (1777-1856) - Ross, John Lockhart - Ross, John Merry - Ross, John Wilson - Ross, Patrick
- Ross, Robert (1766-1814) - Ross, Robert Dalrymple - Ross, Thomas (1575?-1618) - Ross, Thomas (d.1675) - Ross, William (1656?-1738) - Ross, William (1762-1790) - Ross, William Charles - Rosseter, Philip - Rossetti, Christina Georgina - Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
- Rossetti, Lucy Madox - Rossi, John Charles Felix - Rost, Reinhold - Rosworme, John - Rotelande, Hue de - Rothe, David - Golightly, Charles Pourtales - Rothe, Michael - Rothe, Robert - Rotheram, Edward
- Rotheram, John (1725-1789) - Rotheram, John (1750?-1804) - Rotherham, John - Rotherham, Thomas - Rothery, Henry Cadogan - Rothschild, Lionel Nathan de - Rothschild, Nathan Meyer - Rothwell, Edward - Rothwell, Richard - Roubiliac, Louis François
- Roucliffe, Brian - Rough, John - Rough, William - Roumare, William de - Roupell, George Leith - Rous, Henry John - Rous, John (1411?-1491) - Rous, John (1584-1644) - Rous, John (fl.1656-1695) - Rousby, Clara Marion Jessie
- Rousseau, Jacques - Rousseau, Samuel - Routh, Bernard - Routh, Martha - Routh, Martin Joseph - Routh, Randolph Isham - Routledge, George - Row, John (1525?-1580) - Row, John (1569-1646) - Row, John (1598?-1672?)
- Row, Thomas - Row, William - Rowan, Archibald Hamilton - Rowan, Arthur Blennerhassett - Rowan, Charles - Rowan, Frederica Maclean - Rowan, William - Rowbotham, Thomas Charles Leeson - Rowe, Elizabeth - Rowe, George Robert
- Rowe, Harry - Rowe, John (1626-1677) - Rowe, John (1764-1832) - Rowe, Nicholas - Rowe, Owen - Rowe, Richard - Rowe, Samuel (1793-1853) - Rowe, Samuel (1835-1888) - Rowell, George Augustus - Rowland, Daniel
- Rowland, David - Rowland, John - Rowlands, Daniel - Rowlands, Henry (1655-1723) - Rowlands, Richard - Rowlands, Samuel - Rowlands, William - Rowlandson, Mary - Rowlandson, Thomas - Rowley, Charles
- Rowley, John - Rowley, Joshua - Rowley, Josias - Rowley, Samuel - Rowley, William (1585?-1642?) - Rowley, William (1690?-1768) - Rowley, William (1742-1806) - Rowning, John - Rowntree, Joseph - Rowson, Susanna
- Rudd, Anthony - Rudd, Sayer - Rudd, Thomas - Rudder, Samuel - Ruddiman, Thomas - Rudge, Edward - Rudge, Thomas - Rudhall, Abraham - Ruding, Rogers - Rudyerd, Benjamin
- Rue, Warren de la - Ruff, William - Ruffhead, Owen - Rufus, Geoffrey - Rugg, William - Rugge, Thomas - Ruggle, George - Ruggles, Thomas - Rule, Gilbert - Rule, William Harris
- Rundle, Thomas - Runnington, Charles - Rush, Anthony - Rushook, Thomas - Rushout, John - Rushton, Edward - Rushworth, John (1612?-1690) - Rushworth, John (1669-1736) - Rushworth, William - Russel, Alexander
- Russel, George - Russel, John - Russel, Theodore - Russel, William - Russell, Alexander - Russell, Arthur Tozer - Russell, Charles (1826-1883) - Russell, Charles William - Russell, David - Russell, Edward (1653-1727)
- Russell, Edward (1805-1887) - Russell, Francis (1527?-1585) - Russell, Francis (1765-1802) - Russell, George William - Russell, Henry - Russell, James (1754-1836) - Russell, James (1786-1851) - Russell, James (1790-1861) - Russell, John (fl.1450) - Russell, John (fl.1440-1470)
- Russell, John (d.1494) - Russell, John (1486?-1555) - Russell, John (1710-1771) - Russell, John (1745-1806) - Russell, John (1787-1863) - Russell, John (1842-1876) - Russell, John (1792-1878) - Russell, John (1795-1883) - Russell, John Fuller - Russell, John Scott
- Russell, Joseph - Russell, Lucy - Russell, Michael - Russell, Odo William Leopold - Russell, Patrick (1629-1692) - Russell, Patrick (1727-1805) - Russell, Richard - Russell, Samuel Thomas - Russell, Thomas (1762-1788) - Russell, Thomas (1767-1803)
- Russell, Thomas (1781?-1846) - Russell, Thomas Macnamara - Russell, William (1558?-1613) - Russell, William (d.1654) - Russell, William (1613-1700) - Russell, William (1741-1793) - Russell, William (1777-1813) - Russell, William (1740-1818) - Russell, William (1822-1892) - Russell, William Armstrong
- Usher, Richard - Usk, Thomas - Ussher, Ambrose - Ussher, Henry (d.1790) - Ussher, James - Copeland, William John - Ussher, Thomas - Utenhove, John - Utterson, Edward Vernon - Uvedale, John
- Valpy, Abraham John - Valpy, Edward - Valpy, Richard - Vanbrugh, John - Vance, Alfred Glenville - Vancouver, Charles - Vancouver, George - Vandeleur, John Ormsby - Vandenhoff, John M. - Vandeput, George
- Vanderbank, John - Vanderbank, Peter - Van der Doort, Abraham - Van der Eyden, Jeremiah - Van der Gucht, Michael - Vanderlint, Jacob - Van der Myn, Herman - Perceval, Arthur Philip - Van der Vaart, Jan - Van de Velde, Willem (1610-1693)
- Van de Velde, Willem (1633-1707) - Van Diest, Adriaen - Van Dyck, Anthony - Vandyke, Peter - Vane, Frances Anne - Vane, Henry (1589-1655) - Vane, Henry (1613-1662) - Vane, Thomas - Vane, William Harry - Van Haecken, Joseph
- Van Huysum, Jacob - Vankoughnet, Philip Michael Scott - Van Laun, Henri - Van Leemput, Remigius - Van Lemens, Balthasar - Van Mildert, William- Betham, Mary Matilda - Vannes, Peter - Van Nost, John - Van Rymsdyk, Jan
- Vans, Patrick - Vansittart, George Henry - Vansittart, Henry (1732-1770) - Vansittart, Henry (1777-1843) - Vansittart, Nicholas - Vansittart, Robert - Van Somer, Paul - Van Son, Jan Frans - Van Straubenzee, Charles - Van Voerst, Robert
- Varlo, Charles - Vashon, James - Vassall, John - Vassall, Samuel - Vaughan, Benjamin - Vaughan, Charles John - Vaughan, Charles Richard - Vaughan, Griffith - Vaughan, Henry (1587?-1659?) - Vaughan, Henry (1622-1695)
- Vaughan, Henry Halford - Vaughan, John (1603-1674) - Vaughan, John (1748?-1795) - Vaughan, John (1769-1839) - Vaughan, Rice - Vaughan, Richard (1550?-1607) - Vaughan, Richard (1600?-1686) - Vaughan, Robert (1592-1667) - Vaughan, Robert (1795-1868) - Vaughan, Robert Alfred
- Vaughan, Roger William Bede - Vaughan, Rowland - Vaughan, Thomas (d.1483) - Vaughan, Thomas (1622-1666) - Vaughan, Thomas (fl.1772-1820) - Vaughan, Thomas (1782-1843) - Vaughan, William (1716?-1780?) - Vaughan, William (1752-1850) - Vaus, John - Vautor, Thomas
- Vautrollier, Thomas - Vaux, Laurence - Vaux, Nicholas - Vaux, Thomas - Vaux, William Sandys Wright - Vavasour, John - Vedder, David - Veel, Robert - Veitch, James - Veitch, John
- Veitch, William (1640-1722) - Veitch, William (1794-1885) - Veley, Margaret - Velley, Thomas - Venables, Edmund - Venables, Edward Frederick - Venables, George Stovin - Venables, Robert - Vendramini, Giovanni - Venn, Henry (1725-1797)
- Venn, Henry (1796-1873) - Venn, John - Venn, Richard - Vennar, Richard - Venner, Thomas - Venner, Tobias - Venning, John - Venning, Walter - Vennor, Henry George - Ventris, Peyton
- Verbruggen, Susanna - Verdon, Bertram de - Verdon, Theobald de - Vere, Family of - Vere, Aubrey de (d.1141) - Vere, Aubrey de (1340?-1400) - Vere, Aubrey de (1626-1703) - Vere, Charles Broke - Vere, Edward de - Vere, Francis
- Vere, John de (1313-1360) - Vere, John de (1443-1513) - Vere, John de (1512?-1562) - Vere, Robert de (1170?-1221) - Vere, Robert de (1362-1392)- Barker, Joseph - Harris, George (1794-1859) - Jewitt, Llewellynn Frederick William - Vereker, Charles - Verelst, Harry
- Verelst, Simon - Vergil, Polydore - Vermigli, Pietro Martire - Vermuyden, Cornelius - Verneuil, John - Verney, Edmund (1590-1642) - Verney, Edmund (1616-1649) - Verney, Francis - Verney, Harry - Verney, Ralph (1613-1696)
- Verney, Ralph (1712?-1791) - Verney, Richard - Vernon, Edward (1684-1757) - Vernon, Edward (1723-1794) - Vernon, Francis - Vernon, George (1578?-1639) - Vernon, George (1637-1720) - Vernon, George John Warren - Vernon, James - Vernon, Joseph
- Vernon, Richard (d.1451) - Vernon, Richard (1726-1800) - Vernon, Robert - Vernon, Thomas (1654-1721) - Vernon, Thomas (1824?-1872) - Véron, John - Verrio, Antonio - Vertue, George - Vescy, John de - Vescy, William de
- Vesey, Elizabeth - Vesey, John - Vetch, James - Vetch, Samuel - Veysey, John - Vicars, Hedley Shafto Johnstone - Vicars, John - Vicars, Thomas - Vicary, Thomas - Viccars, John
- Vickers, Alfred Gomersal - Vickris, Richard - Victor, Benjamin - Vidal, Robert Studley - Vidler, William - Vieuxpont, Robert de - Vigani, John Francis - Viger, Denis Benjamin - Viger, Jacques - Vígfússon, Gúdbrandr
- Villiers, François Huet - Villiers, George (1592-1628) - Villiers, George (1628-1687) - Villiers, George Bussy - Villiers, George Child- - Villiers, George William Frederick - Villiers, Henry Montagu - Villiers, John (1591?-1657) - Villiers, John (1677?-1723) - Villiers, John Charles
- Villiers, Thomas (1709-1786) - Villiers, Thomas Hyde - Vilvain, Robert - Vince, Samuel - Vincent, Augustine - Vincent, George - Vincent, Henry - Vincent, John Painter - Vincent, Philip - Vincent, Richard Budd
- Vincent, William - Viner, Charles - Viner, Robert - Viner, Thomas - Viner, William Litton - Vines, Richard (1585-1651) - Vines, Richard (1600?-1656) - Vining, George J. - Vinsauf, Geoffrey de - Violet, Pierre
- Violet, Thomas - Virtue, James Sprent - Vitell, Christopher - Vitelli, Cornelio - Vivares, François - Vives, Johannes Ludovicus - Vivian, Henry Hussey - Vivian, Hussey Crespigny - Vivian, Richard Hussey - Vivian, Robert John Hussey
- Wade, George - Wade, John - Wade, Joseph Augustine - Wade, Nathaniel - Wade, Thomas (1805-1875) - Wade, Thomas Francis - Wade, Walter - Wadeson, Anthony - Wadeson, Richard - Wadham, Nicholas
- Wait, Daniel Guilford - Waite, Thomas - Waithman, Robert - Wake, Thomas - Wake, William - Wakefeld, Robert - Wakefeld, Thomas - Wakefield, Daniel - Wakefield, Edward (1774-1854) - Wakefield, Edward Gibbon
- Waldegrave, Frances Elizabeth Anne - Waldegrave, George Granville - Waldegrave, James (1685-1741) - Waldegrave, James (1715-1768) - Waldegrave, Richard - Waldegrave, Robert - Waldegrave, Samuel - Waldegrave, William (fl.1689) - Waldegrave, William (1753-1825) - Walden, Roger
- Waley, Jacob - Waley, Simon Waley - Waleys, Henry le - Walford, Cornelius - Walford, Edward - Wakefield, Gilbert - Wakefield, Peter of - Wakefield, Priscilla - Wakefield, William Hayward - Layton, Henry
- Walker, Frederick - Walker, George (1618-1690) - Walker, George (d.1777) - Walker, George (1772-1847) - Walker, George (1803-1879) - Walker, George Alfred - Walker, George Townshend - Walker, George Washington - Walker, Hovenden - Walker, James (1748-1808?)